Prioritizing Work-Life Balance Systematically
Prioritizing Work-Life Balance Systematically
Working for yourself can be very grueling and more brutal than working in the corporate world. Your enthusiasm and drive as a business owner will surpass anything you felt working for someone else.
It's easy to put your needs on the back burner. You will be wrapped up in ensuring that your business is a success. But you have to make sure that you take care of your needs and the needs of your family so that all of your hard work is paying off.
When you are developing a routine as an online entrepreneur, you don't want to just focus on work related tasks. Yes, you do need to make sure that money tasks are at the forefront of your day.
But you also want to highlight things like self-care, relationship building with loved ones, healthy activities, and personal enjoyment. These can be scattered throughout your day or scheduled at the beginning or end of your day, whatever you prefer.
Some of this will depend on who else is in your life. For example, if you are single and live alone, then you may be able to spend more time working during the day and spread your tasks out with plenty of relaxation in between.
However, if you have a spouse or significant other, you may want to complete all of your work tasks before they return home from their job at the end of the day so that you can spend ample time together.
The same would hold true for online entrepreneurs who are also parents. You may need a routine and schedule that works around your parenting duties. In fact, if you are raising a young child, you may need to have certain systems that you activate at times when your children are either quiet or noisy...