Dont Ruin Your Business with Unethical Behavior

When you're learning the business of online marketing, you're going to find a lot of products and endless instructions about what you should be doing to build a lucrative business online.
But very rarely do you see anything about what you should not do.
There's a good reason for this. Many of the very people who are teaching Internet marketing are the ones engaging in bad behavior, so why would they want to shine a light on it?
Only the people who abide by a certain standard of morals and ethics are going to steer you in the right direction about avoiding any complications that could paint you in a bad light and make you look like an unethical or immoral entrepreneur.
Below, you are going to read about seven of the most common behavioral patterns that many marketers utilize in order to make a quick buck off the backs of their customers. This is something you need to know both as a consumer and as a marketer yourself, to ensure that you don't become a victim or a perpetrator.
Stealing Other People's Products and Selling It as Your Own
Imagine you start a business and you work hard brainstorming what you can do to set yourself apart. You learn your craft. You study the needs of the marketplace. You work hard.
You finally launch a product and you’re so proud. Give yourself a little pat on the back for a job well done. Weeks or months later, someone emails you and says, “I think someone else is selling your product as their own.”
How angry would you be? Now you may have been informed that “Everyone does it.” And many people do engage in this type of dirty and unethical behavior. But you want to maintain a good reputation for original work and top quality.
Why would you throw away customer and affiliate relationships by stealing from another person who did all of the work? If you go that route, then you’re no different from an armed thief who walks into a jewelry store and robs them.
You just did it in a virtual space. Stole from the original product creator. The person who spent hours creating the product – who has kids or a family to support. This happens to many product creators.
It’s prevalent with people who steal from others who write private label rights content, who develop software and plugins, who create info product courses and more. Not only will people think you’re a scammer and a thief for selling someone else’s product as your own, but you can get into more trouble, too.
They can send a DMCA to your domain and hosting accounts to have your site taken down for violating their copyright and ownership of the product. The platform you sell on might ban you – so do you really want to go that route? .....