Persistence Archives - Must Have Solutions


Category Archives for "Persistence"

How to Turn Defeat into Victory in Three Steps

How to Turn Defeat into Victory in Three Steps

While it may sound counter-intuitive, defeats are not failures. Defeat is really your own personal victory. It just takes a little grit, determination, and proactivity to find it. It may feel awful now, but if you take the time to pay attention, the world is providing you a gift.

Defeat is an opportunity to learn something and become an expert that no other person will get to experience like you. Sure, others fail too, but one experience will never be the same as the next. No matter how similar. It will always be different depending on who is experiencing it. A valuable gift to learn from and use as you continue to grow and live.

Step 1: Analyze Where You Went Wrong

First, the most important thing is to find the areas that went wrong. If you see where you went wrong, you can then use it to practice and get better.

Step 2: Optimize Your Strategy and Skills

Defeat provides you with vital information. Defeat is showing you that the strategies you are using are not right for you. Now you know exactly where to start to improve. Educate yourself on new approaches, experiment with each one, and then practice.

Step 3: Come Back Stronger

Don't let defeat keep you down. Use it as a practice round to come back stronger and turn it into an even better victory. You already got all the information you need that others will not receive without the failure you experienced. Remember, a defeat Is only damaging if you let it be and don't use the information it's giving you.

Instead, use it as motivation to be and do better every time. You already know what it's like to fail too. You know it is not as bad as it once seemed. Now you can use that energy to shine and thrive like you never have before. Often, letting yourself fail or experience failure is the best way to eliminate the fear that is holding you back from being your best self.

As you can see, defeats don't have to be as life-shattering as they may seem or feel. Get back on your feet, find what you are missing and what lessons you need to learn from it. Then come back stronger and more powerful the next time. A defeat is only a defeat if you let it keep you down.

6 Common Habits of Highly Persistent People

6 Common Habits of Highly Persistent People

By far, one of the most important traits to possess, when it comes to success, is persistence. It is the ability to keep moving forward no matter the obstacles to achieving your desires. Use the following everyday habits that highly persistent people share.

Have A Burning Desire to Succeed

Highly persistent people know what they want, and they will do anything that fits their principles, morals, and values to get there. Their desire for success motivates them and they are determined to continue making progress and achieving their goals. This persistence is often the strong, driving force behind their successes.

Don’t Make Excuses

Persistent people find a way around any obstacle and refrain from making excuses because they know they meet their goals if they stick to them. They fully believe excuses prevent you from doing the things you want and need to be successful.

Maintain Daily Routines to Maximize Success

To have a burning desire to succeed means you live life in the most efficient way possible to save time, resources, and, most importantly - yourself. Success isn’t just about the monetary reward; it is about your happiness too. To maximize their day, they set specific routines and make sure they stick to them. If their body requires eight hours of sleep each night to perform their best, you can bet that they will almost always get to bed on time.

Continually Develop and Practice Skillsets

Persistent people always make time to practice and perfect their skills. It is essential to their success. They have fun doing it because they know how important it is to them. They often see this as a challenge and enjoy pushing their personal limits.

Have Clear Goals and Visions of The Future

Persistent people don’t waste time wondering what they want out of life. They already know it. They made the plan, and they will stick to it and fight for what they want.

Exhibit High Level of Confidence and Self-Aware

Persistent people believe in their ability to perform and know they have what it takes to be successful. They don’t compare their abilities, capabilities, looks, or projects to others because they know no one can be like them. They are a force to be wrecked with, and if you get in their way, they will show you just how powerful their persistence can be.

Overall persistent people have found that burning desire to be the best version of themselves and conquer every one of theirs dreams and desires. They do what it takes each day, no matter how uncomfortable, boring, tedious, and unrewarding, as each day brings something new and different.

5 Ways to Overcome Business Failure

5 Ways to Overcome Business Failure

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm”. - Winston Churchill

Failure and all the repercussions that come with it such as financial loss, embarrassment, etc. can be an extremely bitter pill to swallow. Yet, failure is crucial to your success, because it’s not the opposite of success but an integral part of it.

Success and failure are 2 sides of the same coin.

How you cope with failure is the only thing that matters. In fact, the difference between those who win and those who don’t comes down to their ability to cope with failure and keep going.
It’s easy to get discouraged and quit. It takes everything to pick yourself up and keep going. That’s what moulds winners. They’re forged in the flames of failure and come out stronger and more experienced.

1.Be prepared

With any business venture, there will be risk involved. It’s crucial that you not risk your entire business by betting the farm. Always manage your risk.
Managing cash flow intelligently is crucial when you’re running a business. You don’t want a situation where you lose your business and your house at the same time. You must have contingency plans in place.You need to adopt a mindset where you expect the best, but you’re ready for the worst. All this preparation takes place before you risk anything. In the event you encounter failure, you’ll be better equipped to deal with it.


No matter how bleak the situation may be, it’s important to assess your losses (if there are any). Ask yourself what you can do to salvage the situation. Throwing in the towel is NOT an option.
It’s helpful to keep a journal and record down what went wrong, how it could have been avoided and so on. While hindsight is 20/20, we mustn’t forget that we are now armed with this hindsight for the next attempt.
So, your future endeavors will be wiser and you’ll know what to avoid. This insight you’ll gain from self-reflection is priceless.

3.Don’t let inertia set in

While failure can send you reeling, you should never let it get you down for more than 2-3 days. If you keep replaying scenarios in your head about what you should have done or could have done and you take your failure personally, you’ll become depressed.
From there, it’s a dangerous and slippery slope down to quitting and despair.
Never take failure personally and ignore anyone who gloats or tries to tell you that they told you so.

Rest assured, there will be a few people who crawl out of the woodwork to console you while trying to hint that you should have been wiser. The truth is that it’s easy for a pencil to remain sharp and look good if it doesn’t do any writing.

You, however, are a winner and even after you’re blunt from the toll of work and failure, you’ll need to sharpen yourself and get back to winning.
The longer you stay in the doldrums, the harder it will be to come out of it. It’s immensely difficult to get started once inertia sets in.

Forget the self-help books and motivational talks. Get moving. Work on the next step in your business. Action will dispel fear and create change in your life.
That’s the best way to recover from failure.

4.Don’t let it all slide

Very often, when people are in sadness or grief, they stop exercising and doing the things they love. They let their feelings dictate their actions. This is a cardinal error.
Taking a break from what you do because you don’t feel like it will NOT make you feel better. It’ll make you feel worse because now your life has come to a standstill.

If you’ve failed in your business, don’t stop going to the gym or bringing your family out or doing any of the other things you do. Keep doing them.
You may not be in the mood, but do them ANYWAY. Go through the motions. As the days go by, you’ll feel better and the fire within you will return.

5.Try again

Once you disassociate yourself from failure, you’ll realize that it’s an event and not a person. With different variables, the outcome for the same event will be different. You just need to find out which variables need to be in place for success to be the outcome.

If you’ve kept moving, inertia would not have set in and you’ll still be ready to try again… and that’s what you must do.
Change your course of action, but don’t change the destination.

Ultimately, overcoming failure is all about managing your feelings and keeping them in check… while you grit your teeth and plod along on your way to success.
Like the Japanese proverb goes, “Fall down 7 times, get up 8.”

Keep going.

Common Habits of Highly Persistent People


6 Common Habits of Highly Persistent People

By far, one of the most important traits to possess, when it comes to success, is persistence. It is the ability to keep moving forward no matter the obstacles to achieving your desires. Use the following everyday habits that highly persistent people share.

Have A Burning Desire to Succeed

Highly persistent people know what they want, and they will do anything that fits their principles, morals, and values to get there. Their desire for success motivates them and they are determined to continue making progress and achieving their goals. This persistence is often the strong, driving force behind their successes.

Don’t Make Excuses

Persistent people find a way around any obstacle and refrain from making excuses because they know they meet their goals if they stick to them. They fully believe excuses prevent you from doing the things you want and need to be successful.

Maintain Daily Routines to Maximize Success

To have a burning desire to succeed means you live life in the most efficient way possible to save time, resources, and, most importantly - yourself. Success isn’t just about the monetary reward; it is about your happiness too. To maximize their day, they set specific routines and make sure they stick to them. If their body requires eight hours of sleep each night to perform their best, you can bet that they will almost always get to bed on time.

Continually Develop and Practice Skillsets

Persistent people always make time to practice and perfect their skills. It is essential to their success. They have fun doing it because they know how important it is to them. They often see this as a challenge and enjoy pushing their personal limits.

Have Clear Goals and Visions of The Future

Persistent people don’t waste time wondering what they want out of life. They already know it. They made the plan, and they will stick to it and fight for what they want.

Exhibit High Level of Confidence and Self-Aware

Persistent people believe in their ability to perform and know they have what it takes to be successful. They don’t compare their abilities, capabilities, looks, or projects to others because they know no one can be like them. They are a force to be wrecked with, and if you get in their way, they will show you just how powerful their persistence can be.

Overall persistent people have found that burning desire to be the best version of themselves and conquer every one of theirs dreams and desires. They do what it takes each day, no matter how uncomfortable, boring, tedious, and unrewarding, as each day brings something new and different.

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