Limiting Beliefs That Sabotage Your Success -8

I Don't Want to Rely on Others for Help
While there are some people who rely heavily on everyone else to guide them to success, there are also those who feel as if they can't accept help from anyone. More prevalent in this industry are the people who feel entitled to personal assistance from every guru who has ever sold a product.
The ones who have the opposite mindset, often insisting they should be able to do everything on their own, are quieter about their beliefs. This is sometimes to their own detriment.
The fact is, Internet marketing or any online entrepreneurial career is one that often requires you to lean on others for support, information, and strategic advice. If you insist on isolating yourself, you will miss out on many opportunities and cause yourself harm in terms of delaying your success.
Networking online is one of the most important aspects of being a niche leader. Not only does it help increase your earnings when you associate with other marketers who have a list of subscribers, but it also helps you progress in a better mental state.
There's a difference between relying on someone else to carry the entire burden of your business and relying on others to nudge you along the way. Even the top owners have had to seek the assistance of someone else to get the answers they need to move forward.
So how can you embrace the idea of relying on others without allowing it to become a crutch that you look at with shame and humiliation? First, it's important that you learn to absorb information on your own.
That doesn't mean just going through a course, but knowing how to shop smart and conduct research on your own to find the answers that you need. Only after you have exhausted your solo efforts should you then seek out help from another marketer who is busy running their own business.
You don't want to be a nuisance to anyone else because you are constantly flooding their inbox with simple questions that can easily be answered by using Google or YouTube.
Don't forget, you can also use things like forums and social media to put questions out there that you need answers to. This allows people to step up and help as they see fit and as they have time, without feeling like you are burdening them in any way.