Chapter 4: Finding the Inspiration (The Key to Incredible Productivity)

But THE most important key ingredient for doing lots of great work, is to be passionate and inspired by your work.
Inspiration is different from motivation. Motivation is being able to push yourself to work even when you don’t want to. But inspiration means having ideas for how you want your project to turn out. It means visualizing it when it’s complete, and it means wanting to get back to work to put those ideas and plans into action.
When you are inspired by work, it becomes intrinsically motivating. That means that you want to do it for its own sake.
One way to accomplish this, is to think about the type of work you’re doing. If you find that you are consistently being given tasks that you find dull or boring, or that you really can’t be excited about, then perhaps it is time to assess whether you’re in the right line of work.
Should you consider changing jobs?
Because when you find work you really love, you’ll find you become instantly more productive and better at working.
Now of course, changing jobs won’t be an option for everyone. You might not have this luxury. Moreover, even if you love your job, there will be still be tasks and jobs that you don’t love. No one loves every single part of their job!
So another thing to do, is to try and look at whatever it is you’re doing, and then make it more interesting
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