Can Stress Be Good? - Must Have Solutions

Can Stress Be Good?

Can Stress Be Good?

Will it surprise you to know that stress can sometimes be good? Of course, a teeny amount of stress and not staggering pressure. Sure, it is difficult to feel positive and see the silver lining when you are sinking under pressure. But, being slightly strained rewards you with a world of favors.

Does that mean you stop doing anything about your mental blocks and issues that leave you frazzled? No!
Feeling overly stressful is dangerous. You are prone to slip into depression. Symptoms of chronic anxiety show up. You put on weight, start binging on unhealthy snack options, sense your heart throbbing, feel backed down and undetermined to do any work, and a lot more. The ghastly impacts of stress are monumental.

There’s no way you can survive without stress. Think about it - don’t you feel restless when you toil hard all day every day? Isn’t it hard to succumb to the challenges of relationships? Stress is inevitable in life. You can never kiss goodbye to feeling low and dejected. But, the right amount of stress can push you and transform you into a healthier and better person. Wondering how?

The disparity between good stress and formidable pressure

Start by understanding the pressure and strain that brings the best in you. Don’t give in to emotional abuse or restlessness. Did you know that human bodies are exquisitely wired and set up to respond to stressful feels? When a little pressure steeps in, the natural defense mechanism in your body activates. It does good for your body and amps up your mental well-being.

On the contrary, when you are struck down with overwhelming stress, it is more of a disorder that needs immediate treatment. The normal stressors in your system stop responding. Your mind and body are plagued with disappointment, sadness, and depression. This is the bad stress that soon amplifies into a chronic mental condition. It is essential to figure out ways to put your mind at ease.

Surprising perks of good stress

Now that you know that a scanty amount of stressful experience can do you good, are you still a little muddled? Let’s put an end to your confusion. Here’s how stress can be befitting for you.

1. Spiked cognitive abilities

Slight brief moments of stress encourage the stem cells in the brain to pave the way for newly regenerated cells. Of course, the organ functions a lot better and it stretches your cognitive abilities. You can think clearly and experience enhanced performance at work.

Don’t you believe in the fact? Well, why don’t you indulge in some self-evaluation? You shall see that your performance is exceptional and quicker when you are slightly under stress.

2. Stress preps you to be a hard nut to crack

Being stressed out consumes your mind, makes you worked up, and emotionally fragile. However, feeling downhearted for some amount of time shows you the ropes of how important is happiness or peace of mind. You step up and become a stronger and more resilient person. You develop an improved sense of control in your emotions. That’s not it! You transform into a tough cookie.

3. Stress ups your immunity

Not many are aware but a little stress can reward you with amped-up immunity. Here’s how it works. When you are under moderate pressure, the stress hormones in your system boost the secretion of interleukins. It is a natural body chemical that works wonders in stepping up the immune system. Who knew that good stress can be a natural remedy to dodge a bad cold?


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