5 Ways You Sabotage Your Success

5 Ways You Sabotage Your Success
When you’re trying to build a successful business, you always want to put forth your best effort. But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can inadvertently sabotage your success. There are five ways most people do this.
#1 - You Listen to Others
While there’s nothing wrong with listening to others, especially when it’s helpful, you do have to be wary of listening to the wrong influences. Because when you do that, you can end up making mistakes that can sabotage what you’re working so hard to build.
The words of other people can help propel you forward or it can hurt your belief in yourself and in the business you’re pursuing. One way that you sabotage yourself is by listening to people who aren’t in your industry.
That’s like comparing apples and oranges. Though both are a fruit, they’re not the same. So when you seek advice from or listen to counsel from someone not in your industry, they’re not speaking from a place of having inside knowledge.
When you follow their advice, you can end up hurting your business. You should also be careful about listening to others when it’s people who haven’t had the success that you want.
When you want your business to do well, you should seek advice from those who have a thriving business in your niche - not from the guy who never seems to achieve any of his business or financial goals.
It’s always best to listen to others who are where you want to be. They’ve walked the path, they’ve figured out what works and they’re making success happen. Don’t listen to people who aren’t supportive of you or your dreams.
These people may even be well meaning and think they know what’s best for you, but all it does is discourage you when you’re looking for advice or support and you come away feeling like you’ve been verbally slapped instead.....