Leveraging Forums and Blogs for Free Traffic | Must Have Solutions

Leveraging Forums and Blogs for Free Traffic

Leveraging Forums and Blogs for Free Traffic

Your desire for free traffic comes at a cost where you have to put in the time and effort to make it happen. Very few people will send you traffic without anything in exchange, such as money.

However, if you share good information with an audience, you can see a spike in the number of visitors to your site. Forums are where people group as a community to discuss issues that are important to them and find help from others who are like-minded.

You can participate among these men and women and contribute to the conversation in order to generate traffic to your site. You may want to find forums that allow a signature file.

This is a block of text or image that is hyperlinked back to your site. Every time you make a helpful comment or post, this signature file is shown to the audience directly below your comment.

That way, if someone finds your contribution beneficial, they can follow the link to your site to learn more about you. You can also start your own forum to attract consumers in your niche.

This is time-consuming and requires moderation, but it does allow you to capture the name and email addresses and present your links to a wide audience. You can even assign members to moderate the forum for you if they want to.

Blogs are your own digital real estate. They assist you in branding your business, positioning you as a leader in your niche, and presenting offers to your visitors. The best thing about a blog is that because it’s your site, it’s your rules.

That means there are no restrictions on what you can say or present to your audience. Of course, you never want to spam your visitors with low quality content or hype. You want your blog to become known as the go to place to get information in your niche.

When you launch a blog, it will pull traffic into your site from search engines. It will also be linked to from outside sources such as competitors and consumers. But first, you have to create valuable content. If the content is thin, not only will consumers ignore it, but search engines will as well.

Always practice good search engine optimization, including research and utilization of strategic keywords that will help your blog get found in searches. When you pull traffic into your blog, make sure you are building a list of those visitors. Have an attractive opt in offer that will allow you to communicate with them time after time.


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