Daily AI-Powered Workflow Planning

Regardless of what kind of business you are operating online, you typically have an understanding of what your routine tasks are. You also have an idea of what eats up more of your time versus what you can complete quickly and easily on your own.
You want to have a system in place where you can sit down with AI every morning and initiate a workflow for the two of you to handle together where you are utilizing ChatGPT to assist you with your tasks each day.
You want to make a preliminary list of tasks that are done daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly. That way, you can have a timeline of what to work with AI on. Without a schedule, you will be floundering and randomly leveraging AI without any system in place.
Another way you can set up a workflow system to use AI is to categorize the tasks according to the type of task it will be handling. For example, you might have a category called analysis where you work with AI during this time frame to analyze data from your autoresponder system, your social media accounts, and your website.
You also might have a category called content creation where you actively work with AI to develop your blog posts, emails, and social media posts. Another category might be strategic project development, where you are brainstorming future or current projects with AI such as the development and launch of an info product and working out all of the fine details based on its ability to come through enormous databases and apply that information in your decision making process.
There are different ways you can work with AI to complete your to do list each day. You can sit down and get everything done with AI that is possible and then move on to your own solo tasks.
Or, you can work with AI in intervals throughout your day, such as having it create their content and then stopping so that you can publish and share it before returning back for the next task.
It also helps if you can set aside a prompt file for each of your categories so that you can quickly and easily copy and paste those prompts each day whenever you are having AI work on a repetitive task.
For example, if you our publishing a blog post daily, or sending out a daily email, you can have prompts that get AI to create a high performing title or subject line for you. These prompt templates can be tweaked over time as you find different ways to clarify what you want to your AI tool.
You also want to have examples set aside for your tasks so that each time you work with AI, you can immediately train it with a sample to work from – such as an example of a product review or email that you want it to copy in terms of tone and style.
For each task that you routinely do where you want to eliminate part of your workload, you’ll want to have a system in place to work with AI. We’re going to go over some of the more common ones, so you can fly through your morning and be free from work for the remainder of your day.
If you already know exactly what needs to be done that day, you can sit down with AI and prompt it with the following command: “Today, I'm going to have you help me create one blog post, an email autoresponder, social media content for my Facebook group. I'm also going to have you reply to a customer service email, brainstorm some upcoming project decisions with me and then analyze the results of a split test I conducted. Based on this list, give me a list of the tasks you will handle and what I will be responsible for and tell me the order in which we should complete this list.”
AI is going to inform you that you will be responsible for defining your target audience and basic topic for the content, and you will maintain creative control over the drafts. You will also be responsible for submitting the data that it needs to interpret to help you with analysis and decision making.
It will handle the generation of content, from brainstorming ideas through to the final draft. It will take care of all of the research and information gathering as well as optimizing it for search engines or readability.
For the order in which you should be working, it suggests the customer service issues first, followed by the creative brainstorming process. Then, you will work with it to create your blog and email content, then social media content.
You wrap up your day working with AI by engaging in project brainstorming and the data analysis. The reason AI suggests this system is that it helps with the flow of work when you begin with brainstorming content immediately after answering customer needs because it now sets the tone for what ChatGPT will be discussing in all of the content it creates for you.
Customer service is handled promptly because of the importance in addressing the needs of your customer. It puts project planning second to last because you’ll be able to hit the ground running with your project tasks immediately after working with AI so it’s fresh in your mind – and split test analysis last due to its lack of immediate attention.