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Don’t Confuse Self Doubt with Self Esteem

You may know for sure that you have the knowledge and experience to succeed, but there still may be nagging doubts that you can’t or won’t succeed online. These doubts can be confused with low self esteem, but they’re very different in how they factor in to results.

When you have high self esteem, you feel good about yourself. You may be physically fit, very intelligent or are known for being a hard worker who gets the job done. Self doubt may creep in when you’re faced with something new or different such as an online marketing business.

Even those who have been in the business long enough to have gathered a reputation of success can have doubts about their abilities to bring their businesses to the next level of success.

There’s always something new to learn and you have to be ready and willing to put the time and effort behind your ideas. Self esteem comes from positive self-talk that brands you as a person you can believe in to achieve the outcome you want.

Self doubt can crush all of that by focusing on past failures, comparing yourself to other marketers and giving in to fear. One way to fight self doubt and let your self esteem take over is to take action.

That’s the only way you’ll ever gain the experience you need to reach the business goals you’ve set for yourself. You’ll gain confidence as you progress through the smaller goals to reach the larger ones and this will boost your self esteem and push the self doubt into the background.

Self esteem is knowing your capabilities and self doubt only sets up obstacles for you to overcome to reach your goals. A little bit of both (self doubt and self esteem) is natural and can be good for you if viewed in the right way.

Your self esteem can push aside self doubt when it threatens to paralyze you and ruin your plans for the future. After all, you’ve succeeded with many things in the past and can do it again.

Reach back into your mind and remember the successes you’ve had in the past. If you’re new to Internet marketing, you may have to remember successes in other areas of your life, but as you overcome the self doubts associated with marketing, you’ll be able to feel good about yourself in that area, too.

Your self esteem will carry you far in life. The self doubt you may feel when starting a new business can be put to rest by taking action and gaining valuable experience that silences any questions about what you’re capable of.

Free Yourself from the Exhausting Task of Self Doubt

The fallout from self doubt can be devastating and render you incapable of continuing to make rational business decisions. It’s like flailing yourself with a whip day in and day out – a torture so blistering that all you can think of the pain it’s causing.

When you let the exhausting task of doubting yourself take over your life, you’ll be less likely to seize opportunities and have a more difficult time in beginning or finishing tasks that could bring you success.

Moving forward can be difficult as the voice of self doubt becomes louder and drowns out the reality of who you are and what you’re capable of. Standing up to the chatter and telling the chaos and loudness to stop can help you break the destructive pattern of self doubt.

It’s like turning the flame down under a pot of soup that’s about to boil over. You take over control of your thoughts rather than letting your mind overflow with doubt and take those thoughts where you want to go.

Remember past times that you’ve doubted yourself or that fear kept you from taking part in a venture that turned successful. You likely ignored your instinct and gave in to the negative voices in your mind that told you it wouldn’t work.

This time could be different if you don’t allow the voices to take control. Each time you leave your comfort zone and ignore the self doubt torture, you come closer to realizing a positive outcome to your efforts.

Self confidence will replace self doubt and you’ll finally be able to focus on your future success rather than past failures. Silencing the exhausting torture of self doubt will also boost your optimism about the future.

You’ll become more confident about your abilities and motivated and enthused about your ideas. Take action even though you don’t feel like it. Freeing yourself from the loud and destructive self doubt voices – if only for a few minutes – can calm the voices and help your mind find clarity and creativity.

You can always tweak the immediate actions you take later on. The real task of the moment is to get feedback, knowledge and experience so you can build your self esteem and empower yourself to success.

Conquering self doubt frees you to stay on the course and reach the goals you’ve planned for yourself. Don’t let the voices of self doubt exhaust you to the point of abandoning your future success.

Why People Fail To Achieve Their Goals

It’s pretty common to hear people, especially on social media, broadcast their goals in life. They want to be “this” and “that.” They’ll be big superstars by the time they turn 25, or they’ll be millionaires by 30, and so on.

For the most part, these goals are mere posturing. They’re not actually going to achieve their goals. Sure, they’re probably going to start drafting a plan on how exactly they’re going to conquer their goals, but they’re still going to fail big time.

The #1 reason why people fail to achieve goals is that they’re not making the right kind of goals. They’re only making vague goals.

Ask them the specifics of their goal, and they won’t have a solid answer. They just want to become rich, they just want to be happy, they want to become financially free. But they don’t know exactly when that’s going to happen. If you ask them, they’ll probably say “whenever.”

Another reason is that most people are all talk, and no action. They’ll share their goals with everyone, but when it comes to taking action, they’ll bolt.

Even if they have a smart goal in place, they’ll still lack that motivation to actually do something to achieve that goal. They’ll find it too hard or too difficult. Suddenly, they’ll be too busy working on something else and won’t have time to work on their goals.

The third reason is people simply can’t commit. They probably think someone else is going to help them achieve their goals! But that’s their goal, right?

Or, maybe they’ve got a few hundred big goals they’re working on (small goals toward a single big goal is different) and they don’t know which goal they’re going to pursue today.

They can’t make up their minds. They can’t even be bothered to figure out which goal appeals most to them, they’re just putting everything out there, hoping someday something will come to life!

Lastly, many people don’t know how to deal with failure. They encounter failure for the first time, and they tuck their tails in and hide away somewhere, never to be seen again.

The right approach when dealing with failure is to learn from it. It’s okay to feel hurt, to feel disappointed in yourself. But don’t let that be the reason you no longer want to move forward with your goals.

The Fundamentals of Goal-Setting

Have you heard that you’re 97% more likely to achieve your goals if you write

them down?

The truth is that goal setting is important. In fact, it’s without goal setting you

may never achieve the dreams of your heart.

Every person in the world devotes countless hours to thinking of their future

and their present situation in life. Almost everyone wishes that there was

something that they could change in their life.

Whether you dream of a new car, a boat, or even to be a movie star, goal

setting is the important catalyst to your success. So let’s get started because in

this audio you will learn the fundamentals of goal setting, which begins with -

how to choose the RIGHT goals to focus on.

Many of us are great at trying to set goals; most of us are practically incapable

of following through with them. Think about it. How many times have you

decided on a course of action and simply didn’t follow through with it?

That is pretty much the norm for most people. Sometimes even setting goals at

all is the harder part of accomplishing any. The easiest way of looking at this is

to think of each and every New Year.

What is the biggest topic of conversation every year on New Year’s Eve? It is

actually the resolutions. But most us will only keep our resolutions for a short

time. With each passing day and week, fewer and fewer of us STICK to our

plans and our goals!

Sometimes setting goals alone is not the only problem that you must face.

Sometimes, choosing the right goals to begin with is harder. Basically, you can

choose to work any goal that you feel is necessary for your health, stability and


Goal setting is nothing more than a formal process for personal planning. By

setting goals on a routine basis you decide what you want to achieve, and then

move in a step-by-step manner towards the achievement of these goals

The process of setting goals and targets allows you to choose where you want

to go in life. By knowing exactly what you want to achieve, you know what you

have to concentrate on to do it.

Goal setting is a standard technique used by professional athletes, successful

business people and high achievers in all fields. It gives you long-term vision

and provides you with short-term motivation.

It helps to focus your attention and knowledge, which helps you to organize

your resources. By setting sharp and clearly defined goals, you can measure

and take pride in the achievement of those goals. You can see forward

progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless effort.

By setting goals, you will also raise your self-confidence, as you recognize your

ability to meet the goals that you have set. The process of achieving goals and seeing this achievement gives you confidence that you will be able to achieve

higher and more difficult goals later on.

Goals are set on a number of different levels.

In the first place, you decide what you want to do with your life and

what large-scale goals you want to achieve.

Second, you break these down into the smaller aims that you must hit so that

you reach your overall lifetime goals. Finally, once you have your plan, you

start working towards achieving it.

May abundance be with you!


Ever heard of a certain short story of a woodcutter who accidentally dropped his old axe deep in a lake one evening? Poor guy isn’t a swimmer. All he could do is fixing his despaired gaze on his sinking axe until it disappeared into the depths of the lake.

The axe was his only tool for earning food and shelter for his family. His long hard struggle is nothing without the assistance of his axe. Now that it is gone, it will take him days to make a new one or even buy one. The sunken axe has been with him since his starting day as a woodcutter and he thanked it for all the hardship they’ve gone through. More so, it has been around since his father’s lumbering days. As he was muddling in his own thoughts, the lake bubbled with flashes of light coming out from it.

The woodcutter was shocked at the sight of a water creature emerged from it. The creature assured him that it meant him no harm and wish only to seek confirmation of a certain axe that fell on the lake where it resides. It was holding 2 axes, one is a striking golden axe and another is a used, battered looking axe. He told the water creature that his axe was the old one and thanked the creature for returning it for him....

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Distributing Your Content

​Creating a content marketing strategy that converts is heavily reliant upon having a steady stream of fresh eyes seeing your content. Whether you have implemented a recurring plan or an asset-driven one, you'll never make a cent if no one sees it, no matter how incredible the content. If you want people to engage with your content, you have to be proactive in its distribution.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is still one of the most powerful strategies you can use to get the most out of your content. It is always the most direct way for businesses to connect with their audience. It's the only distribution channel that is sent directly to them and the only one that is personalized down to their name, specific interests, and past purchases.

There are three types of email campaigns that you can use in your business, the welcome campaign, lead nurture campaign, and the offers campaign. Each campaign serves a specific purpose. The welcome campaign is designed to immediately engage your audience and let them know that you’ll be communicating with them. The lead nurture campaign is designed to help your audience find your business and build trust. The offer campaign is used to provide them with relevant, timely sales offers....

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Creating your content

Once you’ve found your audience, decided on your offer and messaging, it’s time to start working on your actual content. Before you begin, you need to develop a channel plan to clearly define where you will publish the content once it is complete. Your plan should include the platforms you will use to tell your story, your criteria, process, and objectives for each piece of content you create. You also need to include how you will connect each piece of content to develop a cohesive brand conversation.

When you’re ready to start creating your content, you need to keep in mind that everything you create for your company needs to be focused on the following five pillars.

The Five Pillars of Content Creation


The level of complexity will make or break how a piece of content will perform. If you are not able to boil down the topic into something that is easy and simple to digest, then the topic shouldn’t be used. While there are some concepts that are complex and those that require an in-depth analysis and technical exploration, you need to strive to address those topics in a simple manner. This is the only way to ensure your audience will come back to your content again....

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Content Marketing Blueprint


.As a business owner, you know that how your market your
business is at the heart of your success. In fact, most aspects of
your business are dependent on you developing a successful
marketing campaign. You may provide the best services or sell
the best products, but if you don’t have a solid marketing plan,
potential customers would never know about it.

Today’s prospects are looking for useful information, but have a
strong resistance to the "hard sell." Most consumers spend the
time to research services online before making a purchase. They
take the time to study different products, compare prices and
features before ever stepping foot in a store. They want good
content that helps them make a decision but don't like being sold.
In fact, 70-percent of consumers would rather learn about a
company through an excellent article rather than advertising.

Compelling content can help your business build strong customer
relationships without resorting to the less productive "hard sell”
tactics. The content you produce showcases your expertise,
which gains consumer trust by highlighting important topics that
affect consumers. Well-crafted content can bring traffic to your
website and social media accounts, boost your performance on

search results pages, and give your audience the chance to share
your content with their friends, resulting in higher conversion rates
for your business....

Read on ​by downloading this free 49-page eBook

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Get Rid Of These 7 Mental Blocks That Are Stopping You From Succeeding In Life

The biggest roadblock to success is you. External obstacles can be removed, but if it’s you yourself who’s blocking the road, then it’s going to be so much harder for you to succeed. In this article, you’re going to learn of 7 mental blocks you need to get rid of if you want to succeed in life.

  • Doubt

When you doubt yourself, it’s going to be hard to convince anybody else to trust that you can do what you’ve set out to do. The first thing you’ve got to do is convince yourself that you can indeed succeed in reaching your goals.

  • Fear of failure

Many people fear failure, but the truth is there’s really nothing to be afraid. Treat failure as a mentor, and you’ll find out that failing is often a pre-requisite to success.

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  • Fear of success

People who fear success often think their lives are going to change for the worse, that they’re going to lose their comfort zones, or that their personalities are going to change overnight.

Of course, this isn’t true. It’s just a mental game your brain is playing with you, daring you to see how far you’ll go to chase your dreams.

  • Lack of self-belief

If you don’t believe you’re going to accomplish your goals, then you’re not going to accomplish it. It’s as simple as that. When you lack self-belief, you’re not going to have the motivation or the drive to succeed.

  • Getting too emotional

When you get too emotional, you often fail to think logically. Many wrong decisions have been made by far too many people simply because they let their emotions get the best of them.

  • Making things too complicated

Sometimes we tend to overthink things when a simple solution is just right in front of us. What should often be a simple fix to a simple problem can lead to large sums of money going down the drain.

  • Thinking inside the box

When you’ve explored the entire box, and you can’t find the answer, then you’ve got to think outside the box. There’s nothing wrong with getting creative. If it can get you to where you want to go, then follow it! 

The 5 Secret Keys To Success

In this article, you’re going to learn about the 5 secret keys to help you accomplish your goals faster. Let’s begin!

Choose a smart goal

You can set a goal any which way you like. However, if you’d like to increase your chances of success, then you better set a smart goal.

A smart goal has the following characteristics: it’s specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.

You can’t choose only 2 or 3 characteristics. A good goal has all 5 characteristics present.

If you don’t want to waste your time and you want to reach your goal ASAP, then make sure you choose a smart goal.

Be passionate

You can have a smart goal, but if you’re not passionate about it, you can easily lose motivation. Having the passion for something lights a fire under you – you don’t get that fire if you don’t particularly care about your goal.

Choose a goal you’ll be passionate about. That way, when the obstacles come (and they will!), you’ll be able to persevere and keep chasing your dreams!

Learn from failures

It may sound surprising at first, but failure really is one of the secret keys to success. When you’re chasing something, a life goal, for instance, you’re probably not going to succeed on your first try. It may take you ten tries or maybe even a hundred tries.

No matter how many times you fail, you still take something away from the experience – you learn something. And you can use that knowledge towards your goals – you now know what’s working and what’s not.


As the saying goes, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. In many cases, this rings true. If you know the right people, you can get your foot in the door.

Always be nice and helpful to everybody you meet. Don’t underestimate the power of building relationships, they might help you reach your goals faster.

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Don’t aim for perfection

Aiming for perfection is equivalent to setting yourself up for failure. Perfection is such a lofty goal, impossible if you will.

Do you know of anybody who’s perfect? I don’t think so. So there’s really no reason why aiming for perfection is even a thing.

Instead of perfection, aim for excellence or being the best you can possibly be. Being the best is not the same as being perfect.

Even if you’re the best, you still have room to grow. When you’re perfect, there’s simply nowhere else to go, you’re already perfect.

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