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How to Bounce Back From Past Failures

How to Bounce Back From Past Failures

It is not good enough to know the benefits of starting over and banishing the past. You also have to know how to go about starting the new journey. Many people desire to let go of the past and focus on the present. However, many fail because they lack the skills and information to do it right. This chapter will empower you with the knowledge and skills you need to start this new journey.

Treat The Past As A Lesson

According to psychologists, intelligence is the ability to learn from experience to make better decisions in the future. Therefore, whoever does not learn from the mistakes of the past cannot be referred to as an intelligent person. You should be able to draw out lessons from your experience to improve your decision-making. For example, if you have been in an abusive relationship before, you should remember those factors that made you surrender yourself to a dictator.

If it was because you depended on him or her for sustenance, then you should not enter another relationship until you have a job. You need to empower yourself and be valuable by making your own money. In the same way, if it was because you had low self-esteem, you need to work on that before entering a new relationship. You should be learning from what has happened to you in the past to avoid making the same mistakes...

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The Magic of Starting Over eBook

Benefits of Forging Ahead

It’s not likely that you commit to something when you are not sure about what you stand to gain by doing it. Forgetting about the past to start over has numerous benefits. This chapter will explore some of them to give you the impetus to start making changes that will give you a new lease of life.

High Self-Esteem

Your self-esteem is a product of the way you see yourself. It will be low when you feel that you don’t deserve to be loved and treasured. Note that you cannot separate self-esteem from self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the level of confidence you have in your ability to succeed in a task before you attempt it. It is vital that you have high self-efficacy because it makes others trust you to handle their projects on their behalf.

You need to earn the trust of people before you can be given the opportunity to prove yourself. Meanwhile, the only way you can convince them that you can do the job is when you have confidence in your ability to get the job done. Even when you have the qualifications for a job, you’ll still be doubted when you sound unsure about your chance of success in the task...

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The Magic of Starting Over eBook

Why the Past Doesn’t Equal the Future

You’ll be stuck in the past when you think it has a vital role to play in your chances of future success. However, it’s not true that you cannot thrive again because of your mistakes and past failures. The future promises a lot if only you are willing to let go of the past. This chapter examines why the past doesn’t define the future of an individual.

The Past is a Closed Chapter

Treat your life like a book. Your experiences are previous chapters. The present moment is the chapter you are reading. In most cases, you don’t go back to a chapter you have read. You only flip back to those pages when you have something you didn’t get correctly. In some cases, you also flip back to that chapter when you find a similar concept in the current chapter. The implication of this is that you should only remember your past when you need to draw lessons from it.

You will not make progress if you remain stuck in a chapter of a book and refuse to read on. In fact, you might find better explanations regarding a particular concept you find difficult to understand in the subsequent chapters. Life is like that. Sometimes, you will not understand why some things happened the way they did until you forge ahead. For example, you might find out why your former boss treated you wrongly later. It could have been because of a jealous colleague....

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The Magic of Starting Over eBook

Dangers of Getting Stuck in the Past

When you have refused to start over, you are endangering yourself in various ways. As earlier mentioned, it can make you lose sight of the opportunities around you. This chapter explores what you stand to lose when you’re stuck in the past.


According to the World Health Organization, depression is a leading psychological problem affecting millions of people around the world. Note that depression is different from the occasional mood swings we have because of an unpleasant event. Depression is more intense and persistent than that. When you are depressed, you will not want to talk to anyone. You will prefer to stay on your bed rather than go out to have social interactions. At that moment, everything in the world becomes colorless and tasteless to you.

Note that depression can become fatal in the long run. It can lead to suicidal ideation. In other words, depression can make you feel like taking your life. Meanwhile, you should never get to that point. There is nothing worth it in this world that should make you feel that taking your life is the best option. As long as you are still alive, you can still rewrite your story. No one is denying that you are hurt, but you cannot get stuck in the past. The price can be too costly. ..

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The Past: It’s Gone Forever

In the words of Chuck Palahniuk, “Your past is just a story. And once you realize this, it has no power over you.” These words were spoken some years ago. However, they are still as potent and relevant as the first time they were spoken. If only many people realized this simple but extremely powerful truth, life would have been easier for them. We would have had more individuals that are less cranky and frustrated in the world.

Some people struggle to overcome their past demons. For instance, bad experience from their past relationships often hinder them from building robust and happy relationships in the future. They built a mental wall and find it difficult to trust another person or commit into another relationship. Letting past experiences interfere with our future is detrimental to our growth and mental wellbeing. This chapter will explore some vital things about the past you need to know.

Life is a Journey

This statement might sound like a cliché, but it’s not. You have to realize that life is a journey. In fact, it is an experience we are all having for the first and last time. In other words, no one has been to this world before that is now having another opportunity to live it all over again. Indeed, there are people who are experienced in this world. However, their experiences are all parts of their journey in life...

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The Magic of Starting Over eBook

Success is Attitude too

Success is Attitude too

If you want to achieve your greatest potential in your life then one of the most important step is to monitor your attitude and its impact on your performance, your relationships and everyone around you. It’s difficult to be happy and content professionally (not to mention personally) if you’re constantly overworked and stressed out. But there’s an easy way to become both happier and more successful quickly. It’s as simple as this: change your attitude.

Here are some of the ways that the right attitude can make you more successful:

Self-Motivation through Discovering Your Motives

Discover what motivates you in a positive way to take action to change your life. Basic motives include love, self-preservation, anger, financial gain and fear. Self-motivation requires enthusiasm, a positive outlook towards life, a positive physiology and a belief in yourself and your God-given potential.

The Power of Visualization

Studies have shown that peak performers use affirmations and visualizations either consciously or subconsciously to enhance and focus on their skills. Nelson Mandela has written extensively on how visualization helped him maintain a positive attitude while being imprisoned for 27 years. “I thought continually of the day when I would walk free. I fantasized about what I would like to do,” he wrote in his autobiography. Visualization works well to improve attitude.

Exercising Will Help Keep You Motivated

One of the best ways to move to a more positive and motivated frame of mind is to exercise. A regular exercise routine can provide relatively quick positive feedback in the form of not only losing weight or muscle development but brings a sense of doing something positive for yourself.

Create positive impressions.

It is no secret that life seems to reward us most when we approach the world with a positive attitude. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. It probably comes as no surprise, but when you have a good attitude, you’re more likely to present yourself to others in a positive light.

Good impressions can lead to many potential benefits. Employers may be more likely to choose you as a new hire. Co-workers, colleagues, and potential partners will be more inclined to work with you.

Deeper connections.

A good attitude creates positive first impressions, which are the gateway to developing deeper personal and professional connections. Ultimately, this can create in-roads in business, so that you can forge positive, lasting relationships with employers, colleagues, and potential partners.

Remember: when opportunity knocks, there’s someone doing the knocking. You want people to think of you when opportunities arise, and your connections are the key to making this happen.

Gain more confidence.

If you want to be more confident then there are variety of things that can help you from visualization to improving your posture to dressing nicely for success. However, none of these exercises will be very effective without the right attitude.

When you have a good attitude then you likely to put efforts for self-improvement exercises and continue getting stronger. In short, a positive outlook will make it possible to keep getting better, and this positive progress can boost your confidence big time in the long term.

You’ll be happier.

By adopting the right attitude, you stand to gain in so many ways, but perhaps the most profound is that it will make you feel happier. When you feel happier, things seem far more achievable in life.  Day in and day out, they can have a profound effect on your career -- and life.

So, consider shifting to an attitude of gratitude and apply it to your work moving forward. You have everything to gain!

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