Must Have Solutions - Page 6 of 75 - Useful Information About Carefully Selected Consumer Products and Services

Updating Your Keyword Research and Content Continually

Lastly, use AI to help you uncover fresh keywords based on evolving trends and then apply it to your older content to freshen it up. Google and other search engines (as well as human visitors) appreciate content that’s not outdated.

You might notice a blog post that previously had good traffic, but it starts to dwindle. You can prompt AI like this: “I was ranking well with the attached blog post for the keyword phrase [enter phrase]. It has started to lose momentum. Conduct fresh research for competitive keyword usage for this topic and tell me how to tweak my content to improve its ranking.”

You can also use this for new content, by prompting AI like this: “What are some growing trends for survival sustainability? Give me the topics and keywords associated with them.”

AI can give you insight such as the topic of decentralization and self-sufficiency using keywords like homesteading, off-grid living, permaculture, and local food production. It gives you an entire list, and you can then use those results for blog topics, social media posts, info products and paid ads.

Using AI is a swift and accurate way to boost your use of keywords strategically in your online marketing efforts. You’ll find that your content performs better due to the fact that AI has the ability to harness exact consumer details that you can apply to almost every area of your business for increased exposure and conversions.

Applying AI’s Keywords for Paid Ad Campaigns

 AI can also help you with keyword campaigns for paid ads. There are three different searches you want to conduct for this use. They are: synonym, negative, and attribute keywords.

Synonym keywords are just different ways your consumer might search for the same thing. You’ll broaden your reach with this search. So prompt AI like this: “Generate a list of synonyms for the phrase bug out bag.”

The results will include wording like emergency kit, disaster bag, go bag, 72-hour bag, INCH bag, PERK bag, grab bag, quick run bag, survival backpack and more. Incorporate these into your ad campaigns or create separate ad groups for synonyms with ad copy to match.

Next, you can have AI research negative keywords for you. This helps you weed out the wrong people from seeing your ad. It prevents your ad from showing up for these keywords.

So prompt AI like this: “Identify a list of negative keywords for a comprehensive survival guide ad campaign.” AI is going to tell you not to include Free, DIY, kids, fiction, movies, entertainment, zombie apocalypse, etc.

When you apply these negative keyword phrases in your ad campaigns, it will improve your click quality and ensure you’re not wasting ad revenue on useless words and phrases.

You can also have AI uncover attribute keywords. These are words that discuss certain features or attributes of a product that potential buyers will use. So prompt AI like this: “Give me a list of attribute keywords consumers use when searching for a bug out bag.”

It will categorize them by things like functionality (size = compact, lightweight, large; durability = waterproof, weatherproof, rip-resistant; organization = MOLLE webbing, compartments, etc.).

These can increase your ad relevance as well and show your ads to people with very specific needs, increasing the likelihood of a click-through and conversion into a sale for you.

You can use these keywords to help you segment and group ads, to optimize your copy, to optimize your bid strategy, and to test and tweak your campaigns. You can ask AI to help you every step of the way in using these keywords, too.

AI’s Use of Keywords for High-Converting Affiliate Reviews

AI has a knack for weaving keywords in your content, and this is very important when you are crafting affiliate product reviews that you want to rank well in the search engine results pages.

First, you can use AI to help you identify affiliate products based on search trends for keywords related to your niche and they can do that based on high volume wording and positive user feedback.

Prompt AI like this: “I am interested in promoting survival gear as an affiliate marketer. Analyze search trends and user reviews to suggest high-performing products related to survival food topics.”

AI is going to come back with a list that includes things like long term food storage in the form of freeze dried food kits, emergency food bars, food preparation and cooking items like camp stoves, and more.

It will even give you the brand names and links to products from companies like Mountain House, ReadyWise, Valley Food Storage, etc. When you have selected the product you want to promote, you can then have AI help you create a keyword driven structure for your affiliate review.

For example, you might prompt AI like this: “I want to write an affiliate review for long-term survival freeze-dried food. Come up with a keyword-structured outline for my review that addresses common user questions and concerns.”

After the introduction, AI is going to recommend that you cover: the benefits of freeze dried food for survival, and in depth review of a certain brand’s freeze dried food, taste and texture issues, preparation and cooking, cost and value, shelf life and storage, etc.

AI gives you more detail about what to explain in each section if you want to do it yourself. But of course, you can also have AI write each section for you if you want to publish that as your affiliate review.

You can also have AI help you with integrating your affiliate links using anchor text keywords, that link naturally to the products you are promoting in a way that doesn't interrupt the visitors’ reading.

You can simply prompt AI like this: “In the attached affiliate blog post review on freeze-dried survival foods, identify strategic places to integrate my affiliate link in a natural way but so it leads to a click-through conversion.”

Leveraging AI Keywords for Info Product Development

If you have decided to be an info product developer, you may not have thought to use keyword research in your brainstorming and product development phases. Instead, you may have looked at the marketplace to see what was already selling and then simply created a knockoff of those topics.

But you can use AI driven keyword research to help you create products your target audience will find valuable and useful in their own lives. You can start by having it help you analyze search trends so that you'll know what is generating a higher search volume and whether or not there are any gaps in knowledge that people are looking for.

You can prompt AI like this: “Analyze recent search trends related to survival prepping and identify topics with the potential to be developed into an info product that will be in high demand with consumers.”

Depending on what type of AI tool you are using, it may or may not have access to the most recent information. Google’s Gemini is a good source for the latest trends and when you ask it this prompt, it tells you that there is increased interest about supply chain issues, global war preparations, natural disasters, and sustainability practices with alternative energy sources.

At that point, you can have AI help you integrate keywords into the title so that it clearly reflects what the consumer is looking for. For example, you might prompt AI like this: “I’m developing an info product on building and maintaining a survival garden to combat food shortages and inflation. Give me suggestions for compelling titles that incorporate relevant keywords.”

You’ll get results such as: Grow Your Own Security: The Ultimate Guide to Survival Gardening, Food Shortage Fighter: Build a Thriving Survival Garden, and Beat Inflation at the Root: The Complete Guide to Self-Sufficient Gardening.

Next, you can have AI help you generate an outline that is driven by keywords that show your consumers you have covered everything relevant to the topic at hand. You can prompt AI like this: “Help me create an outline for an info product on this topic and make sure relevant keywords are woven into the chapter titles. I want it to cover everything in a comprehensive manner.”

When AI comes back with your comprehensive outline, not only will the outline itself include keywords, but it may also put some related keywords in brackets so that you'll know what else to discuss within that chapter.

At that point, you can have AI help you create the content, or you can create it as a draft and then feed it back into your AI tool and ask it to ensure proper use of keywords within the chapter so that it is balanced and readable.

Optimize Your Traffic Content with AI-Generated Keywords

After you have AI dig down deep and deliver you a huge cache of keywords that you can use in your business, you'll want to have it help you optimize the use of those words and phrases so that you get the best results from it.

There are several ways AI can help you optimize the content you are using for traffic purposes. This can work on a variety of platforms, whether it's your blog or social media.

Many times, after the initial surge of excitement about a niche topic goes away, marketers will have trouble coming up with fresh ideas for their blog content. You can provide AI with one or more of the keywords it has generated for you and ask it to come up with some blog topic ideas based on those keyword phrases.

For example, you might prompt it like this: “I'm going to give you a list of keywords related to survival water filtration and I want you to come up with a dozen blog post ideas targeting these keywords that are varied in approach.”

Not only does AI come up with the topic ideas, but it also gives a short blurb about what should go into the block. For example: The Ultimate Guide to Emergency Water Filtration Methods would be an in depth exploration of various methods to water filtration in emergency situations, comparing effectiveness, ease of use, and accessibility.

At that point, you could have AI help you integrate keywords into that blog post. So you can prompt it like this: “I liked the idea of The Ultimate Guide to Emergency Water Filtration Methods. I have written a draft blog post and I want you to ensure I am targeting the best primary and secondary keywords to help this blog post rank well for that topic.”

AI will come back with advice if you have missed any opportunities or if you have over used certain keywords where they are not necessary. It can help you strategically insert the keywords so that it reads logically and effectively for both humans and search bots.

Next, you can have AI help you use keywords in your social media content so that it is optimized in a way that improves your discoverability and your engagement because it resonates with your audience well.

For example, you can prompt AI for any social platform like this: “I want to create a 60 second TikTok video about long term survival food storage. Help me come up with a list of catchy captions that incorporates the keyword phrase survival food storage for my cover thumbnail.”

This is beneficial if someone likes one of your videos and then goes to your account and begins scrolling through all of the videos you have created. The results will include things like: Survival Food: Lasts Longer Than You Think, Food Storage Secrets Unveiled, Survival Food Storage Hacks That Defy Time, etc.

One thing you can have AI help you with is coming up with attention grabbing titles and product descriptions. Before someone digs into the details about a product, they first see your headline or title and by including keywords that trigger their interest, it can make them click through and dive deeper.

For example, you can prompt AI like this: “I need a product description that is strategically created with relevant keywords to promote a first aid survival guide. Give it a title that incorporates a primary keyword and make the description engaging and interesting.”

AI will come up with a title such as: Ultimate First Aid Survival Guide: Lifesaving Tips & Techniques. The description that comes up with is written with an introduction that details who will benefit from it and what actionable information they will learn. It also includes a bullet point list of key features and a call to action that entices the reader to complete their purchase.

The use of hashtags on social media platforms is a popular way to get your content found by your target audience. These are used on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and more.

You can have AI craft a list of relevant hashtags that will increase your visibility with your target audience like this: “I’m promoting my blog post on how to build a DIY solar cooker on Instagram and I need a list of relevant hashtags to help with discoverability.”

You can then copy and paste the curated list of hashtags that AI has delivered to you that align with your content perfectly. These will include things like: #DIYSolarCooker, #SolarCooking, #SustainableLiving, #EcoCooking, and so on.

All of this is an effort to have AI help you move beyond your basic keyword research where you just look at the density of the words you are using in your content and allows you to use them more strategically so that your content gets found, your audience wants to engage, and ultimately they convert into a click through or purchase for you.

Schedule for Your Weekend Warrior Profit Plan

We've talked about everything that needs to be done in order for you to have success on this platform. You have to create value whether you are an affiliate or a vendor, carefully choose who you are working with on either side, and be productive during the hours you have to get everything ready for the upcoming week and month.

Your actual schedule is going to be unique, depending on different factors that are applicable to you. These include things like whether you want to be both a vendor and affiliate marketer, or only choose one of those options.

If you want to do both, you have the ability to work on your affiliate marketing one day and your vendor project the next. Or, since you will be likely doing fewer launches than you will promotions, you can primarily work on your affiliate business and spread your tasks as a vendor out over a longer period of time on the weekends.

You also have to determine how many hours each weekend you want to devote to it. It depends on how driven and how hungry you are for success. There are people who wake up at 5:00 in the morning and work until midnight and there are those who only want to put in a few hours total.

Another thing that affects your schedule is how many products you plan to promote and how many bonuses you want to develop for them. Obviously, a short teaser that piques the interest of your readers is going to require much less effort than creating a case study would.

If you don't have time to promote all of the good products that you have chosen, select as many as you feel you can get done on the weekends and focus on those. Don't feel like you have to do everything every single week.

It's better for you to have quality reviews that are effective and that convert than to spread yourself thin and barely pay any attention to dozens of reviews. Your own skills and knowledge about tools and strategies can also play a factor in how much you get done and what your schedule is like.

Some people can write 5 pages an hour while others might write one page per hour. Some people are very good with AI tools and then prompting for exactly what they need and others don't know much about it.

Some people have a good eye for quality PLR and are able to easily repurpose and tweak it into something that works as a promotional material or even a course they can release and some people don't know how to do this at all.

These are skills you can spend time on over the coming months so that your weekend Warrior Plus profit plan is more efficient and effective as time goes on. Regardless of what direction you go in, you want to make sure that you are being consistent and committed to what you choose.

Always maintain your ethics and don't feel pressured into promoting or partnering with anyone on the platform. You need to have an eye for quality and morals so that you are promoting the best of the best and gaining the respect of your target audience.

Be responsive to customers, affiliates and vendors. You want to become known for being someone who is engaged and who replies to queries, whether it's a customer in need of assistance that was sent to you from a respected affiliate or other affiliates and vendors who may want to help support your business.

You don't want to ignore people and end up missing out on opportunities just because you were too busy during the week, so pay attention and keep an eye on communications and prioritize those that matter most.

Be organized with your schedule. You need to have your tasks written down and mapped out so that you can easily go from one to the next and you are not wasting time during those weekend hours.

If this is the time you have allotted yourself to build a business, you don't want to be distracted by social media or streaming services like Netflix. Make sure you also save time to analyze your data from the platform.


Warrior Plus is going to show you how your product and offers are converting. This will tell you whether or not it's being well received in the marketplace. You can also check the stats of your affiliates to see how they are converting for your offers.

As an affiliate, you can use their stats to see whether or not your list and audience is responding well to the items you are promoting. If not, it may be time to reevaluate and see if you are presenting the best types of products or if you might be blinded by a monetary incentive and not necessarily meeting their needs.

Building a business on Warrior Plus is easier than you might think. It may look confusing from a technical standpoint, but there are plenty of answers in their knowledge bank and people willing to help if you simply post a question and ask.

Don't come at this from a panicked standpoint where you are desperate to earn money. This will not only cause you to make mistakes in your technical set up, but it can sabotage your strategy and result in decisions that don't serve you or your audience well.

You are going to see many different individuals on Warrior Plus selling and promoting a myriad of products. Some of them will seemingly make money day after day, making it look effortless while others are struggling to earn their first dollar.

By networking with the right people and watching what they are doing, you can be well on your way to igniting your own explosive income that grows week after week with every ounce of effort you put forth.

If you get stuck and run into an obstacle that you can't overcome, you can go to the Facebook group for clarity and ideas. People don't respond well to complainers and whiners, but they do respond well to go getters who are eager to learn.

When you become a success story on the Warrior Plus platform, it's beneficial for everyone who is helping you because that's a new vendor or affiliate that they can then work with, too.

7 Advanced Keyword Discovery Strategies with AI

Now that you have an understanding of the basics of keyword usage, let’s go one step above and look at seven advanced keyword strategies that AI can help you with. These include: competitor, LSI, seasonal, product type, brand, comparison, and questions.

Let’s begin with competitor keywords. If you aren’t knowledgeable about what the competition is doing then you’ll never be able to outsmart them and keep up with them. The goal is not to copy them, but to perform better.

By having AI conduct a competitive keyword analysis, not only do you find out what wording they’re ranking for, but AI will inform you of any gaps in keyword usage that you can then exploit for your gain.

For example, you can paste in some of the content from a competitor’s website and prompt ChatGPT like this: “Analyze the attached blog posts and identify potential keywords they’re targeting related to survival shelters. Also give me a list of any gaps in keyword use that I can exploit.”

There are tools like SEMRush and aHrefs that can give you a specific site analysis. But you can use free AI tools with the prompts above and copy and paste content in for specific analysis, too.

When you do a search on the top blog discussing survival shelters and paste that into ChatGPT with the above prompt, it tells you they’re targeting phrases like: survival shelters, building survival shelters, types of survival shelters, survival shelter construction, etc.

It also gives you a list of keywords where there is a gap in use that you could leverage on your blog, including: DIY survival shelters, survival shelters for different climates, portable survival shelters, natural shelter building materials, and so on.

Now let’s dig into LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords. These are closely related search terms that search engines use to better understand the context of the content you have published.

As a content marketer, LSI keywords are going to help your content be more relevant to a certain topic, which can improve your ranking in the SERPs. You can prompt AI to help you with this endeavor like this: “I’m writing a blog post about water purification for survival. Give me a list of LSI keywords related to this topic.”

AI is going to come back with phrases such as: emergency water filtration methods, portable water filters for survivalists, DIY water purification techniques, survival guide to clean drinking water, boiling water for pathogen removal, etc.

The next advanced strategy for keyword discovery using AI is to have it help you conduct seasonal keyword research. In many niches, but not all, there are different times of the year where search volume spikes or decreases, depending on the trends of the season.

With a topic like survival, it's usually weather related, so you might prompt AI like this: “I need to create product reviews for the winter season in the survival niche. Please give me a list of seasonal keywords related to survival gear for winter in the United States.”

With this prompt, AI is going to give you keyword phrases such as: winter survival gear essentials, best cold weather survival kits, winter emergency preparedness, heated survival clothing, portable heaters for outdoor survival, winter survival shelters and tents, etc.

The next two types of keywords you want AI to help you discover are the product and brand keywords. Products are types of items consumers will be buying, such as solar powered gadgets, but they are not brand specific, while brands would be mentioning a specific producer or product by name with the brand attached.

First, you can have AI find keywords that are specific just to a certain type of product comment like this: “Identify a list of product keywords for solar powered survival gadgets.”

AI is going to give you certain keyword phrases such as: solar powered survival flashlight, portable solar charger for survival, solar emergency radio, solar water purifier, survival solar power bank, and so on.

With a brand keyword search, you can either have a specific brand in mind and ask AI for all of the keywords associated with that company or you can simply prompt it like this: “Give me a list of brand keywords associated with popular survival knife manufacturers.”

In this case, you are going to get specific brand related keywords such as: Ka-Bar survival knives, Gerber survival knives, ESEE survival knives, Benchmade survival knives, SOG survival knives, etc.

You can then take one of those brands and have AI give you a list of additional keywords for that brand by asking it to do this: “Give me a list of keywords consumers use when searching for Ka-Bar survival knives.”

That way, you have more specifics based on their intent and what types of knives they want to buy, such as the brand name plus the words: combat knife, fixed-blade knife, knife prices, survival knife with sheath, or knife sharpening (which would be informational and product-based).

Another type of keyword you can have AI help you look for in your advanced search is comparison keywords. This is important for consumers when they are trying to distinguish between different products they are considering.

So you might prompt AI like this: “Give me a list of keywords consumers use when they are comparing generators they are considering purchasing.” AI is going to return results such as: inverter generator versus traditional, heavy duty generator comparison, solar generator versus gas generator, whole house generator cost comparison, etc.

Lastly, you can have AI help you uncover question keywords. We mentioned this briefly previously, but you can conduct an entire research session with AI to find out what questions consumers want to know when you are developing your content.

For example, you can prompt AI like this: “For the survival prepper niche, give me a comprehensive list of questions consumers might ask related to solar powered cookers.”

You are going to get a long list of questions that you can use for blog posts, social media content, your FAQ section, product reviews, information products, and more. These will include questions such as:

  • How do solar powered cookers work?
  • What are the best solar cookers for survival situations?
  • How long does it take to cook food using a solar cooker?
  • Are solar powered cookers efficient in cloudy or overcast conditions?
  • What types of food can be cooked in a solar cooker?
  • Can solar cookers purify water for drinking?
  • What maintenance is required for a solar cooker? (…and so on)

By having these questions readily available to you, it can help you step up and serve your audience in the best way possible because it will show that you are ready with prepared answers to everything they wanted to know.

Weekend Vendor Tasks for Product Launches

If you also decide to be a vendor on Warrior Plus, you will want to save some time during your weekend hours to work on a product launch. This requires a bunch of different working parts, so it will usually be spread out over the course of several weekends, although some people are able to create and launch a product on the same day.

It all depends on what your goals are and whether or not you hope to have affiliates onboard, because they will want some time to prepare their promotions as well as their own bonuses.

Spend some time coming up with an idea that you feel will be a good fit for your audience or, if you don't have a following yet, something you know you can create that will be well received by another marketer’s list of subscribers..

For example, if you decide you want to launch private label rights products, but you don't have a list yet to tell you what topics they need, look to other PLR sellers to see what is performing well in the marketplace so that you can do something on the same type of topic, but uniquely set yourself apart.

You can also use tools like artificial intelligence to help you with the concept by feeding it some information about what else is selling and who the demographic audience is. Then, you can either use that same tool or take a DIY approach to outlining and planning the product.

You have to decide if you will be creating it from scratch yourself or outsourcing the process to a tool or individual. Sometimes, there might be something highly technical like the development of a piece of software that requires input from someone else.

You also have to decide, if it is a course, whether you will be creating it in text or video format (or even a hybrid of the two). Usually, when you are developing your own launch, you're not just creating a front end product.

You can also have upsells and downsells on Warrior Plus. That way, whenever someone purchases the front end product, they are taken to the next page in the funnel and given the opportunity to purchase that additional item.

If they say yes, then they are taken to the next item in the funnel until the funnel is complete. If they say no, they might be taken to a downsell option if you have one, or to the next upsell page to see if they want that add on.

It's a good idea not to overwhelm buyers with too many pieces in a funnel. There are some people who feel they can't escape when they are hit with a sales page again and again and continually have to say no.

You can develop your product using your own skills and tools that are available to you, such as artificial intelligence. You can also outsource it to a freelance service provider like a ghostwriter.

There are also private label rights courses you can purchase and tweet so that they are your own, if allowed, and then sell it to a hungry audience without the private label rights license attached to it.

As a vendor, once you have completed the product and ensure that it has value to your target audience to help build your reputation, you need to work on your sales page. If you don't have any experience with copywriting, you might want to create some swipe files to help you navigate things like headlines, storyline, and call to action statements.

You can also use artificial intelligence for this purpose, by simply feeding the AI tool details about your product and having it create things like headlines, storyline, bullet point benefits, and more for you.

You want to spend a lot of time on your sales copy polishing it up so that it converts well for you. It also needs to look professional. You will find that some amateur marketers have sales pages that look like they are from 1990.

You need to make sure that your sales page is using a page builder or theme that reflects professionalism, and you can see what that looks like by simply opening up some of the product listings on the bestseller list so that you can compare and learn how those are supposed to look.

Next, you have to create your Warrior Plus listings. You want to start by creating a product for each item in your funnel. If you have three levels of your funnel, you will have three products.

Then, you will create a single offer. This page has different boxes where you can start with your front end product and then connect it to each upsell or downsell in your funnel. You will be able to see a visual listing that shows you where the customer will be sent after each stage of their engagement with your offer.

Warrior Plus requires approval in order for your listing to be publicly available in the marketplace, which includes the calendar as well as the bestseller list. Therefore, you have to make sure that the HTML code is correct for the buy buttons before you submit it for approval.

This happens in different timeframes. Your offer might get approved fairly quickly, or it may take several days in order for it to be analyzed. So you want to make sure you have your product created and all of the moving parts ready on the sales page well before the date of your launch.

If you want to have a contest where you pay affiliates cash prize money if they have the most sales, you can set that up on your offer. Make sure that you keep enough money back to pay your winners so that you don't have angry affiliates after the launch ends.

At this point, you’ll want to create a JV page. This is a page that tells your prospective affiliates everything they need to know about your launch, such as the date and time it goes live and ends, what's in the funnel, their commission rate, contest details, and whether or not you have swipe file emails they can copy and paste to promote your product for you.

Once you’re finished, go to Muncheye and create a listing so that other online entrepreneurs can find and promote your upcoming product launch. This also may take a few days, so make sure you have this process completed well ahead of time.

Then, it's time for you to begin recruiting and approving affiliates who will promote for you. We've already talked a little bit about the networking and recruitment process. It's important that when you are reaching out to these individuals, you don't make the conversation drag on too long.

Make sure you give them a brief spiel about your product launch, a link to your JV page with more details, and a review copy of the product so they can see what the quality is like.

Then, besides a brief reminder at the time of launch, leave them alone. You don't want to constantly badger them and ask them if they are going to promote. You will be viewed as a pest and they will likely block you.

When it comes to approving affiliates, when your listing goes public, you will begin receiving requests from many different types of affiliates. Some of them will have a good track record on Warrior Plus.

You will be able to see their conversion rate as well as their refund rate and the number of sales they have had to determine whether or not you want them to promote your product.

You never want to approve someone who has a high refund rate because that puts your product in jeopardy. Don't go by the score alone, but look at all of the different components that make the score complete.

Your affiliates will also have the chance to add a note to you. You can take this into consideration if it is personalized and specific, just as you were taught to do earlier in this guide.

You have to be very careful in approving affiliates and not get desperate to have sales because if you approve the wrong people, it can put your payment platforms in jeopardy, and put your stats on Warrior Plus in jeopardy as well.

The next thing you want to do to get ready for your launch that's coming up is go ahead and schedule your social media, blogs, and emails for the promotion. That way, everything is automated and ready to go on the day of your choosing without you having to have a hands on approach.

Using AI to Find 8 Types of Fundamental Keywords

Let’s get started by understanding how to uncover the most basic keywords you’ll be needing to use in your business. There are eight kinds, and chances are, you’ve been missing out on them – or not fully utilizing their potential.

The eight types of keywords include: primary, secondary, informational, commercial, transactional, navigational, broad, and long-tail. For the purpose of this report, we’re going to use the survival prepper niche as our example, and you can then apply the same concepts to your own niche topic.

Primary keywords are the main concepts of your niche topic. They’re the most relevant ones, and while they’re often broad (meaning short one or two word keywords), they can also be longer as long as it’s the core meaning of the subject.

Secondary keywords are those that support the primary one. It gives it more depth and detail about what the user is searching for. So if you were trying to target some search engine results page (SERP) rankings, you might prompt Ai to help you uncover the primary and secondary keywords to use in it.

Your prompt might read: “I want to create a blog post that ranks well for the topic of what to put in your bug out bag. Please give me a list of primary and secondary keywords to use in the content.”

AI is going to come back with ideas such as a primary keyword phrase like: “Bug out bag essentials” and secondary keyword phrases like: survival bag items, emergency bag checklist, best items for bug out bag, bug out bag survival kit, and so on.

After these two types of fundamental keyword phrases, you have more behavior specific ones. These tell you what the consumer is wanting from you and they are: informational, commercial, transactional and navigational.

Informational keywords will tell you what the user wants to be educated about. These often start with question wording like what, why, or how. From these keyword phrases, you can step up and serve the needs of your audience with step-by-step tutorials and details that prove and showcase your expertise.

To find your informational keywords, you might prompt AI like this: “Give me a list of informational keywords related to survival gardening for beginners.” AI will come back with wording such as: how to start a survival garden best plants for a survival garden, survival gardening techniques for beginners, and so on.

Commercial keywords tell you what users are researching before they make a buying decision as they research products, brands or solutions. It unveils the things that they find important, which can help you convey the right details to them.

To prompt AI for these keywords, you might ask ChatGPT to: “Identify commercial keywords relevant to water purification systems for survival.” The phrases will be: best water purification systems for survival, top water filters for survival kits, compare survival water filters, etc.

Transactional keywords tell you what consumers type in as they look to make a purchase. This is when they’ve made a decision, but they need to complete the action step and get the product in their cart.

Prompt AI to find these for you by asking it to: “Give me a list of long-tail transactional keywords related to buying survival food kits online.” The results will be things like: buy emergency survival food kits online, best place to purchase survival food supplies, order long shelf life survival food kits, and more.

Navigational keywords are phrases that help consumers find what they’re looking for. It’s usually for specific brands or products. You can prompt AI for these by asking it to: “Give me a list of navigational keywords consumers use to find reviews on survival gear.”

The results would be things like: survival gear review site, [Brand name] survival gear reviews, [Product type] survival review, survival gear comparison review, etc. Think of how you look things up and understand that AI can tell you how everyone is searching, so you have more options and ideas.

The last two are broad and long-tail keywords. These are similar to primary and secondary, but it’s more about length than relevance. Your broad keywords will be short, with high volume and lots of competition.

Long-tail keywords have more words, less volume of searches but also less competition, so they’re easier to rank for and be found for on social media, too. Both can be beneficial to your business.

To uncover these keywords, you might prompt AI like this: “Give me a list of broad and long tail keywords related to solar survival gear.”

The broad keywords might include: solar survival gear, solar survival tools, solar outdoor equipment, etc. The long-tail phrases might include: best solar powered survival gear for hiking, solar survival gear for emergency preparedness, portable solar chargers for survival kits, etc.

A Solid Warrior Plus Affiliate Monetization Plan

After you know what your upcoming week and month is going to entail, you'll be able to better take action on the affiliate and vendor tasks that you want to complete. There will be weeks when you look at everything that is releasing or that you want to release and realize that there's simply too much going on for you to do it all.

In that case, you can whittle it down to the best options for you to profit from. Usually, there will be products that are listed long after a launch that you can still promote as an affiliate.

Your customers may not be able to get the same launch discount pricing, but you can always go back to the vendor and request a coupon code that you can use with your audience if they will agree to that.

Your weekend tasks for affiliate monetization is to first decide on which products you've seen that are viable for your audience. Once you have that list, you want to compare each product to see which ones, if any, are worthy of a bonus.

If you are going to go to the effort of creating a bonus and an extensive promotion for the product, you want it to pay off for you as much as possible. A front end only product of $7.00 with a 50% commission is not going to cut it.

However, if you have a $7.00 front end product with multiple upsells, where the price and commissions increase with each level and there is a cash prize contest attached to it, that might make it worthy of the extra effort.

Sometimes, you can request review access so that you can get a sneak peek of the product ahead of time period this is especially helpful if you aren't familiar with the quality of the product of the person you are considering promoting.

That's an important distinction to make. You aren't just promoting a product, but the person attached to it. This person is going to have your subscriber on their list from this point on, and your subscriber is going to trust that you are sending them to someone that will treat them well.

That's why it's important for you to only promote top quality vendors and products. If they aren’t willing to give you free review access (because some freebie seekers ask for this with no intention of promoting), offer to buy it early.

You may not need to buy it, but it might help, depending on what type of review you plan to do. As time goes on and you have good stats as an affiliates, vendors will be approaching you and freely offering review access in hopes that you’ll promote.

If you plan on promoting, and making a bonus, be sure to tell the vendor that. The more information you can give them, the better. For example, saying, “I have a list of 5,000 subscribers and I want to create a bonus that complements your product,” might help get you approved with a review copy easily.

But don’t lie about it because once you’re found out, that won’t go over well with anyone in the community. Word of mouth can be powerful and you always want to be regarded as someone above the board.

Don’t sacrifice your reputation for a quick buck. Next, you have to think about what kind of reviews you want to create for the upcoming promotions. You might want to only do short teaser emails that pique their interest and make them want to click through to see the offer.

Sometimes, a more thorough review will be a better bet. Much of this depends on your relationship with your audience, their expectations and what is needed in order to help the product convert.

If your subscribers take your word for it, a short teaser might work fine. If they need more information, review it more thoroughly, but make sure you don’t give the product secrets away in your review.

There are also cases, especially if you’re creating a bonus, where a full case study would be a good strategy. There are two ways to d a case study. The first is letting them know you implemented the course and then sharing the results.

You’re not giving away the product information, just your experience with it. But you can also turn a case study into a bonus. It’s a very effective bonus, too because the buyer gets to go through the course along with you and follow along with what you did.

You get to be detailed because it’s a private case study and everyone participating will have purchased it, so you can talk freely about the strategies, etc. This is perfect for courses, but not as much with plugins, PLR, etc.

Because you’re building this profit plan on weekends, you may want to employ the use of as many time savers as possible. For example, if your goal is to queue up several emails, you might see if the vendor has any swipe file emails on the joint venture (JV) page.

Or, you can use PLR (private label rights) if the content is generic enough for you to be able to weave in mentions of the product. For example, you might find PLR about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and then promote a new AI tool within the readymade content.

Speaking of AI tools, you can use those to help you shortcut your affiliate marketing tasks that you are doing on the weekend. For example, AI can help you write your product reviews for a blog as well as your emails and social media content.

There are some tools that you can use that will let you automate the publishing of these reviews. For example, you can schedule your blog post to go live right when the launch happens.

You can also queue up emails to spread out over the course of an entire week or month on your behalf so that those are ready and working for you while you do other things. You can even use certain tools to cross promote your reviews on various social media sites by telling it the exact date and time you want your content to appear.

Don’t forget scarcity reminders when you are promoting as a Warrior Plus affiliate. In the cases where you are promoting something in the hopes of winning a contest or earning extra commissions with a bonus, you'll want to send out your initial launch promo email, but then also remind them until the launch ends that they will miss out on it if they don't purchase within that timeframe.

As an affiliate marketer, you never want to agree to promote someone if their product is not a good fit for your audience. Not only does it hurt you because your readers now feel as if you don't know what their expectations are, but it hurts the vendor because the traffic you send them will lower their conversion rates and repel other affiliates who might be a better fit.

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