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Rapid Niche Blogging with AI Each Day

Every day that you want to publish a blog post, sit down and fly through the process with ease and extreme speed. It’s a quick 5-step process and you can work with AI to brainstorm, research, create and optimize your blog content so that all you have to do is oversee the final result and upload it for your readers.

Step 1: Tell ChatGPT your niche and target audience. You should have a template written of this information that you can feed it on a regular basis. For example, you might say: “I’m going to be working with you to create content today in the make money online niche where my target audience is senior online entrepreneurs who are trying to supplement their income. Tap into everything you know about this niche and audience before we move forward.”

Step 2: Get AI to quickly generate blog post ideas for the day and choose one you like. Your prompt might be something like this: “Give me a list of 5 blog post ideas for this niche and audience and explain why they’re good potential for my blog, where the goal is to attract a dedicated audience and monetize my content with course recommendations.”

Step 3: Tell AI to quickly research the topic, help with optimization and outline the post. Your prompt might be: “Research and identify keywords for the following topic that will help it rank well in search engines and generate a good deal of interest. Develop an outline for a pillar post that covers the topic comprehensively.”

Step 4: Go through the blog content creation process section-by-section and be sure to inform AI of the tone you want it to use. Your prompt might be: “Write the introduction for this blog post by discussing the problem readers have and then stating that there are solutions, but don’t explicitly detail what they’re going to learn. Use a friendly, professional tone of voice.”

Step 5: Feed the finished version back into AI and ask it to analyze the piece for SEO. Your prompt would be: “Here is the final blog post draft. Make sure it is optimized for the following keyword phrase and give me any final changes to make to ensure high ranking in the SERPs before I publish it.”

Throughout this process, your only tasks are now prompting (which you can develop copy and paste templates for), quickly reviewing the output and making decisions on whether or not to use it as is.

There’s no more burdensome and timely brainstorming, creative strain, cumbersome content creation and tweaking you have to do – that’s all handled by AI. You’re overseeing it all so that it adequately represents your brand and your time commitment has now been reduced significantly.

This entire process can take as little as 8 minutes from start to completion, or a bit more depending on how much you want to spend going over it with a fine tooth comb. Everyone has different speeds with this they read, so there’s no one set number – but it’s much less than you’d spend on your own doing all of this without AI.

Daily AI-Powered Workflow Planning

Regardless of what kind of business you are operating online, you typically have an understanding of what your routine tasks are. You also have an idea of what eats up more of your time versus what you can complete quickly and easily on your own.

You want to have a system in place where you can sit down with AI every morning and initiate a workflow for the two of you to handle together where you are utilizing ChatGPT to assist you with your tasks each day.

You want to make a preliminary list of tasks that are done daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly. That way, you can have a timeline of what to work with AI on. Without a schedule, you will be floundering and randomly leveraging AI without any system in place.

Another way you can set up a workflow system to use AI is to categorize the tasks according to the type of task it will be handling. For example, you might have a category called analysis where you work with AI during this time frame to analyze data from your autoresponder system, your social media accounts, and your website.

You also might have a category called content creation where you actively work with AI to develop your blog posts, emails, and social media posts. Another category might be strategic project development, where you are brainstorming future or current projects with AI such as the development and launch of an info product and working out all of the fine details based on its ability to come through enormous databases and apply that information in your decision making process.

There are different ways you can work with AI to complete your to do list each day. You can sit down and get everything done with AI that is possible and then move on to your own solo tasks.

Or, you can work with AI in intervals throughout your day, such as having it create their content and then stopping so that you can publish and share it before returning back for the next task.

It also helps if you can set aside a prompt file for each of your categories so that you can quickly and easily copy and paste those prompts each day whenever you are having AI work on a repetitive task.

For example, if you our publishing a blog post daily, or sending out a daily email, you can have prompts that get AI to create a high performing title or subject line for you. These prompt templates can be tweaked over time as you find different ways to clarify what you want to your AI tool.

You also want to have examples set aside for your tasks so that each time you work with AI, you can immediately train it with a sample to work from – such as an example of a product review or email that you want it to copy in terms of tone and style.

For each task that you routinely do where you want to eliminate part of your workload, you’ll want to have a system in place to work with AI. We’re going to go over some of the more common ones, so you can fly through your morning and be free from work for the remainder of your day.

If you already know exactly what needs to be done that day, you can sit down with AI and prompt it with the following command: “Today, I'm going to have you help me create one blog post, an email autoresponder, social media content for my Facebook group. I'm also going to have you reply to a customer service email, brainstorm some upcoming project decisions with me and then analyze the results of a split test I conducted. Based on this list, give me a list of the tasks you will handle and what I will be responsible for and tell me the order in which we should complete this list.”

AI is going to inform you that you will be responsible for defining your target audience and basic topic for the content, and you will maintain creative control over the drafts. You will also be responsible for submitting the data that it needs to interpret to help you with analysis and decision making.

It will handle the generation of content, from brainstorming ideas through to the final draft. It will take care of all of the research and information gathering as well as optimizing it for search engines or readability.

For the order in which you should be working, it suggests the customer service issues first, followed by the creative brainstorming process. Then, you will work with it to create your blog and email content, then social media content.

You wrap up your day working with AI by engaging in project brainstorming and the data analysis. The reason AI suggests this system is that it helps with the flow of work when you begin with brainstorming content immediately after answering customer needs because it now sets the tone for what ChatGPT will be discussing in all of the content it creates for you.

Customer service is handled promptly because of the importance in addressing the needs of your customer. It puts project planning second to last because you’ll be able to hit the ground running with your project tasks immediately after working with AI so it’s fresh in your mind – and split test analysis last due to its lack of immediate attention.

Unlock Your 4 Hour Work Week with AI

One of the biggest draws to the career of online marketing has always been freedom to be your own boss and set your own hours. Unfortunately, entrepreneurs often work even more than they did at their traditional 9-5 jobs.

Because you are forced to handle every aspect of your business on your own, it’s more demanding if you ever hope to succeed financially. The empty promises of push button profits have disappointed many, but finally – the hype is coming to fruition.

With the invention of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, men and women worldwide are finding it easier to trim down the number of hours they put into building their business and enjoy more financial success and freedom to enjoy life than ever before.

Too many people are using AI haphazardly, but if you would set up a systematic approach to utilizing it for your task list at the start of each day, you’d find yourself with more free time and more money to do what you really love.

Whether you’re selling information products as a vendor or working as an affiliate marketer, this is a strategy that takes much of the burden off of you, while still allowing you to maintain complete creative and strategic control over your business.

Prompting Smarter for Success with AI -part 3

Tip #4: Get AI to Deliver Variety for You to Choose From

With online marketing, there are often many different ways to do something. Take email subject lines, for example. You can ask a question, make a shocking statement, pique their interest with a teaser statement, and so on.

If you’re not sure which you’d prefer, prompt AI to give you a variety of styles. AI is there to be a creative mouthpiece for you. It’s not like it will take it hours to complete – it’ll be done in mere seconds.

You can do this for many things, like call to action statements, headlines, bulletpoint benefits lists, storytelling, and so on. You can even do it when asking AI for strategy advice, like monetization or being competitive.

Always ask for more than you need because if you just ask for a headline, it’ll give you exactly one. Then you have to keep prompting it. Instead, ask for a list of 20 headline options, all with a different type of slant and style.

Tip #5: Know How to Get AI Back on Track

AI sometimes needs redirection. If you practice steering it back to what you want, it will make the process much easier. AI prides itself on iteration, meaning it can work to refine the output to your liking.

But you want this process to be quick and painless. AI might start formatting something differently or using a different tone out of nowhere. You can redirect it by simply asking it to rewrite it and then add that it should “do it like you were doing before” or with specific instructions such as, “use more reader friendly language, please.”

Maybe it starts giving you short one-sentence bulletpoints instead of paragraphs. Just remind it to “write in paragraph form and expand on each point.” You don’t need to fully retrain AI – just gently nudge it back on track.

Tip #6: Track the Success of Your AI Prompts

Just sitting there nodding in approval of whatever output AI delivers is not hard evidence of its success. Whether you’re asking AI for content, ideas, strategy or analysis – you want to keep track of the prompts and requests you gave it and see how they pan out.

Were they effective in getting people on your list? Delivering traffic to your domain? Having people open their emails? What about converting into cold, hard cash? You can’t keep using the same prompts if you aren’t sure whether or not they work.

You won’t always have to track this, but especially in the beginning, it will pay off for you to go the extra mile and see what works best. Track the AI tool you used, the exact prompts (including and redirection), the date of the output and implementation – and a date when you need to come back and check the results.

Tip #7: Pay Attention to Updated Prompt Capabilities

AI is still in its infancy, even though it’s taken the world by storm (especially the online marketing industry). There are always new developments. For example, Google’s Gemini introduced an easy way to edit within the AI output instead of having to re-prompt AI.

You can simply highlight a section, and choose to remove it, expand it longer, shorten it, etc. ChatGPT now has a way to edit its DALLE images without having to re-prompt it to do something different.

OpenAI just recently announced that all free users can use custom GPTs in the marketplace. This might be something beneficial to you if you’re not using a paid tier. So pay attention to the news about AI because it might impact how you prompt the tool in the future.

 AI is just a tool to assist you. It’s not expected to take over your business and churn out money for you on a continual basis. We all hope for that, but it’s you who sits behind the wheel guiding it, and prompting is the foundation for your success.


Prompting Smarter for Success with AI -part 2

Tip #2: Spend Some Time Finding the Best Tool for Your Needs

Part of your prompting success will be in working with a tool that you feel is easy for you to use. Not all tools give the same kinds of results when you prompt them. So it’s best to sign up for a few that you feel might work best for you and take them for a test run.

For example, you might sign up with both ChatGPT and Google Gemini and give the same prompt, with differing results. You might find that Gemini is better for current research and creative output - and Chat GPT writes in the better business tone for you.

Tip #3: Train Your AI Overall and on the Fly

There are going to be some instructions you have for AI that are non negotiable – things you always want it to do. Then there will be times when you need to give specific instructions for a single prompt or project.

You can enter custom instructions on ChatGPT for things you always want it to remember. This might be something like a specific style or tone you always want used, such as empathic and motivational or professional, conversational, and so on.

You can also train AI right before you have it begin working for you. For example, if you’re an affiliate marketer, you might train AI by uploading some customer reviews of a product and telling it to consider addressing that feedback whenever it crafts the product review for you.

This background information is something AI will usually remember. Sometimes, it might veer off course and you can remind it of your previous instructions. Another common things to tell it is to MECE everything – meaning it delivers results that are Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive – no overlap of ideas and content....

Prompting Smarter for Success with AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have been a blessing for many solo online entrepreneurs. It’s an unpaid assistant available at all times of the day help you with strategy, brainstorming, content development, analysis and more.

But unless you do the work involved to master the prompting process, your efforts will likely not result in the best output possible. While AI does have the ability to understand your needs whenever you give it a command, there are ways to enhance its ability to perform.

Below, you’ll find 7 prompt tips that can take your use of AI to the next level, helping you cross more tasks off of your to do list each day. In the end, this is a technology that can bolster your approach in leading a niche and profiting from it - and by learning a few tricks of the trade, you’ll ensure your AI is working smarter and harder for you at all times.

Tip #1: Be Able to Clearly State Your Specific Needs

Some marketers are in such a rush when working that they forget to slow down and think of the best way to convey their needs to someone else (even a robot). The AI can’t read your mind, so regardless of how you’re using it – for content creation, analysis, strategy, etc., you have to be able to convey your needs so there’s no misunderstanding.

This is especially important if you’re using a paid tier of AI and only have so much output available to you. You don’t want to waste it by having to redirect AI because you weren’t specific enough.

When you are able to clearly state your specific needs, it optimizes your efficiency in using AI and makes you more productive. Being too broad and general with your commands can be confusing to the AI bot and it might choose something completely outside the realm of what you actually need when it creates its output.

For example, if you just say, “Write an article about email marketing,” AI has no idea what specific aspects you need covered, who your audience is, or anything else. It needs to know the word length you’re looking for, who you’re targeting with the content, what tone or style you want to use, and any parameters about what you do (and don’t) want included....

The Secret to Effortless Content Creation – part 2 introduction

AI Can Serve as Your Secret Content Development Weapon

The ability to consistently produce high-quality, engaging content can make the difference between standing out and blending into the backdrop of digital noise. This ongoing need for fresh, relevant content places a considerable burden on marketers, especially those operating solo.

Here, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges not just as a tool, but as a transformative force that can redefine the landscape of content creation. Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing content development by automating complex processes, generating creative content ideas, and optimizing content for different platforms.

This technology harnesses the power of machine learning and natural language processing to analyze data, trends, and user interactions at a scale and speed unattainable for human marketers alone.

By doing so, AI provides actionable insights and automates repetitive tasks, which can significantly alleviate the content creation burden. The primary allure of AI in this context is its capacity to handle the two major challenges faced by online marketers: the creation of high-volume, high-quality content and the need for this content to perform well across diverse digital platforms.

AI can analyze large sets of data from various sources, including social media, search engines, and consumer behavior analytics. This analysis helps in understanding what content resonates with audiences and why.

Armed with this knowledge, AI can generate suggestions for content that is not only innovative but also finely tuned to the interests and needs of your target audience. AI's ability to learn and adapt over time means that it becomes more efficient and effective the more you use it.

It continuously refines its content suggestions and optimizations, ensuring that your content strategy evolves in step with changes in consumer preferences and technological advancements.

This adaptive capability makes AI an invaluable ally in the quest to remain relevant and competitive in the fast-paced world of online marketing. By integrating AI into your content development strategy, you tap into a powerful resource that can transform your approach from reactive to proactive, enabling you to anticipate market trends and audience shifts with greater accuracy.... 

The Secret to Effortless Content Creation

Online marketers face a relentless demand for fresh content, which is central to engaging audiences and driving business growth. Every day, you need a vast array of content.

These include blog posts to educate and entertain, emails to nurture leads, social media updates across various platforms to maintain visibility, lead magnets to attract subscribers, and info products to monetize your expertise.

The sheer volume is daunting, particularly as this cycle repeats day in and day out, not just occasionally. Staying relevant in a highly competitive industry adds another layer of pressure.

Marketers must not only produce content frequently but also ensure it stands out amidst a sea of competitors who are equally intent on capturing the audience's attention. This requires constant innovation and adaptation to emerging trends, which can be exhausting.

Writer's block is a common challenge, where ideas cease to flow, making it even more stressful. This is not just about finding something to say, but finding something compelling enough to engage readers and provoke interaction.

In addition to crafting compelling content, you also have to master the intricacies of optimization to ensure your content reaches the widest possible audience. Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for making blog posts and web pages visible in search results, requiring a deep understanding of keywords, meta tags, and linking strategies.

Similarly, social media optimization (SMO) demands content be tailored to perform well on various platforms, involving strategic use of hashtags, engaging visuals, and timing posts for maximum engagement.

Both SEO and SMO are dynamic fields, with algorithms constantly evolving, so you need to stay informed and adapt your strategies to maintain and grow your digital presence effectively.

The necessity to maintain high-quality content without spending excessive time on it poses a significant challenge. As a solo entrepreneur, you wear many hats, managing everything from content creation to customer service and business strategy.

Therefore, optimizing the time spent on content creation without sacrificing quality is crucial to sustaining your business and sanity. Now, there’s a secret weapon that can help you overcome these challenge – artificial intelligence....

Use AI to Take Advantage of Trends and News to Boost Your Earnings Every Day

Depending on which AI tool you’re using, you can have it check for the latest news and trends to tie into your content. Being one of the early adopters of these messages can boost your income.

For example, people who promoted N95 masks right as pandemic news was hitting the Internet made a killing on those – not to mention things like hand sanitizer. You had many people creating and selling info products the second they knew word was spreading.

Prompt AI like this: “For my bug out channel, what’s some very current news or a trend that my audience would be interested that might make them get prepared sooner?” Google’s Gemini, for example mentions this:

  • Mention the rising threat of cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure, potentially leading to widespread power outages.
  • Touch upon the potential impact of global conflicts or political instability on essential services and resources.
  • Recent economic challenges and supply chain disruptions have led to shortages of essential goods and increased prices. These factors can spur people to prepare to be more self-sufficient.

This way, you’ll be first (generally speaking) compared to the masses who are too focused solely on keyword research to leverage information people are actively looking up because it just came on their radar.

Zero in on Bigger Profits Using AI to Guide Your Tweaks

AI isn’t just for handling the content marketing and scheduling aspect of helping you bring in $100 a day. It also serves to help you make improvements. You’re going to have access to data from your blog, email autoresponder and social accounts.

Share that with AI and give it a chance to help you tweak your strategy so that you make more every week. Whether it’s a subtle change or a huge overhaul, it can analyze the information and spot patterns and make predictive assessments of what will work best for you.

For example, if your TikTok video called Top 5 Bug Out Bag Essentials got a lot of views, but little direct interaction, or the bio was clicked, but the conversion to your landing page was low, AI could have a solution for you.

This might include verbally asking for them to comment with something specific by posing a question to them. Or split testing your current call to action with something more powerful or intriguing.

The data can also help AI determine what information gaps are in your niche, giving you ample opportunity to create info products to serve the needs of your audience. This kind of revenue – especially when you use AI to help you recruit affiliates – can easily tip the scales in your favor for $100 a day, or much more!

You can even ask AI to help you split test certain elements of campaigns and efforts that seem to work fine – just to make sure you’re not leaving money on the table. It can create split test versions of your landing page copy, email messages, social content and more.

AI works very fast. The more you train it in the beginning and have it work on a specific monetary goal with you, the easier it will be for you to achieve what you’re hoping to bring to fruition.

Implement a Daily AI Content Marketing Strategy with a $100 a Day Goal

Now that your setup is complete, and AI is trained to address your content marketing needs in an effort to turn $100 a day profits, how will your day unfold? This is something you need to know so that you can prioritize and organize your task list.

Without consistent effort, your earnings will never take root, because online, you have to build up your brand and foster a sense of loyalty from your followers. You can monetize AI to work for you by prompting it to do all of the following:

  • Create affiliate promos and digital and tangible products
  • Brainstorm, outline and write complete info products (including the sales copy)
  • Write scripts or content that engages your social media audience and helps you earn Content Creator Funds, follower gifts and ad revenue, and more!

Have AI help you make a schedule to work on all of these things. For example, you might prompt it like this: “Help me make a daily schedule to use AI to create 3 daily TikTok videos of 90 seconds each – one that promotes a digital info product, one that promotes a tangible product and one that entertains and informs my audience to increase engagement and brand loyalty. Give me a list of tasks to do each day that include those 3 videos plus time spent creating my own info product using AI for a launch. I also need blog content 2-3 times per week.”

AI is going to give you a routine with hours that you can alter if you want to. For example, here is a snippet of part of what it gives you:

Morning Routine (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM)

AI-Assisted TikTok Video Creation (8:00 AM - 10:00 AM)

Video 1: Digital Info Product Promotion (it includes 3)

  • Use AI to draft a script highlighting the benefits and unique selling points of your digital product.
  • Record the video, focusing on how the product solves common problems or enhances survival skills.

Afternoon Routine (1:00 PM – 5:00 PM)

AI-Assisted Info Product Creation (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM)

  • Work with AI to develop content for your info product, such as drafting chapters or sections, creating outlines, or researching additional content.
  • Focus on areas where AI can generate high-quality content quickly, such as data compilation, fact-checking, or creating visual elements like charts or infographics.

It also has weekly tasks for analysis and strategy adjustment. Use this as a starting point and provide AI with any details that might help it help you allocate time to certain tasks.

You also want to ask AI for help in revving up your earnings. For example, you might ask AI: “For my promotion of a survival lost skills info product as an affiliate, what are some ideas for ensuring people buy through my link?”

It’s going to serve as your advisor to increase conversions, which will include a video review, special bonus offer, a discount code that you secure, an interactive session or product walkthrough, retargeting ads, and more.

Whenever you have a set monetary goal like $100 a day, you can have AI help you achieve that goal. For example, you might prompt AI like this: “I want to create a TikTok about the top 5 bug out bag essentials and I want to make sure I hit my goal of earning $100 in commissions today. What tips do you have about what products I could promote to help me hit that goal?”

AI knows that you’d need to focus on products with commissions in the $20-50 range and generate 2-5 sales per day. So an obvious one is the bug out bags themselves. But AI has some other great ideas, including a water purification system, a multitool top brand, a comprehensive first aid kit, and emergency shelter like a tent.

It goes farther, telling you how to optimize the video for sales, use a call to action that converts, which hashtags to use or trends to leverage, and what follow-up content will serve you well, like comment engagement or new videos with more detail.

For your email marketing, you can have AI help you create campaigns that ensure a 2-5% clickthrough rate to help you generate that $100 a day, giving you similar advice about what to promote to different audience segments.

The family bug out list segment might want to buy an 8-person tent, for example, and that could help you tremendously with your $100 a day goals – especially if you use AI to mention add-ons they need to consider – the ground pads, sleeping bags and other bug out camping gear.

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