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Use AI to Take Advantage of Trends and News to Boost Your Earnings Every Day

Depending on which AI tool you’re using, you can have it check for the latest news and trends to tie into your content. Being one of the early adopters of these messages can boost your income.

For example, people who promoted N95 masks right as pandemic news was hitting the Internet made a killing on those – not to mention things like hand sanitizer. You had many people creating and selling info products the second they knew word was spreading.

Prompt AI like this: “For my bug out channel, what’s some very current news or a trend that my audience would be interested that might make them get prepared sooner?” Google’s Gemini, for example mentions this:

  • Mention the rising threat of cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure, potentially leading to widespread power outages.
  • Touch upon the potential impact of global conflicts or political instability on essential services and resources.
  • Recent economic challenges and supply chain disruptions have led to shortages of essential goods and increased prices. These factors can spur people to prepare to be more self-sufficient.

This way, you’ll be first (generally speaking) compared to the masses who are too focused solely on keyword research to leverage information people are actively looking up because it just came on their radar.

Zero in on Bigger Profits Using AI to Guide Your Tweaks

AI isn’t just for handling the content marketing and scheduling aspect of helping you bring in $100 a day. It also serves to help you make improvements. You’re going to have access to data from your blog, email autoresponder and social accounts.

Share that with AI and give it a chance to help you tweak your strategy so that you make more every week. Whether it’s a subtle change or a huge overhaul, it can analyze the information and spot patterns and make predictive assessments of what will work best for you.

For example, if your TikTok video called Top 5 Bug Out Bag Essentials got a lot of views, but little direct interaction, or the bio was clicked, but the conversion to your landing page was low, AI could have a solution for you.

This might include verbally asking for them to comment with something specific by posing a question to them. Or split testing your current call to action with something more powerful or intriguing.

The data can also help AI determine what information gaps are in your niche, giving you ample opportunity to create info products to serve the needs of your audience. This kind of revenue – especially when you use AI to help you recruit affiliates – can easily tip the scales in your favor for $100 a day, or much more!

You can even ask AI to help you split test certain elements of campaigns and efforts that seem to work fine – just to make sure you’re not leaving money on the table. It can create split test versions of your landing page copy, email messages, social content and more.

AI works very fast. The more you train it in the beginning and have it work on a specific monetary goal with you, the easier it will be for you to achieve what you’re hoping to bring to fruition.

Implement a Daily AI Content Marketing Strategy with a $100 a Day Goal

Now that your setup is complete, and AI is trained to address your content marketing needs in an effort to turn $100 a day profits, how will your day unfold? This is something you need to know so that you can prioritize and organize your task list.

Without consistent effort, your earnings will never take root, because online, you have to build up your brand and foster a sense of loyalty from your followers. You can monetize AI to work for you by prompting it to do all of the following:

  • Create affiliate promos and digital and tangible products
  • Brainstorm, outline and write complete info products (including the sales copy)
  • Write scripts or content that engages your social media audience and helps you earn Content Creator Funds, follower gifts and ad revenue, and more!

Have AI help you make a schedule to work on all of these things. For example, you might prompt it like this: “Help me make a daily schedule to use AI to create 3 daily TikTok videos of 90 seconds each – one that promotes a digital info product, one that promotes a tangible product and one that entertains and informs my audience to increase engagement and brand loyalty. Give me a list of tasks to do each day that include those 3 videos plus time spent creating my own info product using AI for a launch. I also need blog content 2-3 times per week.”

AI is going to give you a routine with hours that you can alter if you want to. For example, here is a snippet of part of what it gives you:

Morning Routine (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM)

AI-Assisted TikTok Video Creation (8:00 AM - 10:00 AM)

Video 1: Digital Info Product Promotion (it includes 3)

  • Use AI to draft a script highlighting the benefits and unique selling points of your digital product.
  • Record the video, focusing on how the product solves common problems or enhances survival skills.

Afternoon Routine (1:00 PM – 5:00 PM)

AI-Assisted Info Product Creation (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM)

  • Work with AI to develop content for your info product, such as drafting chapters or sections, creating outlines, or researching additional content.
  • Focus on areas where AI can generate high-quality content quickly, such as data compilation, fact-checking, or creating visual elements like charts or infographics.

It also has weekly tasks for analysis and strategy adjustment. Use this as a starting point and provide AI with any details that might help it help you allocate time to certain tasks.

You also want to ask AI for help in revving up your earnings. For example, you might ask AI: “For my promotion of a survival lost skills info product as an affiliate, what are some ideas for ensuring people buy through my link?”

It’s going to serve as your advisor to increase conversions, which will include a video review, special bonus offer, a discount code that you secure, an interactive session or product walkthrough, retargeting ads, and more.

Whenever you have a set monetary goal like $100 a day, you can have AI help you achieve that goal. For example, you might prompt AI like this: “I want to create a TikTok about the top 5 bug out bag essentials and I want to make sure I hit my goal of earning $100 in commissions today. What tips do you have about what products I could promote to help me hit that goal?”

AI knows that you’d need to focus on products with commissions in the $20-50 range and generate 2-5 sales per day. So an obvious one is the bug out bags themselves. But AI has some other great ideas, including a water purification system, a multitool top brand, a comprehensive first aid kit, and emergency shelter like a tent.

It goes farther, telling you how to optimize the video for sales, use a call to action that converts, which hashtags to use or trends to leverage, and what follow-up content will serve you well, like comment engagement or new videos with more detail.

For your email marketing, you can have AI help you create campaigns that ensure a 2-5% clickthrough rate to help you generate that $100 a day, giving you similar advice about what to promote to different audience segments.

The family bug out list segment might want to buy an 8-person tent, for example, and that could help you tremendously with your $100 a day goals – especially if you use AI to mention add-ons they need to consider – the ground pads, sleeping bags and other bug out camping gear.

Use AI for Full-Coverage Social Traffic Monetization

You'll have to make a decision about which platforms you want to spend time on in an effort to generate profits, and you'll do this by not only seeing if there is an engaged audience, but also looking at what forms of monetization are allowed.

Some platforms allow ample affiliate promotions and selling, some have Content Creator funds, and some have built in ad revenue you can earn. Once you have made your decision on which social media platforms you are going to tap into for profits, you want to get AI to develop a schedule and plan for profitable promos that deliver valuable information to your followers.

You can prompt AI for that detail like this: “I’m going to call my account BugOutBasics and have it set up YouTube, TikTok and Facebook. I want you to create an aggressive publishing schedule for this month with topics this audience will find valuable and interesting but also give me the opportunity to promote products as an affiliate.”

AI gives you a specific schedule for each platform, creating one longer YouTube video per week, daily TikTok posts, and weekly posts and events on Facebook. If you want to, you can ask AI to make it even more aggressive, with daily or multiple daily publishings.

When AI gives you an idea for content, like a TikTok video called Quick Tips for Packing a Lightweight Bug Out Bag, ask it for a video script and storyboard. You can take those details and create the video with an AI narrator or plug it into an AI video tool like InVideo to do all of the work for you.

Be sure to ask AI to: “Give optimization advice for the content for increased discoverability and engagement, including details about the thumbnail, descriptions, and tags.”

Have AI Create Your List Builders for Targeted Profit Promotions…Continued

You might add something like this: “Use the attached landing page copy as an example of the style and tone I want this one to represent.” Or, see what it comes up with on its own before doing that – you might end up with something better!

AI is going to instantly deliver a headline, add a small bit of storyline (2 sentences, which we forgot to mention), the bulletpoint benefits, and the call to action. Here’s what it looks like:

Secure Your Family’s Safety with Our Free Guide: "Family-Focused Bug Out Plan"

Discover how to prepare your family for any emergency with a plan that’s tailored just for you. Get instant access to our comprehensive guide by signing up today!

  • Complete Preparedness: Learn how to assemble a bug-out bag that covers the needs of all family members, including children and pets.
  • Tailored Routes and Locations: Gain insights on choosing the safest routes and bug-out locations that are best suited for families.
  • Family-Specific Tips: From managing your children's needs to including comfort items that reduce stress, find out how to keep the whole family secure and comfortable.
  • Practical Checklists: Use our detailed checklists to ensure nothing vital is forgotten and maintain readiness at all times.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from expert tips on navigating emergencies with confidence as a cohesive family unit.

Act Now! Don’t wait until it’s too late. Prepare your family for any situation by downloading your free guide today. This comprehensive resource is your first step towards a safer future. Sign up now and ensure your family is never caught unprepared!

If you want to make any tweaks to it, you can do that now. Otherwise, load it up into your page builder and connect it with the downloadable report that AI generated for you in minutes and start the list building process.

You will need AI to write some emails, or at least the initial welcome email. Ask it to write it for this segmented audience like this: “Write a warm and welcoming email for those who sign up to my list for this download. Emphasize the purpose (family focused) and let them know what they can expect to learn in the coming weeks and months of their journey – more great tips, etc. Mention that they can download the report instantly and I’ll insert the link.”

AI excels at whipping up words on your behalf, and this is what it delivers:

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

Welcome to our community, and thank you for taking the first step toward safeguarding your family's future! We’re thrilled to have you with us. You’ve made a critical decision to not just prepare, but to prepare with your loved ones in mind. It’s about creating a safe, thoughtful, and strategic plan that encompasses everyone you care about – and you’re doing just that!

Your journey starts here. You can download your "Family-Focused Bug Out Plan" instantly – just click the link below to get started. This guide is your blueprint to understanding and executing a successful bug-out strategy tailored specifically for families like yours.

[Insert Download Link Here]

What’s next? Over the coming weeks and months, you'll receive emails packed with valuable tips, deeper dives into critical topics, and practical advice that builds on the foundation we’ve started today. From detailed guides on packing your emergency kits to selecting the perfect bug-out location, we’ll ensure you have all the resources you need to keep your family prepared, protected, and poised for safety.

Stay tuned for:

  • Expert tips on how to keep children calm and cooperative during emergencies.
  • The best pet-friendly practices for evacuations.
  • Updates on the latest gear and how to use it effectively.
  • Real stories from families who’ve mastered the art of bugging out.

Remember, the goal is not just to prepare; it's to thrive, even in the face of challenges. You’ve taken an important step by joining us, and together, we’ll continue to build a community of readiness and resilience.

Thank you for trusting us with your family’s safety. We’re honored to be part of your preparedness journey and excited to see where it takes you.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

If you want to, you can have AI develop an on-going series for you, not just the initial welcome email. If you want to do this, and monetize the emails, prompt AI like this: “Create the first 5 emails after the welcome email to send out that include tips and a mention of one specific product they might need – be general about the brand, and I will select the best option to link to. Don’t make the email sound like a sales letter – I want it to be very natural and friendly, with a mention of something that can help them.”

It starts by creating a tip email for essentials on what to pack in your bug out bag. The tips given help them learn how to shop for one based on compartmentalization, weight distribution, and durability and includes tips on updating the contents every few months.

But instead of promoting bug out bags, it mentions a specific tool every bug out bag needs, a high quality multi tool. It tells why, and how to shop for one – and leaves room for you to link out.

At this time, you’re ready to start generating traffic. You might have a blog or you might not. You can prompt AI to give you a blog post to help get people on your list like this: “Considering what the lead magnet topic is about, what is a good idea for a blog post that this audience will read and see the lead magnet as a good option to download? I don’t want them about the same thing. I also want the title optimized for search engines.”

It comes up with a  great option: 5 Critical Mistakes Families Make When Preparing for Emergency Survival. It gives an outline and in seconds, you can prompt it to write a pillar blog post that will pull in traffic and recommend signing up for the free download.

You can also prompt AI to tell you what to name your social media accounts, what to put in the profile’s bio to get people to download the lead magnet, and which platforms are best for your niche.

Prompt it like this: “For this specific niche topic of bugging out for survival, where I will target a variety of bug out audiences (not just families), what social media platforms would be best for high traffic and list building and what are some account name options that might be available on all of them? Give me wording for the profile’s bio to get them to download a free report.”

You never want to fully rely on the information it gives you. You can use it as a starting point, but go out on these platforms and see for yourself. You're looking to see if there is a big enough audience that is engaged with other accounts, and that will give you a good indicator of where you should be marketing to earn your $100 per day.

 Not only does it list platforms you might want to check out and potential account names, but it then gives you your profile bio wording (including an emoji to draw attention to it) In a way that includes a call to action getting the user to go to your landing page to download something free.

Have AI Create Your List Builders for Targeted Profit Promotions

One of the fastest ways to generate your $100 a day profits is to be able to market to people who have shown a specific interest in the topic you are covering. If you fail to build a list, you have to work harder to find a brand new audience every 24 hours and convince them to have enough trust in you to convert into a buyer.

Instead of working harder, do the initial work using AI to set up your list builders so that you can send out targeted campaigns via email that are tailored to specific audience segments in your niche.

With a list, it's much easier to achieve your monetary goals. AI can research, brainstorm, and create the perfect topic for a lead magnet, craft your landing page copy so that it converts well for you, write your nurturing emails to build loyalty from your audience, and even generate traffic from your social media accounts and on your blog to get people subscribed quickly and easily.

You don't want to have just one lead magnet and landing page. You want numerous ones. Even if you are targeting a micro topic like bugging out in the survival niche, you still have people who will feel as if your message is better suited for them if the lead magnet mentions their skill level, budget, or other aspect.

So the first prompt you can give your AI for this process is something like this: “I want to build a list of people interested specifically in bugging out for survival. I might segment them by people on a limited budget, beginners versus advanced, and so on. Give me a list of 10 lead magnet ideas each with a unique slant for a specific and different audience and make them enticing enough to convince them to enter their contact information.”

AI is going to deliver options like this:

Budget-Conscious Beginner’s Guide

  • Title: "The Frugal Prepper: Your Essential Guide to Bugging Out on a Budget"
  • Slant: Tailored for beginners looking to prepare without breaking the bank, this guide includes cost-effective strategies and DIY solutions.

The others include a Checklist for Advanced Preppers, Family-Focused Bug Out Plan, Urban Bug Out Blueprint, Bug Out Vehicle Guide, Wilderness Survival Manual, Pet Owner’s Guide to Bugging Out, Fitness Plan for Bug Out Survival, Seasonal Bugging Out, etc.

Once in awhile, AI will deliver something that doesn't fit right. In this case, that option was: Digital Security Guide for Preppers. It has nothing to do with bugging out, but in the slant section, it tried to tie it in by talking about maintaining digital communication during bug outs.

This is a good starting point for you, and having it create these lead magnets can be done in less than a day because it will outline and write them in mere minutes. Your next prompt will be something like this: “Create an outline for the Family-Focused Bug Out Plan.”

AI is going to get back to you with the introduction, and a main outline with sub-bulletpoints to cover. Make sure you carefully look through it to make a decision about whether or not you need any additions or deletions from the outline.

Then prompt it to finish the job like this: “Start by writing the introduction using the tone and style I trained you on. Make sure the introduction is as least 350 words.” When AI delivers the initial section (never have it try to write the entire report at once), make sure it meets with the criteria you set forth previously.

If anything is amiss, redirect it at that moment so it can carry on in the correct manner from that point on. After each report, before moving on to the next one, have AI craft the landing page copy for you.

If you have trained AI to adhere to a certain style using other landing pages you liked or created, remind it to create in that same style. For example: “Now that you’ve created this report, write high-converting landing page copy with a single headline, 5 bulletpoint benefits, and a strong call to action with urgency to get people signed up to the list to download it for free.”

Train Your AI to Make Quick Work of Your Profit Plan

The first thing you want to do is make it so that you can work with your AI tool efficiently and effectively. You have to take a little bit of time in the beginning to train your tool to work the way you want it to.

Start by having it take a deep dive into the topic or slant that you are going to target. Sometimes, AI will be too broad or too narrow, so you need to set the parameters for exactly what you want to discuss.

An example of this might be in the survival niche, where you have the option to target all survival topics from food and water to self-defense and homesteading. Or, you can decide to have a more narrow slant where you just cover bugging out for survival.

You also want to work with AI to determine what preferences you want in place as you work with it to earn your $100 per day. If you have no clue about how to do things, you can prompt AI to help you decide which social media platforms you should be working on.

Or, you might already have an idea and you can specify to AI that you only want it focused on creating content for your blog, emails, info products, and social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

Another thing you want to train it for is how you want your promotions to unfold. One of the ways you'll be monetizing in this strategy is with affiliate marketing and the sale of your own products.

It's a good idea to show AI examples of what an effective promo is in your view. If you don't have any idea, you can always work with AI to get something that you feel will be effective and then later tweak it as needed.

But if you do know of sites that are converting well with product reviews or sales letters, you want to attach a copy of that to AI so that it knows the same level of quality you are going to be looking for.

This is also true for any certain style that you want. Even in the survival niche, you have people who are more focused on self-reliance and happiness as a homesteader and then you have others who approach it with a very dark and dire viewpoint.

By giving AI some preliminary instructions on what it's going to be doing for you and in what way, you will eliminate wasted time having to constantly redirect your AI tool as you go.

So if you have any specific research resources or things you do or don't want mentioned in your niche content, make sure that you clarify that early on. On ChatGPT, you can even set up custom instructions for it to follow.

Another thing you can do if you decide to invest in the pay the plan is develop a custom GPT that you can log onto every day that is fully trained in the exact manner you want it to work from.

Be sure to specify what tone and length you want your content to be, whether or not there are any topics to avoid (such as aliens in the survival niche) or products you want it to leave out of promotions.

If you have a certain slant like eco-friendly homesteading, train AI to make sure everything it delivers for you has that concept in mind. You can even upload training materials and prompt AI to train itself using those materials.

A good training prompt might look like this: "Analyze the following set of blog posts from leading survival and outdoor websites. Identify common themes related to wilderness survival and homesteading. Note the style and tone used, particularly how products are mentioned and recommended. Summarize these findings and understand key elements that should be incorporated into my ongoing content to resonate with survival enthusiasts."

When you have all of this in place, it will make it much easier for AI to craft content that is high converting, helping you achieve that $100 a day goal. It will know from the very beginning each time you log on which demographic it is targeting, and how to tailor the content for that audience in a way that gets more engagement and earns more profits for you.

$100 a Day Niche Profit Plan with AI

People who want to succeed as online entrepreneurs often get started in this industry without any clear goals other than to work from home or make money online. They don’t have directions or plans on how to do it or what it even means in specific terms.

A good goal to begin with is earning $100 a day. Some people might even start with $10, but earning $100 a day is a more generous starting point – and very doable, even for those without much experience.

You’re going to find all kinds of information online about pursuing your passions and setting up your own website. We’re not going to cover those basic beginner steps because we’re about to take a deep dive into a monetary goal and the steps it takes to make it a reality for you.

For the purpose of this lesson, you’re not only going to discover what tasks you have to carry out in order to start seeing daily profits at that level, but you’re also going to learn about using artificial intelligence (AI) to shortcut your success and allow you to scale your business faster.

There are different AI tools you can consider. Some have free levels and some have paid ones. Free is a good starting point, but there might be certain tasks that work better if you take the plunge and pay for a $20 a month subscription to a higher tier.

The strategy we’re going to discuss will work in many niches, but we’re going to choose the niche of survival prepping as our example – primarily because it allows you to earn money in different ways.

You can promote digital products as an affiliate, write and sell your own information products – or promote tangible items. Plus, there’s a hungry audience built into social media that can push even more profits your way thanks to monetization options provided by these platforms.

Revisit with AI with Data to Reveal Income Boosting Ideas

What happens when 60 days have passed and your social media is starting to take off? Even if you are seeing good results, you still want to take that data and go back to AI with what has happened so that it can make tweaks to your strategy for the next 30 to 60 days.

Using our same niche example and social media platform of YouTube, let's prompt AI for some advice. Let’s make up some hypothetical data and prompt AI for some advice. Our prompt might look like this:

“I've been running my organic gardening YouTube channel for 60 days now, and I need your help to optimize my strategy. Here's the data from my YouTube Analytics:

  • Total number of subscribers: 800
  • Total watch hours: 2,500
  • Average view duration: 6 minutes
  • Top-performing videos:
  • Video 1: How to Start an Organic Garden from Scratch (10,000 views)
  • Video 2: Top 5 Organic Fertilizers for a Thriving Garden (8,000 views)
  • Video 3: How to Control Pests in Your Organic Garden Naturally (6,500 views)
  • Engagement rate (likes, comments, shares):
  • Video 1: 8%
  • Video 2: 7%
  • Video 3: 5%
  • Traffic sources:
  • YouTube search: 50%
  • Suggested videos: 20%
  • External (social media, blogs): 30%
  • Audience demographics:
  • Age: 35-50 (70%)
  • Gender: Female (60%), Male (40%)

What can I do to increase my views and earnings based on this data?"

ChatGPT will come back with advice on how to increase subscriber count with reminders at both the beginning and end of your videos for them to subscribe, including offering an incentive like a downloadable guide or exclusive content for those who do subscribe.

It will talk about working on engaging intros to capture viewer attention in the first 10 seconds using teasers and hooks throughout to maintain interest and get people to the end of the video.

It will also get you to optimize your top performing videos by using end screens and cards that promote other videos on your channel, specifically your other top performing ones.

It may advise you to update your descriptions and put out a call to action to get viewers to comment on and share your video. In terms of content creation, it advises you to create content that complements your most popular videos to increase the chance of your video being recommended.

It tells you to look at your demographics to see who is most concentrated on your content and then create content that is geared primarily towards those individuals. It also gives advice about expanding your monetization from just affiliate recommendations to include reaching out to brands for sponsorships and exploring the possibility of creating your own merchandise.

Gemini has some of the same advice, but some different. For example, it puts a focus on long tail keywords that can bring in more viewers and tells you to take snippets of your content and put them on other platforms with a call to action to watch the full video on YouTube.

Day after day, you can log on to your favorite AI tool(s), ask for very detailed advice about the text, scripts, and images that you need to produce for publication on your social media channels.

All of the research and brainstorming is done for you, and in some cases even the content itself. All you have to do is copy and paste it or record it and upload it so that you can begin monetizing these wonderful free platforms and building your six figure business.

There are some micro influencers who earn four to five figures per post. The more content you churn out, as long as it holds value to your audience, the more you will be sought after by brands who are willing to pay you for using their product in your videos or even mentioning them.

When the content is effective, engaging, entertaining, and accurate, you will develop a loyal fan base who not only takes your recommendations for affiliate products to buy, but also wants to support your channel or account by watching your videos, tuning into live streams and sending virtual gifts, and paying for top tier access to exclusive content.

All of this is done without a site and without a list. If you eventually want to start your own blog and build a list so that you can create info products (which, by the way, AI can also do for you) - that's up to you.

 But for now, while you are on a shoestring budget and working with a limited amount of time, social media, paired with artificial intelligence is a way to fast track your online income without having to purchase expensive tools and courses that may take you months, if not years to generate profits with.

Work with AI for Your Comprehensive Content Marketing Efforts

The next thing you want to do is begin working with AI to fast track the development of your content. Ideally, you'll have some idea of the specific direction you want to go. For our example, we are going to choose organic gardening.

Let's prompt AI for our first week of content, making three videos that are focused on this topic by asking for the following: “I want to focus on organic gardening. Create an optimized title, tags, and description for my first three videos on this channel. Make sure they are going to be in demand topics that will help me achieve my follower and hourly goals. I also want you to give advice about the thumbnail for each and create a storyboard and script for each one.”

Now depending on your niche, you may have your own topics in mind that you already know you want to talk about. If that's the case, you can simply tell AI what your basic topic is and what content you definitely want to include and have it map out something professional and engaging for you to work with.

The results we get back from AI are different. Let’s look at how Gemini returns the results using one of the video topics:

Video 1: Organic Gardening for Beginners (High Demand, High Engagement)

  • Title: Organic Gardening Made Easy: Your Beginner's Guide to Growing Food Naturally
  • Tags: organic gardening, beginner gardening, organic vegetables, natural gardening, gardening tips, grow your own food, sustainable gardening
  • Description: Overwhelmed by the idea of organic gardening? Don't worry! This video is your one-stop guide for getting started with organic gardening, even if you're a complete beginner. We'll cover the basics of organic soil, planting seeds, natural pest control, and more. Learn how to grow delicious, healthy food for your family the natural way!
  • Thumbnail: Split image - one side showing healthy, vibrant organic vegetables, the other side with a person planting seeds with a friendly smile. Text overlay: "Organic Gardening Made Easy!"
  • Storyboard:
    • Intro (0:00-0:30) - Welcome and introduce yourself/channel. Briefly explain the benefits of organic gardening.
    • What is Organic Gardening? (0:30-2:00) - Define organic gardening, explain key principles (no synthetic pesticides or fertilizers).
    • Benefits of Organic Gardening (2:00-3:00) - Highlight health benefits (pesticide-free food), environmental benefits (supports healthy soil).
    • Getting Started with Organic Gardening (3:00-7:00) - Cover selecting a garden location, preparing organic soil, choosing organic seeds.
    • Natural Pest Control Solutions (7:00-9:00) - Introduce natural methods like companion planting, beneficial insects, homemade sprays.
    • Wrap Up & Call to Action (9:00-9:30) - Briefly summarize key points, encourage viewers to subscribe for more organic gardening tips.
  • Script: (Sample for Intro) "Hi everyone, and welcome to my channel! I'm [Your Name], and I'm passionate about growing healthy, delicious food organically. If you're new to gardening or curious about organic methods, you've come to the right place. Today, we'll dive into everything you need to know to get started with organic gardening, even if you've never planted a seed before..." (Continue script according to storyboard)

Can you see just how beneficial it is to have AI working as your assistant? This literally took a split second to return and you’re ready to start filming! Amazing! The way ChatGPT returns the results is a bit different, like this:

Video 1: "How to Start an Organic Garden from Scratch"

  • Title: How to Start an Organic Garden from Scratch | Beginner's Guide
  • Tags: organic gardening, how to start an organic garden, beginner gardening tips, organic gardening for beginners, starting an organic garden, organic vegetable garden, organic garden setup
  • Description: Welcome to our first video on organic gardening! In this beginner's guide, we’ll show you how to start an organic garden from scratch. From choosing the right location to preparing the soil and selecting the best organic seeds, we've got you covered. Whether you’re a novice or looking to switch to organic methods, this video will set you on the path to a healthy and productive garden. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon for more organic gardening tips!
  • Thumbnail Advice: Use a bright, high-quality image of a lush garden bed. Include the text “Start an Organic Garden” in bold, readable font. Use arrows or highlights to point to key features in the image (e.g., soil, plants).
  • Storyboard and Script:
  • Storyboard: Opening Shot: A wide shot of a beautiful, lush garden with background music.
  • Host Introduction: Host introduces the topic in the garden.
  • Step-by-Step Guide: Close-up shots of each step (location, soil preparation, planting).
  • Conclusion: Host summarizes key points and encourages viewers to subscribe.
  • Script:
  • [Opening Shot] Host: "Welcome to our channel! Today, we're starting an exciting journey into organic gardening. Whether you’re a beginner or just looking to go organic, this guide is for you."
  • [Step 1: Choosing the Right Location] Host: "First, let's find the perfect spot for your garden. Look for a sunny location with good drainage."
  • [Step 2: Soil Preparation] Host: "Next, we'll prepare the soil. Organic gardening starts with healthy soil. Add compost and organic matter to enrich the soil."
  • [Step 3: Selecting Seeds] Host: "Now, choose your seeds. Opt for organic seeds from reputable sources. We'll be planting tomatoes, lettuce, and carrots today."
  • [Step 4: Planting] Host: "Time to plant! Follow the instructions on your seed packets for planting depth and spacing."
  • [Conclusion] Host: "And there you have it! You've started your very own organic garden. Remember to water regularly and watch for pests. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon for more organic gardening tips. Happy gardening!"

As you can see, they both deliver a similar slant for the first video, but in a different way. This is something you can compare and see what fits with your natural style best. However, you may want to still use both AI tools because one may have different information than the other that you want to include and you can create a hybrid video for your channel.

Now, we want to ask AI one more question for these first videos. That is: “After I create video 1, since I won’t yet have access to the creator funds, what should I promote as an affiliate in the description area and what should I say to promote it?”

Gemini is going to give you a couple of options. For example, option one tells you to promote organic seeds because it directly aligns with the video content and gives viewers immediate value.

For the promotion, it tells you to say: “Ready to get started with your organic garden? To help you choose the perfect seeds for your needs, I recommend checking out [Seed Supplier Name], a company specializing in high-quality organic seeds. They offer a wide variety of vegetables, herbs, and flowers, all certified organic! [Affiliate Link]"

The other idea it gives is to promote organic gardening starter kits. ChatGPT, on the other hand, gives you many different options. While one of the options includes organic seeds, but it also tells you to consider compost bin, gardening tools that are essential for beginners, organic fertilizers, and gardening books.

For its promotional wording, it gives you wording for each option, and they look like this: “Essential Gardening Tools Set - Get all the tools you need to care for your new garden. [Amazon Affiliate Link]”

That doesn't look as enticing as the longer text on Gemini, but ChatGPT goes one step further and gives you the script to verbally promote that item within your video at the end of the video.

So again, it pays to use both tools because you may want to pick and choose what you are using from each one and you get a comprehensive idea of the best way to tackle your social media startup business.

Let AI Create a Cross-Platform Income Strategy for You

Now that you have a list of the social media platforms you want to launch your business on, you need to have AI help you develop a strategy that you can use across different platforms to generate income.

You might start with a prompt like this: “If my goal is to monetize my gardening content strategy on social media platforms without a site of my own, create a precise monetization strategy that covers as many options as possible (like affiliate links, sponsored posts, content creator funds, virtual gifts, etc.) for the best platforms that allow these methods.”

Not every social media platform will allow the same things. For example, if you are using TikTok or Instagram, you aren't going to link out directly from your post in most instances, but you'll use a link in your bio.

There are exceptions on some platforms, like Instagram, if you have a shoppable post. When we present this monetization question to AI, it will give you a specific strategy that you can use to earn money on each platform.

First, let's look at the type of results that ChatGPT provides:


  • Ad Revenue: Join the YouTube Partner Program to earn from ads shown on your videos.
  • Channel Memberships: Offer exclusive content, badges, and perks to members who subscribe for a monthly fee.
  • Super Chats and Super Stickers: During live streams, viewers can purchase Super Chats and Super Stickers to support your channel.
  • Merchandise Shelf: Sell branded gardening merchandise directly from your YouTube channel.
  • Affiliate Links: Include affiliate links in video descriptions and pinned comments.

The results you get from Google Gemini will be very different. It's going to organize it according to different monetization strategies, and tell you which platforms that method will work on, how it works, and give you tips for succeeding.

Here's an example:

Content Creator Funds:

  • Platforms: YouTube, TikTok
  • How it Works: Platforms like YouTube and TikTok offer creator funds where you earn a share of ad revenue based on views on your videos.
  • Tips:
  • Create high-quality, engaging content to maximize views and potential earnings.
  • Meet platform eligibility requirements (e.g., minimum subscriber count).

It helps to use both of these AI tools whenever you are building your business because they give very different results, and you will eventually have preferences for one over the other, but still try to use them together.

What you can do after you have the basic information is ask AI for a detailed strategy to achieve that type of revenue. So let's pose the question like this: “Starting with YouTube, give me a comprehensive strategy for monetizing a channel about gardening that includes building my follower count up enough to be eligible for monetization, creating content that will maximize views and engagement on this platform, a fast-tracked schedule of content development, the best monetization options to pursue with details on achieving those - and any other tips you feel would help.”

AI is going to come back with information that can set you on the right course to generating 6 figures. On Gemini, it begins with the aspect of building your audience. It tells you to identify 3-5 core gardening topics that you are passionate about such as vegetable gardening, container gardening, and pest control.

The reason for whittling down your core topics is to present you as an expert in those areas. Then, it asks you to research your ideal viewers, whether those are beginners or urban gardeners, etc.

The goal is to be able to tailor your content and the language you use with your audience. Next, it says to make sure your content is optimized for search engines, and keep in mind that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world.

It also says to create thumbnails and titles that are eye-catching and enticing, to respond to comments and answer questions anytime someone engages with your videos, and to try to partner with established gardening YouTubers for cross promotions and more exposure.

For fast tracking your content development, it's going to tell you to start batch content creation where you film several videos in one session that you can then edit and upload. It also says to use scripts and storyboards for efficiency, to edit with visuals in mind such as engaging transitions and concise information, and to repurpose longer videos into shorter snippets that have broader reach for other platforms.

For the aspect of generating content that maximizes views and engagement, it tells you to make sure you are experimenting with different video formats such as tutorials, time lapses, Q&A sessions, or challenges.

It also emphasizes the importance of visually appealing content with beautiful gardens and close up shots. You are instructed to create seasonal content with planting tips and harvesting advice and to keep the entertainment value high with your personality, humor, and storytelling.

For the monetization prospects, you are advised to get your first 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours so that you can unlock the YouTube partner program. You are also advised to start promoting relevant gardening products as an affiliate in the video descriptions and to partner up with gardening brands and sell courses of your own once you are more established.

When you are given this advice, you can take any of that and ask AI for more details. So let’s start with the unlocking of the YouTube Partner Program. We’ll ask Gemini the following: “Create a schedule for quickly building my first 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours. I want this done fast, so give me the topics and schedule that would get me to those numbers in the shortest amount of time possible.”

Gemini is going to give you an aggressive (yet not guaranteed) schedule for a 60 day timeline. It is done by weeks, like this:

Week 1:

  • Monday: "Beginner Gardener Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them!)": Address common pitfalls faced by new gardeners. (Shorter video, high engagement)
  • Wednesday: "Top 5 Fast-Growing Vegetables for Beginners": Provide actionable tips for success. (Visually appealing, showcase variety)
  • Friday: "Life-Saving Gardening Hacks for Busy People": Cater to viewers with limited time. (Fast-paced, solution-oriented)

Right now, you are simply getting the strategy and schedule in place. In the next section, we're going to go over how to work with AI to get this content up and operational for you so that you are earning money with these ideas.

You can ask AI for help with other tips that it gave you. For example, one of the tips was about collaborating with other gardening YouTube channels. So you can prompt AI like this: “As a new gardening channel, give me a list of prospective collaboration accounts who might be open to working with me, an idea for each, and what I should say to them.”

Initially, Gemini doesn't return any specific channel names, but instead gives advice that is categorized by smaller niche gardening channels, mid sized gardening channels, and large gardening channels.

The advice looks like this:

Mid-Sized Gardening Channels:

  • Channel: "[Gardening with Alex]" (Focuses on organic gardening practices)
  • Collaboration Idea: "Organic Pest Control Solutions for Your Garden" (Split-screen Q&A or shared video)
  • Talking Points: Hi Alex, I'm a big fan of your organic gardening approach! My channel focuses on helping new gardeners achieve success. I'd love to do a Q&A video with you addressing viewers' questions about organic pest control.

Now let's take a look at what ChatGPT did when we prompted it to give us a comprehensive strategy for monetizing a YouTube gardening channel. It's advice is to focus first on building that follower count for monetization along with the proper watch hours.

Like Gemini, It asks us to clearly define our niche channel definition, to get branding for professionalism and possibly create an engaging channel trailer, as well as optimizing our channel name for search engines.

It lays out a content strategy where we are posting two to three times per week, engaging with comments, and collaborating - the same as Gemini. It gives slightly more detail on the type of content we should be creating, such as DIY projects that are creative like building your own raised garden bed or creating your own compost bin.

It adds a little more detail to drawing attention to your channel and developing that follower count that is needed, not only emphasizing thumbnails and titles, but also adding a strong call to action that encourages viewers to subscribe and developing playlists that encourage viewers to binge watch videos on your channel and help you achieve that 4,000 hour count.

Instead of just giving you the topics each week, it gives you a weekly task list. The first month looks like this:

Week 1-2: Setup and Planning

  • Set up your channel and social media profiles.
  • Plan your first month of content (8-12 videos).
  • Script and storyboard your videos.

Week 3-4: Initial Content Creation

  • Film and edit your first batch of videos.
  • Optimize video SEO (titles, descriptions, tags).
  • Schedule uploads and create promotional content for social media.

As you can see, if you are using both of these AI tools at once, you're going to get slightly different advice that complements each other well, even if there is some overlap. The idea of creating playlists for binge watching and achieving hours is unique with ChatGPT, and something Gemini did not clue us in about.

When you are looking into the platforms you should work on, don't forget about podcasting. You can start a free podcast on Spotify, and use AI to not only map out your podcast topics, but also write a script or brainstorm an outline of talking points that you can use to generate in-demand audio shows that you can monetize.

You can even create a video podcast that you then upload to YouTube and extract excerpts of to upload on short form video social media platforms like TikTok. For this purpose, you may want to have slightly better equipment, but some people do record theirs on their smartphone and upload it without any fancy editing or techniques.

The monetization for podcasts are slightly different. For example, you can have a subscription fee for subscriber only content and other perks. You can allow advertising on your podcast that you get paid for, and listeners will donate and tip to your podcast as well as purchase merchandise that you sell.

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