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From Struggle to Success as an Online Entrepreneur


Becoming your own boss is often touted as a fast track to freedom, financial stability and personal satisfaction. This is a career that gifts you everything in terms of flexibility and income potential.

But it’s not achieved without hard work and perseverance. There is no blueprint (regardless of how many people use the word in the title of their products) that tells you step-by-step everything you need to do to go from broke and worried to thriving with your earnings.

Very rarely has someone come into this business without some sort of need, and it’s often financial in nature. But even if you’re not struggling financially, you might be hoping to make this work so you can say goodbye to the stress of the corporate world – or just maximize your enjoyment in life.

If you’ve been struggling up until today – trying to figure out which business model, niche or tasks to implement to help you achieve your goals, you need to step back and conduct an analysis of what you’ve been doing so you can put yourself on the right path from this moment on.

You have to pinpoint the problems that have plagued you so that you can most past them. There are some common things holding people back in this industry. One is a lack of commitment.

The follow-through most newbies have for projects is dismal. They get excited about the hype of an idea and race out of the gate, only to lose enthusiasm, often from a lack of confidence, and they quit before they see any success.

Some people choose a business model or niche that’s not right for them. If you’re not good at creating an eBook or video course, you either have to take time to learn how to do it, hire someone to do it, or switch to a business model that’s a better fit for you!

That might be affiliate marketing or digital printable downloads. Maybe you decide to become a FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon) entrepreneur or dropshipper. What gets you hooked on Internet marketing isn’t what you have to be stuck with.

There are dozens of business models out there, regardless of how you got interested in this industry. The same goes for niches. You might be a newbie who hung your hat on the idea that the make money online niche was where you’d earn millions.

But if you know nothing about it (or are trying to pursue another niche that you just can’t get excited about), switch gears! There are thousands of niches – broad and narrow – that are just waiting to have someone step in and lead the target audience in a way that only you know how to do.

There are those who refuse to spend any time learning, and instead expect someone to take time out of their busy schedule to walk them through it while holding their hand. Once you get out of school, nobody enjoys the learning process usually, but if you can muster up some enthusiasm or at least determination to spend time learning each day, it will help you in all areas of your business.

What do you need to learn? Learn more about your niche. Learn better copywriting skills. Learn new ways to build a list. Learn how to utilize the different features on all of the social media platforms.

You can learn search engine optimization strategies and email marketing tips. You might learn time management hacks or ways to motivate your subscribers. There’s no end to the amount of tips and hacks you can absorb if you just dedicate a little bit of time each day to elevate your knowledge.

You might not be looking for workarounds, and feel like you’re held back by tools or courses that are too expensive for you to afford – or you don’t understand something, so you feel sidelined.

Sometimes, there’s a free way of doing something that you may not know about. For example, CamStudio is free whereas Camtasia isn’t. So if you felt stuck not being able to edit your videos, there’s a solution within your budget.

You have to be willing to put yourself out there and ask for help. Not everyone will ask you to mortgage your home and pay for a five-figure coaching program. In fact, most of your fellow entrepreneurs are going to answer questions simply because they remember what it was like to feel lost or stuck – and they love helping a go getter!

You may have spread yourself too thin. Ever heard the phrase, “Jack of all trades – master of none?” Don’t be that person! Pick a lane and stay in it. Don’t try too many business models (and two is too many if one isn’t profitable yet).

Don’t start building five niche websites before one is turning a profit, either. You don’t want to water down your focus or your expertise. Content creation takes a lot of time and focusing on building one virtual entity up into a massive authority site is better than putting a little bit on many domains.

Get yourself on a consistent schedule. It doesn’t have to be at the same time every day – but have the same areas mapped out that need to be accomplished. Check emails. Spend time learning. Network.

Develop new content for your blog, social profiles and info products. Research and test things. Don’t waste time looking back and beating yourself up about why you didn’t do it right the first time.

There’s an old proverb that says, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” The only thing you can control in this journey is what you do today – right now.

So grab the bull by the horns and create the success you deserve. Say goodbye to wishful thinking and engaging in the blame game. Only you can set aside your fears and frustrations and build the kind of business you can be proud of.

30 Steps to Printable Success – step 5

Step 5: Legally Structure Your Printables Business

When you start any successful business, it’s important that all accounting and legal matters are taken care of. Getting ahead of any paperwork or legal issues ensures a smooth startup.

Planning out your finances will help you stay organized and on the right side of the law. How you choose to present your printables business will be important when tax season arrives.

You can set up your brand as a limited liability company (LLC), which basically means that all finances for the business will only affect the business, and not you personally. For example, all debt that you may gain when running your business will only apply to that LLC....

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30 Steps to Printable Success -Step Four

Step 4: Purchase Branding Elements for Your Business

Once you’ve taken the time to come up with a brand name, you can start to plan out the visual aesthetics of your business. Choosing a color scheme is an essential first step, since it will go into every aspect of your designs.

If you feel creative enough, you can create your own graphics for your brand. Websites like Canva and Adobe can be used to create your own visuals. Canva has a free version, so you can test out some of your ideas before taking the dive and purchasing any type of subscription.

There are tutorials throughout different blogs and YouTube videos that can help you understand the basics. If you aren’t feeling up to that job, there are plenty of graphic artists who are willing to work with you to create your vision.....

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30 Steps to Printable Success – Step Three

Step 3: Get Creative with Your Business Name

The name that you choose for your business will largely define your brand. First impressions matter, so your business name has to give potential customers an idea of exactly what it is that you sell.

Your name will also help you specify to your audience what niche of printables you are selling. Your brand’s name should be able to help consumers directly connect your business to your products.

It should be seen as a beacon pointing directly towards the type of printables you sell. Take time to brainstorm a list of potential names for your brand. You want to keep the name short enough that it doesn’t overwhelm, and creative enough to stick out....

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30 Steps to Printable Success -Step two

Step 2: Create a Customer Avatar

Once you can create an image of who your target audience is, you can begin to plan out how to market to them. Once you can correctly characterize your customers, you will be able to properly understand what they are looking for in a quality product.

 For example, if you are looking to focus on printables that provide organization, you could market towards other entrepreneurs, parents, students, and anyone else with a busy schedule.

If you want to focus on a certain age group, you can change up the aesthetics of your printables to make them most appealing towards your target audience. Or you can focus on weddings.

You can create printables for invitations, to-do lists, thank you cards, and welcome sheets. There will always be wedding planners and engaged couples on the lookout for printables that fit their wedding themes.....

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30 Steps to Printable Success

30 Steps to Printable Success

Creating a plan for your business is essential for any entrepreneur. You need to lay out a set of steps that will push you and your brand towards the greatest possible chance of thriving with your new endeavors.

Trying to tackle everything at once will only cause a lack of organization and efficiency. You could become overwhelmed, which will end up stalling your overall progress. With 30 smaller steps to follow, you can follow a trail that leads to success.

Choosing to create your business with printables requires research and a targeted niche. You can target a wide audience with a broad selection of printables, or you can tune in to a specific niche.

Below, you’ll find the important tasks necessary to build a printables brand that stands out among the competition and helps you cater to the needs of a hungry audience desperate for immediate downloads they can put to use in their lives.

Step 1: Brainstorm Your Printable Products

One of the many reasons people choose to sell printable products is due to the wide variety of printable options available. For example, printables can be templates for to-do lists, weddings, budgeting, events, and any other planning needs.

You can even sell printable stickers for customers to use in their journals and planners. Some printables can be more structured, with detailed design and layouts, while others can be left blank, leaving the details up to anyone who purchases them.

You can also create specific pages for calendars, planners, and journals. If you can design a piece of paper to be a useful product, you can sell it as a printable. Once you figure out what kind of printables you want to sell, you can focus on the lens you use for your target audience....

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Weekly Business Systemization Blueprint – Day 5

Day 5

Customer Service Procedure - Respond to What Your Audience Mentions or Points Out

When someone from your audience gives you their opinion about an issue, you’ll want to pay attention. This can be constructive criticism that, if it’s useful and you heed it, can improve your business.

You might have someone reach out to you and tell you that your font is too light. Or they might point out that there’s too much text or that the posts are too wordy. You could use a darker font and see how that works.

You could also try streamlining and shortening your posts or switching to a different format such as using bulletpoints. If someone tells you something they’re struggling with, it might make you think of something you can create based on that issue.

Mention to those who do take the time to reach out that you appreciate them. Share what they’ve said and you could even turn that into a blog post pointing out what steps you took to address that issue.

Send the person who reached out a surprise that’s relevant to the topic. When you have a plan to handle your business, it can help you stay organized so that all your tasks are done well and in a timely manner.....

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Weekly Business Systemization Blueprint – Day 4

Day 4

Product Launch Procedure - Develop Items for Your Audience

On this day, it’s time to take the ideas and outlines you’ve worked on and develop products that your audience can use and that you’ll be able to promote to them. If you’re relatively new to this part of having an online business, it might take you some time to do the first product, but you will get faster as you go along.

If you don’t like the idea of doing it yourself, you can always hire someone to make it. Or you can buy a private label rights license to use and sell something like an eBook or video course as your own production.....

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Weekly Business Systemization Blueprint

Wanting to run an online business can be exciting. But it comes with many responsibilities you have to take care of and most people don’t realize just how much is involved in getting the business up and running.

When there’s a lot on your business to-do list every day, it can start to feel like you have too much to handle. This is why you need to have a plan in place in order for your business(es) to be able to run smoothly.

When you have system in place, it can ease the feeling of juggling too much at once and you won’t feel as stressed. By setting up the right plan, you’ll learn when and how to arrange for outside resources or people to share the load so that you can have a break when and if you need to.

With the weekly plan provided in this guide, you’ll be able to implement the steps you need to take every day – Monday through Friday - including what you need to check off on your daily to-do list.

You’ll know when you should be updating your blog, when you should reach out to your mailing list, and when you need to touch base with your audience on social media. You’ll also learn the best times and ways to introduce your products, how to deal with customer service and how to establish and thrive with an affiliate marketing business branch.

If you’re someone who doesn’t like a daily to-do list that’s spread out during the week, you can make the plan work so that you group like-minded jobs all together on the same day.

For example, on one day, you can take care of all of the social media marketing and knock that off the list. Or, you can take care of your newsletter content. How you arrange the tasks is up to you....

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30 Day Multi Media Blueprint

30 Day Multi Media Blueprint

In today’s world of online marketing, content does not solely revolve around the written word. It used to be prevalent, but not more consumers are showing their preference for audio and video consumption, so you need to meet the needs of that demographic, too.

Some marketers are intimidated at the thought of creating audio and video files. Usually, this comes down to either a lack of knowledge about the process or a lack of confidence about how they look or sound.

The fact is, seeing and hearing you can help your followers create a stronger bond with you than static text can. You can even bypass the requirement of being on camera for video if you use slide presentations, which allows you to be competitive with the use of multi media formats.

Day 1: Grab Your Video Platform Profiles

Video channels are something you can create an entire brand around. So you want to stake claim to your channel name as soon as you can. There are many video platforms, like Vimeo – but YouTube is one of the most popular, and also the second biggest search engine in existence.

You also want to grab the profile on any other social site that allows video, live or recorded, such as TikTok, Instagram, SnapChat and Facebook. You can use your real name, a keyword phrase or a brand name but make sure it’s the same on all platforms.....

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