Have AI Create Your List Builders for Targeted Profit Promotions - Must Have Solutions

Have AI Create Your List Builders for Targeted Profit Promotions

One of the fastest ways to generate your $100 a day profits is to be able to market to people who have shown a specific interest in the topic you are covering. If you fail to build a list, you have to work harder to find a brand new audience every 24 hours and convince them to have enough trust in you to convert into a buyer.

Instead of working harder, do the initial work using AI to set up your list builders so that you can send out targeted campaigns via email that are tailored to specific audience segments in your niche.

With a list, it's much easier to achieve your monetary goals. AI can research, brainstorm, and create the perfect topic for a lead magnet, craft your landing page copy so that it converts well for you, write your nurturing emails to build loyalty from your audience, and even generate traffic from your social media accounts and on your blog to get people subscribed quickly and easily.

You don't want to have just one lead magnet and landing page. You want numerous ones. Even if you are targeting a micro topic like bugging out in the survival niche, you still have people who will feel as if your message is better suited for them if the lead magnet mentions their skill level, budget, or other aspect.

So the first prompt you can give your AI for this process is something like this: “I want to build a list of people interested specifically in bugging out for survival. I might segment them by people on a limited budget, beginners versus advanced, and so on. Give me a list of 10 lead magnet ideas each with a unique slant for a specific and different audience and make them enticing enough to convince them to enter their contact information.”

AI is going to deliver options like this:

Budget-Conscious Beginner’s Guide

  • Title: "The Frugal Prepper: Your Essential Guide to Bugging Out on a Budget"
  • Slant: Tailored for beginners looking to prepare without breaking the bank, this guide includes cost-effective strategies and DIY solutions.

The others include a Checklist for Advanced Preppers, Family-Focused Bug Out Plan, Urban Bug Out Blueprint, Bug Out Vehicle Guide, Wilderness Survival Manual, Pet Owner’s Guide to Bugging Out, Fitness Plan for Bug Out Survival, Seasonal Bugging Out, etc.

Once in awhile, AI will deliver something that doesn't fit right. In this case, that option was: Digital Security Guide for Preppers. It has nothing to do with bugging out, but in the slant section, it tried to tie it in by talking about maintaining digital communication during bug outs.

This is a good starting point for you, and having it create these lead magnets can be done in less than a day because it will outline and write them in mere minutes. Your next prompt will be something like this: “Create an outline for the Family-Focused Bug Out Plan.”

AI is going to get back to you with the introduction, and a main outline with sub-bulletpoints to cover. Make sure you carefully look through it to make a decision about whether or not you need any additions or deletions from the outline.

Then prompt it to finish the job like this: “Start by writing the introduction using the tone and style I trained you on. Make sure the introduction is as least 350 words.” When AI delivers the initial section (never have it try to write the entire report at once), make sure it meets with the criteria you set forth previously.

If anything is amiss, redirect it at that moment so it can carry on in the correct manner from that point on. After each report, before moving on to the next one, have AI craft the landing page copy for you.

If you have trained AI to adhere to a certain style using other landing pages you liked or created, remind it to create in that same style. For example: “Now that you’ve created this report, write high-converting landing page copy with a single headline, 5 bulletpoint benefits, and a strong call to action with urgency to get people signed up to the list to download it for free.”


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