30 Day Multi Media Blueprint - Must Have Solutions

30 Day Multi Media Blueprint

30 Day Multi Media Blueprint

In today’s world of online marketing, content does not solely revolve around the written word. It used to be prevalent, but not more consumers are showing their preference for audio and video consumption, so you need to meet the needs of that demographic, too.

Some marketers are intimidated at the thought of creating audio and video files. Usually, this comes down to either a lack of knowledge about the process or a lack of confidence about how they look or sound.

The fact is, seeing and hearing you can help your followers create a stronger bond with you than static text can. You can even bypass the requirement of being on camera for video if you use slide presentations, which allows you to be competitive with the use of multi media formats.

Day 1: Grab Your Video Platform Profiles

Video channels are something you can create an entire brand around. So you want to stake claim to your channel name as soon as you can. There are many video platforms, like Vimeo – but YouTube is one of the most popular, and also the second biggest search engine in existence.

You also want to grab the profile on any other social site that allows video, live or recorded, such as TikTok, Instagram, SnapChat and Facebook. You can use your real name, a keyword phrase or a brand name but make sure it’s the same on all platforms.....

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