You Can Pair AI with Freelancers for Amazing Results - Must Have Solutions

You Can Pair AI with Freelancers for Amazing Results

Not everyone is eager to jump onboard the artificial intelligence (AI) train for full content creation. You may prefer human-generated content, but still not have the time to create the text, graphics or videos yourself.

In fact, this is a great way to get the best of both worlds. In order to achieve good results, you can use  AI to do the preliminary work before handing it over to your freelancers.

This step may even save you some money, depending on how the freelance worker operates or charges for your projects. Even if they don’t discount for providing them with the initial work, it’s going to help make sure you get the kind of deliverables you want without leaving it up to chance.

You can use AI for this purpose in a few different ways. First, get AI to conduct the research you need for the project. It can be the keyword phrases, topics, slants, and more.

Then, get AI to outline the project in its entirety. You can ask for a basic outline first. Then take each section and ask for an expansion outline. That way you’re giving the freelance service provider a detailed map of what to include in the content they create.

If you want to, you can even have AI crank out a list of instructions on how to write the best content for a specific topic or demographic and hand that over with the project specifications.

Another thing it can do for you is create a script for you to hand over to freelancers you hire for things like video creation. If you need an Explainer video, for example, get AI to make the script and hand it over to the freelance videographer to work with.

Sometimes they charge more for the creation of the script or content, and less if you only need your words turned into video. The same holds true with graphic designers. You can give someone the information to put on an infographic or other image and even get AI to describe what something like a product image should look like, which will help your freelancer.

If you want to, you can use a tool like MidJourney to create an AI version similar to what you want, which will help the graphic designer in their own creation. If you’re outsourcing things like ad creatives, AI can come up with the wording for your ad campaigns before the freelancer begins the design.


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