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6 Ways to Cultivate an Entrepreneurial Mindset

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6 Ways to Cultivate an Entrepreneurial Mindset

When it comes to starting a business and becoming an entrepreneur, not everyone is born with the personality traits that are needed to become successful. In fact, many of the world's most successful entrepreneurs had to learn along the way and develop the characteristics to become successful. Whether you have an existing business or are looking to launch a new venture, one of the most important priorities is how to develop and strengthen your entrepreneurial mindset. Here are six habits to help you cultivate the mentality of a successful entrepreneur. 

Have a Positive Attitude

Having a positive attitude is not about maintaining a sunny outlook on life or about pie-in-the-sky promises. Instead, it is about being able to see things in perspective and choosing to frame things in a positive way. The right attitude embraces challenges. It means you are always looking for the lessons you can learn from the challenges you face.

Learn from Failure

Disappointments and failure can be challenging to deal with, but they also present an excellent opportunity for you to learn from your mistakes. Rather than being ashamed of the mistakes you've made, look for the lessons in your mistakes. When you learn from your mistakes, you are given the opportunity to grow stronger.

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Embrace Your Uniqueness

Successful entrepreneurs embrace their uniqueness and seek to stand out from the crowd. When you celebrate the things that make you and your company unique, you can begin to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Always be Learning

The quickest way for your business to become stagnant is to reject new ways of thinking. To cultivate the entrepreneurial mindset, you have to have an unending appetite for learning new things and improving your skills. By embracing new theories, new technology, and new practices, you can expand your capabilities and grow your business.

Set Appropriate Goals

Another way you can continue to push yourself forward is by setting appropriate goals. You need to make sure that the quality of your goals is high. It is also critical that you follow through once you set them.

Pace Yourself

Successful entrepreneurs are defined by patience and perseverance. As an entrepreneur, you have a lot to accomplish if you want to find success, but continually pushing yourself will only set you up for failure.

The most successful entrepreneurs take the time to nurture the entrepreneurial mindset to ensure that they are positioned for success.

5 Easy Ways You Can Build Your Self-Confidence for Business Success

5 Easy Ways You Can Build Your Self-Confidence for Business Success

To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to have the self-confidence to face the many challenges you will encounter along your journey. There will be many times when you will have to step out of your comfort zone and do things that are uncomfortable. If you are struggling with self-confidence, here are five tips that can help you build your confidence so that you can find success in your entrepreneurial venture. 

1. Keep Learning

Learning everything that you can about your business and the journey ahead will do wonders to boost your self-confidence. Keep an eye out for seminars and courses that can keep you up-to-date on your industry or that can provide you with information to help you with your business overall.

2. Have a Clear Vision

One way to boost your confidence as a business owner is to establish clear objectives. When you have a concise vision of your goals, you will be in an improved state to move forward in accomplishing your goals. Make sure that your goals aren't overly broad, like "I want to make a lot of money." When you begin to establish measurable objectives, you can view your progress toward accomplishing your goals. 

3. Become Optimistic

Negativity will quickly reduce your motivation and drag you down. When you surround yourself with positive thoughts and energy, you will automatically become more productive. Surrounding yourself with positive influences will provide you with the extra push when you are feeling unmotivated and be able to help you stay on track.

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4. Get Rid of Doubt

If you are afraid of moving forward, despite believing you have a great idea, take it step by step. Stop listening to the negative self-talk and have faith that you can accomplish all your goals. Don’t let fear of moving forward stop you from finding the success you desire.

5. Celebrate Even Your Smallest Accomplishments

When you make your first sale, celebrate. When you successfully overcome a challenge, celebrate. The little victories that you experience will serve as a reminder of how talented you are and that you can reach your goals and have success as an entrepreneur.

While others may assist you on your path to building your self-confidence, it is ultimately up to you. Following the above advice will help to guide you toward what you need to do to improve your business and prove to yourself that you can succeed.

How To Find Your Passion and Become a Successful Entrepreneur

How To Find Your Passion and Become a Successful Entrepreneur

For anyone dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur, finding your passion is the quickest way to increase your chances of becoming successful. The passion you have for what you do will help you to overcome challenges and persuade people to want to do business with you. But, what if you don't know what you're passionate about? If you're putting off your dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur because you haven't discovered your passion, here are three ways to help you find what you’re passionate about so you can start your entrepreneurial dreams.

Follow Your Curiosity

While you may not have a clear vision of what you want to do with your life, you are probably curious about things that may not be obvious. To tap into the unique motivations that separate you from others, you need to follow your curiosity and uncover your less apparent interests. Pursuing your less obvious interests will set you on a path to unlocking your creativity and who you really are.

Don’t Think About the Money

If you want to spend your life doing something that you love, the best way to start is to treat any financial concerns that you might have as secondary concerns. If the practicality of what you want to do and how much money you can earn is a primary criterion for you, you will quickly limit your options to what is predictable, making it tough for you to do what you really love. By allowing yourself to follow your curiosity without worrying about money, you will find yourself in a position of power that will ultimately put you in the position of earning money on your terms.

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Don’t Be Afraid to Quit if It’s Not Working

There are many people in the world who hate their jobs and know that they are meant to do something different in their life but stay in the position they hate for a long time nonetheless. Their main reason for not leaving is that they have no idea what it is they want to do in their life. Staying in a job that you hate won’t allow you to learn or discover your ideal career. If the current situation isn’t working for you, you need to find something else.

Finding your passion isn't always an easy thing to do. However, if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to take the time to figure out what you are passionate about. These three tips can help you discover your passion and put you on the path to success. 

3 Powerful Ways To Develop Your Grit

According to psychologists, grit is the ability to commit to long-term goals and see them through despite the adversity we may face along the road to accomplishing our goals. It is tenacity, perseverance, and a meld of other qualities like optimism, self-motivation, and self-discipline. When it comes to becoming successful, grit is more important than intelligence or talent. Everyone can get grit. It just takes hard work and practice. Here are three ways you can develop your grit and become successful in life.

Pursue Your Passion

The things that we are passionate about are generally those things that we have yet to master, but that inspire us and drive us to improve. They are usually things that involve adversity and challenges. When you pursue your goals, it is essential to make sure that you choose activities and experiences that excite you. Your passion will help you persevere. It is also important to note that there are bound to be aspects of your goals that you don’t find very interesting, so you have to challenge yourself to see the interesting in the mundane.

Build in Practice Time

If you are going to accomplish anything in your life, you have to practice. Work to get better by refining and revising yourself along the way. Those who have grit know that it takes hard work if they want to be successful. You need to continue to learn, and train, and practice. Sometimes you are going to feel happy doing the practice, finding enjoyment in the process. Other times the practice is going to be a complete drag, but you have to continue to move forward because it will be worthwhile when you achieve your goals.

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Push On

The only way to ensure you find success is to continue to push forward, even when things are at their worst. You have to persist, persevere, and stick to it, no matter what. There are going to be days and months that you don't think you can continue. There will be setbacks that make you want to quit. However, by acting gritty, by continuing to push forward even when you feel like quitting, you will get stronger. On the days that you feel like giving up, take some time and re-evaluate your goal. If you genuinely believe it's important, recommit and move forward.

You have it in you to be successful in your business venture. By practicing these grit building behaviors, you will be able to reach your goals and start living your dreams.

5 Ways On How To Never Run Out of Content To Share on Social Media

5 Ways On How To Never Run Out of Content To Share on Social Media

You’ve probably heard the joke, “So where do you want to hang out on our phones Friday night?” But, Yowwwzers!!! What did we ever do with before smart phones and social media? So, you’re hip to the content marketing trend. The question is how do you continue to find new and engaging content that will keep your readers running back to you instead of your competitors?

Here are some great helps: is a great place for social media revelation. Tens of millions of users hop on Reddit everyday to discuss every kind of post and topic in the solar system. Have no fear of finding a mixed up mess; it’s all divided into sub-reddits where you can dive into your niche and get plenty of inspiration! The best part is, by checking the stats on a given topic, you can see how popular it is before running with it. is a site that helps you focus your research. You can search journals, YouTube channels, blogs, and set up keyword alerts. You can also organize all of the sources that you choose, including content from your own company. You’ll spend less time looking for what you need when you feed on Feedly! is a site that is dedicated to social media content building. It offers content curation services and content marketing automation. Sign up for free, and you’ll find a plethora of resources that 2.5 million bloggers and marketers already trust. allows you to embed content in your website, add your own thoughts to a post, share content on your social media, and search by keywords. It’s a homerun hero in the blog and social media world. takes a step up from a simple search engine to curate the day’s hottest headlines in a given category. They pull their articles from the best-rated sites and most followed blogs in the industry. It’s a simple approach that says, “You don’t have time to wade through mountains of data to find the gold nuggets. Let us do it for you.” Unless you’re bored and want to read the bad and the boring along with the good and the great, stop by Alltop today.

There are plenty of other sites offering similar services, but if you’re looking for inspiration, number 5 on our list is simple networking. Join group boards on Pinterest, gather up your groupies in Facebook land, or just meet some friends at a local café and brainstorm. Sometimes, it’s not about finding the new content; it’s about having the great idea that creates it! You’re amazing! You got that, right?

How To Build Trust Among Your Social Media Followers

How To Build Trust Among Your Social Media Followers


It is very simple to post information on social media. Everyone can pass information through the internet including their online businesses, but the question is; are your followers interested in your information? Do they even trust your information? This issue is raised because nowadays, the internet is occupied by scammers and users are aware therefore do not want to be victims of any scam.

One major thing you will want; is your customers to trust you, acknowledge that your source of information is reliable and trustworthy. But how will you go about this?

Building trust can be done in many ways but for your social media fans; the following tips will greatly increase trust among them.

  1. Deliver Quality Information

Quality is always given credit. If you share your great content on social media, your followers will understand your business better, and they will want to know more about it. It will mean that your information is worth sharing because it has been fact checked and modified. Reliable information is always professional and encloses great ideas and free from errors.

Sharing doesn’t mean you have to share all details; you have got your website therefore significantly encourage them to click on it. By doing this, you will experience traffic on your site.

  1. Keep Away From Jargon

Although social media is meant for interaction, it is not intelligent use additional languages as this will turn off your fans. Update short and precise posts; this will direct a fan to click through in case they need more information. Make sure you give them a clue of what they’ll find if they click through the website. It is paramount to give your fans information they need in an easy way for you to gain trust.

  1. Engage

There is no point of sharing information on social media if you are not going to engage your followers. It is very simple to interact with clients through twitter, facebook, and other internet platforms. Make proper use of tools provided and talk to them. Those who receive your responses promptly will know that they come first hence winning their trust. Others will also see how you respond to clients and this will also sell your reputation.

  1. Timing

Avoid posting frequently as this will annoy your followers; they can even stop following you. They may view you as a spammer, and this will ruin your trust among them. Again, if you post too petite, people will forget about you and will no longer follow you. The best solution to this is to keep the balance, do not sound too much or too little. Your relationship with your clients will boom.

  1. Emphasize The Best of Your Business

It is crucial to show your followers your excellence. If you have success stories or testimonials, let them know. When one is looking for a company or a service, they always want to know about it before involving themselves. Since social media’s reach is immense, share the testimonials; undoubtedly the people you persuade to click through the site will trust you further.

If you take those above tips into practice, your social media interaction will increase rapidly.

How To Decide Which Social Media Platforms To Use For Your Business

How To Decide Which Social Media Platforms To Use For Your Business

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram have become the prominent social networking tools for millions of online marketing hopefuls. A vast number of users are using these channels to push out hundreds of thousands of links that promote goods, and services. But the question is, how can you choose the best social media platform for your business? There are many channels to choose from but it largely depends on the nature of your business, your ultimate goals and which platforms your target audience uses. Below are a few tips on how to choose the right social media platform for your business.

Consider your ultimate goals

Maintaining a social media presence takes lots of effort. As such, knowing what you wish to achieve with your social media channel will help you choose the right platform. Of course, the end goal is to engage your customers and increase profitability. While the ultimate goal of every business is to generate revenue, different organizations have different objectives for their social media plan. Knowing what you want to achieve will help you in choosing the best channel for your business needs.

Know who your target audience is

Now that you know what your end goals are, you need to know who you’re trying to reach. When you figure out who your target audience is, it is easier to find out where they mostly hang out and what they care about. People between the ages of 18-34 hang out on new social sites like Snapchat, while more mature people can be found on sites like Twitter, Facebook and Google+. If you’re not sure, look at where your competitors invest their time and where they get the most engagement.

Find out what your audience wants

Figure out what get your audience most excited on social media. Once you have determined what your audience wants, invest more time on the platforms they use most so that you can connect with them on their home ground. If you are unsure, see what other similar businesses are doing and what response they get from their audience. If videos seem to be doing well, then you can be certain that platforms such as YouTube and Facebook will be great for your brand.

Determine what you have time for

As stated earlier, maintaining a social media channel takes lots of effort. Therefore, choose one that you will be able to do easily and consistently. Some platforms are time-consuming to maintain while others would take less of your time to maintain. If you only have an extra hour every day for social media, keep your reach limited to one or two social networks that will make an impact. If you are short on time and think you have to be on multiple channels, consider outsourcing your social media management.

There you have it! Our tips on how to choose the best social media channel for your business. Whatever your choice, it’s a good idea to choose a platform that will help you achieve your business goals and reflect your business values.


Elements of a Successful Niche Site

Elements of a Successful Niche Site

Have you ever wondered why some people start a site and end up becoming six or seven figure marketers, while others launch one and actually lose money on their investment?

It might only be a small sum for a domain and hosting, but it’s really the promise of success that’s lacking from the equation. What makes one person a niche success story and another a failure?

Every scenario is different, but there are some core elements that are necessary if you want your site to turn into a fully-fledged business that thrives in your chosen niche market.

Developing an Interactive Blog

While many marketers launch static sites, having a blog sets you apart – because it makes you accessible and more cutting edge than those whose work becomes outdated.

WordPress is the blog of choice, and it’s installed directly on your domain. You don’t want to host your blog on a free blog site, because then you’re at the mercy of the company who owns it, and many marketers have woken up to find all of their hard work vanished because they didn’t make the wise investment of a domain and hosting for full ownership.

What do we mean when we talk about an interactive blog? Well, any blogger can paste content in as a blog post and take a hands off approach. But those bloggers who include a level of engagement with their audience do far better.

Turn the comments on and allow your readers to express their thoughts about what you share and ask questions, which you then respond to pro-actively. Be sure to filter spam from the blog so that true conversations don’t get lost amid the nonsense.

Another aspect of an interactive blog is providing multi media for your followers. Not everyone is a text reader. Especially in today’s world, video and even audio are becoming more popular avenues for information consumption, so vary it up from time to time.

Even if you’re initially too intimidated to be on camera, you can still use tools like Camtasia and PowerPoint (both very easy for beginners) and make screen capture videos where your audience at least gets to hear your voice and watch the presentation unfold on video rather than having to read it.

Presenting a Compelling Opt in Offer

If you have a site that you want to make profitable, you don’t want to rely on the visitor to come back on their own. You want to be able to invite them back and point them to posts and offers that you can monetize.

That means you’ll need to build a list of subscribers. If your content on the blog is compelling, then people will be interested in what you have to say, so they’ll eagerly sign up for future notifications.

And that’s as far as many bloggers take it. They provide a simple sign up form and offer to notify readers of future posts. That’s certainly better than nothing, but is it the best you can do when you want your blog to be a success?


A better – and more compelling – opt in offer is one that gifts the visitors something in return for trusting you enough with their name and email address. Here’s a many failing marketers make…

They put together a simple compilation of ordinary material and paste it up there, hoping to get subscribers. That’s not good enough. You want to make the sign up process irresistible.

You want them to want that free gift so bad, that their desire to read it (or watch it) overpowers any hesitation they may have for signing up for a list. After all, most consumers are fiercely protective of their email due to the number of spammers on the Internet.

You want to start by thinking of something that’s not readily available everywhere. Your opt in offer should be something so valuable, people would pay good money for it. Don’t worry about losing money sharing this type of information – you’ll make it back easily by having their contact information where you can send all future offers.

Remember that people often respond favorably to pain points and negativity. “7 Critical Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Diet” will probably get more sign ups than “Weight Loss Tips.”

People want to know what they’re doing wrong. If it was an easy process, they wouldn’t need you. Also, numbers work well. An offer like, “37 Unique Low Carb Diet Recipes” will work better than “Low Carb Diet Recipes.”

Make sure you invest in a professional e-cover for your opt in offer if it’s a guide or book. People like to see what they’ll be gifted. Don’t try to take the do it yourself route – an e-cover doesn’t cost much from a professional, and it will make a big difference to the reader.

Injecting Rapport-Building Personality Into Your Content

Personality usage can be intimidating or confusing to many people. They feel like, “Who wants to hear about my life?” Or, they say, “How do I share anything personal when I’m reviewing a protein shaker cup?”

There’s a very simple formula for this, and it takes the burden off of you as the blogger. First, always start with an introduction that lets the reader know why you felt sharing the information was important.

For example, “I see many people asking which protein shaker cup to buy. My personal preferences aren’t about what it looks like, but other things – like does it mix well, is it leak proof, and is it going to keep the milk cold – because I’ve had clumpy shakes, gotten to the gym and had my gym bag ruined with protein shake, and downed a lukewarm shake because I was desperate. It’s not fun.”

That kind of personality, sharing your experiences and preferences, is the type of thing that builds a rapport with your audience. It’s okay to weed out the ones who do care about the design or looks.

You want to have people nodding in agreement with you because when you describe your experience of drinking a clumpy, warm shake – they’ve been there, too. So they know that you know what they hope to avoid with your review.

Somewhere in the middle, interrupt the review with a story. In the case of the protein shaker cup, maybe you want to discuss the time you forgot about your shaker cup in the car over a long, hot 4-day weekend – and you never want to get a cup that won’t shake that sour milk smell again.

At the end of your review, do something like you did in the intro. Only ask them if they’ve ever had the same thing happen. You might say, “As a single dad who only has 1 hour to devote to fitness each day, I can’t afford to struggle with a shaker cup – especially when I’m knee deep in sippy cups for my toddler – so I need the ones that are durable and effective. What’s your biggest struggle with previous shaker cups?”

It’s perfectly okay to have an opinion and to share it. If you’re in a niche where there are strong opinions, go ahead and form a strong bond with those who agree and be willing to reject the opinions of those who don’t.

You don’t just want to have a personality with your blog, either. This should be an element that you use on your social networking accounts and email autoresponders. Become a friend to your subscribers and treat them as such – not like a money cow you can milk on a whim.

Showing Up to Serve on a Schedule

People always ask about how often they need to do things like post a blog or email or even create a product. Schedule is important, but it’s not something you should struggle with a ton.

Basically, your goal is to build a bond with your people. You’re an online personality. Can you truly bond with someone if you capture their name and email address and don’t show up until 3 months later to email them?


They will have completely forgotten who you are, where you’re from, and why you’re intruding on their email account. They’ll likely unsubscribe and might even mark you as spam.

Your goal in an online business is to serve others – to lessen their pain points. You want to see what they need help with and help them find a solution (whether it’s one you create or one you simply recommend).

There is no magical numerical formula for online success. It’s basically as often as needed. If you have something to share daily, go for it! You might not want to email your list more than once a day, because that can be intrusive.

Give people an option of signing up to a digest such as a weekly digest. This allows them to stay on your list, but limit the amount of emails they get. Some people feel overwhelmed hearing from you daily.

Blogging should be done daily, but probably no less than weekly. If you can blog 3 times a week, that’s plenty. Search bots like Googlebots are routinely analyzing your site to see if there’s any new content.

They like to provide reliable, fresh content to those who search on their search engine. So if your blog posts good information daily, you’ll likely end up higher in the search results than someone who simply shows up once a month to post.

It’s important that you not push the limits and try to create content when there’s really nothing valuable to say. You don’t want to dilute the importance of your site by posting mediocre content.

Learn to be strategic with your research methods and slants and that way, you’ll have an easier time showing up regularly to serve your audience with content they’ll find helpful.

Having Paid Offers Available for Sale

When you’re just starting out, you might be intimidated by the idea of creating a paid offer. Having products to sell is a process that you’ll need to learn if you want to grow your profits into something formidable.

Why would you want to have your own products, when you can simply promote other peoples’ products? It’s simple: money. You’re going to make more retaining 100% of your sale than you would recommending other peoples’ products for 50%.

You can start with something small and build up to a higher ticket item if you want. For example, you might sell a $7 course on how to stick to your diet. Later, you might develop a $37 Monthly Low Carb Diet Plan.

Eventually, you might create a $97 coaching plan where you interact one on one with your subscriber and help them learn how to fix any issues that are holding them back from their success.

When you have your own products for sale, using a platform like JVZoo, for example, you can then have affiliates signing up to promote you. This casts a much wider net for you in terms of customers and profits.

It also helps build your list. When an affiliate sends someone to your offer, and they buy, that customer is then a subscriber (if they opt in) on your list, so you’re able to sell to them in the future.

Competitors have no reason to send people to your blog if you’re not offering something for them to earn a commission on. Therefore, you can’t leverage their list. But creating your own product and allowing affiliates to promote it gives you this profit perk – and it’s a big one!

There are many marketers who worry that things have already been done before. That’s true – they have. And yet, consumers like buying from multiple producers. They don’t just learn from one person, but from a dozen.

You’ll have your own slants and style when it comes to teaching people, and you’ll have people who resonate with you more than they your competitors. So you don’t want to deprive them from your voice and expertise just because you’re nervous about what’s already on the market.

Make sure you always create original work and never plagiarize anyone else’s content. Start from scratch and create something that overdelivers to your customer. Professional graphics will help with conversions, so never skimp on those.

The elements of a successful niche site are common across various topics. Whether your niche is survival, diet, anti aging, parenting or something else, the tips above should give you an advantage over most of the people trying to achieve the same goals.

Do You Have What It Takes to Succeed Online?

Do You Have What It Takes to Succeed Online?

Starting a new career is daunting as it is, but accepting the role of a new entrepreneur where you’re not following a franchise blueprint can seem even more nerve-wracking. Luckily, there are many entrepreneurs who have succeeded before you and who can advise you of the pitfalls to avoid.

Being an online business owner means you have the world at your fingertips – not only in terms of your audience being global, but also the wide array of topics and interests you can tap into.

There are five core principles you need in order to have a successful journey. Some might come easy to you, while others will require you to work on making them an ingrained habit.

Willingness to Learn New Things

All successful online marketers absorb new information on a regular basis. They crave it and enjoy devouring new concepts and strategies. If learning sounds grueling to you, then you have to consider two things.

First, it may just be that you haven’t had the right teachers who inspire and educate you in a way that you enjoy. Learning can be fun when the right person is guiding you. Luckily, with Internet marketing, there’s a plethora of individuals and companies to choose from who will steer you through your efforts.

If you want to learn how to create a blog, for example, you’ll find teachers of all types – some monotone and technical and some humorous and easygoing. You simply have to find the right mentor to listen to.

But there’s another thing to consider. If no one ever meets your requirements for teaching, then you could just be averse to learning in general. You might be the type of person who needs a step-by-step job that never changes.

If that best describes you, then you might not want to pursue an online marketing career – because it is always evolving and changing. This is thrilling to many people who hate routines that become stale, but for others, it’s too intimidating to consider.

The great news is, there are many media formats you can learn from. If you prefer reading, you can find guides in eBook format. If video is your things, you can watch tutorials that way.

Even podcasts or webinars are a popular teaching method for many mentors, so if you like to listen on the go, you have that option. Your biggest job will be using a search engine to find the right courses to learn from.

Courage to Implement Even When Nervous

Learning is one thing. Implementing the advice and strategies is another. Not everyone has the courage to face their fears and do the tasks required to be a successful online marketer.

There are many people who prefer to be wallflowers and never be “seen” or “heard from” by strangers. That might be your downfall as an entrepreneur – but you also have the option of creating a pen name or business persona to operate under.

What are some common fears people have when it comes to starting a career online? Leading a niche in general is intimidating to many. They don’t feel like they have the experience to label themselves an expert.

The good news is, you don’t have to have a PhD or some sort of certification to lead an online audience. Many people prefer to learn from others in the same boat, so simply blogging about your journey can help you build a formidable audience who loves that you’re leading by example.

Another area where people let fear stop them in their tracks is having to put their name on a paid course – or a book (as an author). Again, you don’t have to make up false claims of expertise you don’t have.

You’ll be amazed at how many people flock to those who are one step above them on the rung of success, so be honest about where you are in your journey and let your audience weed themselves out if you’re not their cup of tea.

Social networking is a popular method of building a rapport with your audience, and also getting free traffic to your site and offers. But this, to some people, is terrifying. You might ask, “Why would anyone care what I’m doing this weekend?”

The reason people personalize and share a little piece of themselves online is because it’s what we do with friends – talk about insignificant things because it helps paint a picture of who you are.

So go ahead and snap pictures of your meals, share a cute video of your pet being silly, and yes – talk about the weather. It’s the little things that bond us as humans. It’s also not intimidating for your audience to participate in, as opposed to someone who posted a tour of their new mansion and 99% of their audience can’t relate, so they keep quiet.

Making videos might be your impediment. Yes, you can stick to text or even podcasting (audio) if you want to. But eventually, you should start utilizing video since a large percentage of the population prefers it.

You don’t have to put yourself on camera, though. You can use screen capture video like Camtasia and a slide show presentation using a tool like PowerPoint and that will be a good compromise with your audience.

Desire to Help People Improve Their Lives

If you want to succeed online, you should enjoy the process of helping others. You’ll be addressing what’s known as their “pain point,” and it doesn’t have anything to do with health or actual pain in many cases.

A pain point is something that the audience wants improved. That could be something like literal pain, but it can also be something as enjoyable as wanting to improve their knitting skills or learning how to ask a woman out on a date.

Helping others is one of the most rewarding aspects of launching your own online business. You’ll have people contacting you with their issues and asking for help. Not only will you get to help them, but you can make products out of those ideas that help many others in the same boat, too.

Sometimes, you’ll be helping people with serious pain points. Maybe their bills are out of control and they need debt relief and credit repair advice so that they don’t live every hour of every day in despair.

Helping people like that, who turn their lives around thanks to your advice, is very rewarding on a personal satisfaction level. You’ll wake up every day eager to help others and go to bed each night satisfied that someone is sleeping better because of what you have to say.

Sometimes, this part of the job can be difficult for some people. Depending on what niche you get into, it can be heartbreaking opening yourself up to that type of topic day after day.

For example, if you were in a niche for depression, you might feel sad interacting with heavily depressed people on a continual basis. So consider that sharply when you pick your niche.

You might flip the concept and turn it into a happiness niche, teaching people how to pursue more happiness in their lives, rather than, “how to treat depression.” Slanting it is key to the type of audience you’ll attract and be interacting with regularly.

You want to make sure you have the type of personality that doesn’t belittle others and their concern for their problems. Sometimes, you may not personally realize the depth of your subscriber’s pain, but if they reach out to you, assume that it’s a big problem for them, and gently guide them to a solution.

It takes a lot of courage for them to seek you out and put themselves out there by reaching out and putting themselves out there with a blunt request for help to make things better.

Commitment to Be a Leader in Your Niche

Being a leader in your niche is something every online marketer should strive for. You should never be okay resting on your laurels and putting just enough effort into the process to get by.

Consumers are looking for cutting edge, current marketers to lead them – regardless of what their issue is. They want someone who is always learning and sharing and coming up with innovative ideas that maybe they haven’t heard yet.

Yes, you can lead under a pen name or business persona. But regardless of the name you represent yourself with, you need to be committed to leading your audience. That means showing up to serve regularly.

Don’t start a site and then disappear for months on end and expect to resume your communication with those people whenever you feel like coming back. There are many competitors who will be there for them on an on-going basis, so if you’re the type of person who might be flighty – then your leadership skills may need some tweaking.

Leaders are always devouring new information, including paying attention to what’s in the news about their niche. And they come to their audience with those facts – whether or not they agree with them.

As a leader, you have to be willing to step up and have a vocal opinion on what they should and shouldn’t do. Be willing to say, “I don’t agree with this, and here’s why…” because most marketers won’t do that – they’re too scared to speak out.

Leadership doesn’t mean shoving the bulk of your business tasks off onto outsources. The best leaders are in the trenches with their audience. They want to stay tuned into their customers’ needs and reactions closely.

As a leader, people will come to you asking about things you may not know. Can you honestly let them know you’re not informed about it – and be willing to find out more and report back to them?

That’s what a good leader does. You don’t have to pretend or avoid communication. That’s what some people do when they’re approached with a question they don’t know. They hide.

Don’t be a leader who hides. Get out there and ask questions and dig around until you expand your knowledge and can address whatever issue it is that you were previously uninformed about.

Ability to Silence Your Excuses on an As Needed Basis

Excuses can kill any amount of success you may enjoy. They’ll create roadblocks to keep you from further growing your income, so you have to learn how to navigate around them or silence them so that you can make progress.

Your mind will come up with all sorts of reasons why good things can’t happen – or won’t. It will tell you that you don’t have enough time to do something, or that you’re too old or not attractive enough to be a leader in your niche.

It will try to make you believe that, because there are already dozens of competitors in the niche, that your voice is not needed – or welcomed.

The best thing you can do is not believe a word of fear that your mind tries to tell you. We have a way of sabotaging our own success. Maybe we grew up with it, thinking we were just being humble – but it’s not an attractive quality in a niche marketer.

In fact, you have to continually nurture your own self confidence and make sure that it’s growing steadily, along with your knowledge. If your problem is something like time, then you need to make a plan of action that addresses that issue.

Instead of just being too busy to succeed, how about you rearrange your schedule or multitask in some way, shape or form? Start saying no to people who infringe on your time (especially since you “work at home”).

Ask your spouse or someone else to take over some of the household tasks or errands. If you have to run around, download a lesson and listen to it on the go instead of listening to music or talk radio.

Some people want success so much that they get up an hour early or go to bed an hour later – after the kids are asleep – so they have some peace and quiet to concentrate on their business.

Don’t use money (or lack of it) as an excuse, either. There are many ways to start a business online with nothing. You can also do it on a shoestring budget where all you’re paying for is a domain of about $10 a year and hosting of about $10 a month.

What could you sell or give up to have that money you need to get going? You know it’s doable, but are you willing to do what it takes to have the bare necessities of launching an online business?

Becoming an online marketer can be intimidating in some ways, but it’s also the most rewarding career – void of bosses and clocks you have to live by. You’re in control of your destiny, and while it might make you a bit nervous at first, you learn to embrace it as a thrilling adventure that no job could compete with.

Best Practices for Successful Affiliate Marketers

Best Practices for Successful Affiliate Marketers

Making money online is one of the most rewarding careers you can have. It offers the opportunity for you to profit from your efforts in sharing information, but also allows you to earn commissions off of the work others create.

Working as an affiliate means you can make recommendations to your subscribers and readers and get paid whenever that referral results in a sale. You can be an affiliate for both digital and tangible products.

But there’s one mistake some new marketers make when trying to earn money as an affiliate marketer – they haphazardly review anything and everything just to make a buck and it backfires on them and ruins their ability to earn anything subsequently.

Choose Products That Reflect Upon You Positively

Your readers need to have faith in your ability to guide them properly. Not only do they want good tips, advice and motivation from you – but they also want to be able to trust you with product recommendations.

While you might be seeing dollar signs whenever a product creator approaches you asking you to promote for them, you have to understand that you’ll face the wrath of an angry list if you cause them to waste their money on something that’s not worth it.

Whenever you’re reviewing digital products, such as an eBook or video course, make sure you get a review copy from the seller so that you can properly vet the advice given to your readers.

This means you need to take time to go through the information (and even implement it to test it out if time permits). What do you do if the seller won’t give you a review copy? You have a couple of choices.

You can choose not to promote it at all, or you can buy a copy for yourself and go through it before recommending it to your subscribers. It’s understandable that you can’t do this with tangible products such as treadmills – because who has thousands of dollars per product, not to mention the space to house various brands and models that you review?

But digital items leave you no excuse for not analyzing them. You have a duty to your customers. What’s neat about building this kind of trust with your readers is that they will often buy anything and everything you recommend simply because they know if you say it’s good, they’re going to be pleased.

Break their trust, and you’ll find it harder to convert them into a sale from that point on. Be careful not to get caught up in a buddy system where sellers try to strong arm you into promoting their product, even when you feel it’s not very good.

Your obligation is to protect your readers, so be honest with the seller and let them know why you can’t promote it. If you’re the type of person who worries about hurting their feelings, just remember you’re a business owner – it’s not about feelings – it’s about doing what’s right for your customers.

Personalize and Be Thorough with Your Product Reviews

Many product reviews you read on blogs are so stale and boring. It’s hard to get through them because all they do is spout off the stats of a product – such as its dimensions, color, features and more.

Consumers do want to know those specifics, but they also want to learn some other things – and to have an enjoyable experience when they go looking for a recommendation.

The first thing you want to do is make sure your product review is thorough. That means going through any and all possible questions your customer might want to know and addressing those.

You can find the questions in forums or – if it’s a tangible item – in the customer review section on sites like Amazon. See what people are asking and address those issues in your review.

To add a bit of authenticity, add some personalization to your product reviews. There are a bunch of competitor affiliates touting the basic specs of a product, but what will set you apart is your personality.

You want to include things such as why you’re recommending the product. Aside from cost and quality, etc. What made you want to write a review on it? Do you remember how confused you were setting up a blog and you want to help others avoid the same confusion by recommending a blog course?

If it’s a blender, can you tell them you’re the type of person who likes to mix up strawberry daiquiris during the summer months and you needed a blender that’s easy to clean and doesn’t take up much space?

Anything you can do or say to paint a picture of how you understood their needs, and want to help them based on your own experience will help seal the deal. In fact, adding pictures if you own a product can help the reader trust your opinion even more because it’s proof that you own it or have used it, too.

Vary the Types of Product Review Formats

Product reviews can be created in many different ways. You can obviously pick a product and write a review about it for your audience. This is where you would thoroughly go through every single thing about the product and tell why it’s a good investment.

But there are other review methods, and your site should vary them from time to time. Or, you can stick to one formula for your site, but at least learn the various options available to you before you start to review things.

Top 10 lists (or top 3, top 5, etc.) can be very popular with consumers. People love lists and when you give them options, that’s fantastic because then they get to choose. Think of how many people devour a bestseller’s list with books – they want everything that’s rated near the top, not just the best one.

To do these types of reviews, you might have one extremely long blog post – or simply write a paragraph about each product and then link to it so that they can go and read the specs themselves.

Comparison reviews are a good way to get people to spend money on your recommendations. People like to see one item pitted against another. It’s okay to have faults with each product – you just need to convey how they stack up against one another.

Don’t be shy about being honest. You might have one product that’s over priced, but price may not matter to the consumer if they’re looking for a different feature that’s more important to them.

Warning reviews are very effective. People often avoid writing product reviews against a product, but this helps your reader see that you have their best interest at heart – that you’re looking out for them.

You can write a review warning them against buying a particular product. But then, you’ll also be making a recommendation on what they should consider buying instead. That’s where your revenue comes into play.

Charts of features are something many consumers love – especially when you’re talking about certain niches like electronic gadgets. People love to be able to quickly glance at a chart and see which feature each product has.

In fact, Amazon often has this type of chart included on the page of a product, especially if they can compare various items for a brand, such as Omron electrotherapy gadgets for example.

If you look one of them up and scroll down, you’ll see that checkmarks and text differentiate whether one of the 5 devices being compared has a certain feature. Features might include number of batteries required, whether it has auto shut off, if it has an LCD screen, whether it has heat, and how many pain relief modes it has.

There are plugins that can help you create charts on your blog post. Or, you can create an image using something as simple as Paint or PowerPoint and embed it in your blog post.

You can also write reviews of the best products for a specific person or purpose. So for example, you might review the best paid blog theme for a writer, for a teacher, for a chef, and so on.

Or you might be reviewing the best anti aging cream for women in their 20s, 40s, 60s or those who have sensitive skin, dry skin, or oily skin. Narrowing down the review to a particular subsection of your core audience helps them pinpoint what’s right for them to spend money on.

Expand the Review to More Than Just Product Details

Product reviews are great. They gather the information about a product and share why (or why not) a consumer might want to invest in it. But you can go above and beyond with your product reviews.

You can expand on them and make them tutorials and tip sheets for using the products or getting the most out of them. You can also come up with a complementary lesson – something not directly about the product itself, but related to it.

You can give these away within the blog post or as a gift – or make it available only to those who purchase the product through your affiliate link, depending on what you’re promoting, and from where.

So let’s look at a few examples. Let’s say you were recommending a treadmill. You could have a portion of your review include a tutorial on how to develop a treadmill walking plan to take off the weight.

What about an anti aging skincare course? Your product might be all about beauty items they can use to moisturize their skin and remove sun spots. But your tutorial can expand on that and go over hydration from the inside-out, or tips for protecting your skin from future damage like toxins and the sun.

Some people like to include games as a bonus or expanded tutorial. SO let’s say you were reviewing a set of golf clubs – or a digital course on how to shave 10 points off your handicap.

You could develop a fun eBook download of 20 golf games you can play with friends on the course. They can be just for fun or betting games, since those are popular among golfers.

Look Outside the Typical Affiliate Programs for Untapped Resources

You’re going to find that many people promote the same things everyone else does – nothing more than the bestsellers’ lists. But you can actually do very well promoting items outside the norm.

If you’re promoting tangible products, look for hot new releases in a category – and sign up on brand manufacturers’ websites so you get advance notice of whenever something is getting launched.

Don’t simply stick to Amazon, either. Go to Commission Junction and Share a Sale to see what’s available on those merchant sites that you can promote, and add those to your list.

Not only is it good for your readers to see that you have the skill to seek out more than one option for them, but it also protects you in case your source ever closes your account, like Amazon did to many affiliates.

Aside from well-known affiliate platforms, you can also contact product developers directly if you have a list and ask them if you can promote for a share of the sales. They may have a specific affiliate program that’s closed to the general public.

With digital products, look on sites like ClickBank, JVZoo and Warrior Plus. But don’t forget to look in other places, too. Again, you can approach sellers who may not have thought of opening an affiliate program publicly.

But you can also type in your niche on search engines, and add the words affiliate program. This might take you to other places like Zaxxa or an affiliate program set up on someone’s site through a tool like JRox Jam where it’s not going through any other platform but PayPal.

These are resources that most of your competitors may not know about, so if you find something of good quality, it will thrill your subscribers to find out about it – especially when no one else has advised them about it before.

Being an affiliate marketer can be lucrative and can shave much of the expense and time from your profit potential when compared to info product development. But don’t mistake that shortcut with an invitation to slack off and spam your readers with any deal that comes along.

Pretend that every recommendation you make is being told to a dear friend or family member – be just as protective of your subscriber as you would them. That will help you build a rapport with your audience that is an unbreakable bond serving both of you well now and in the future.

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