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Want to Grow a Massive Audience? Engage in the Community

If you know your niche and you want to build a massive following, then one of the very best things you can do is to engage actively in the community.

So, let’s say you have a well designed site and brand and you just posted a fascinating article on free running. You now have to go about sharing that article in order to get readers and to hopefully gain a few more followers in the process.

One tip you’ll get often is to head to a forum or another online community such as Reddit or Google Plus and then to post there. In doing this, you’ll be gaining exposure for your creation and getting lots of new eyes on it.

Problem: if you head over to r/FreeRunning and post your article, it will probably get downvoted and possibly deleted. And only one person will see it.

Why? Because you’re engaging in blatant self-promotion and close-knit, supportive online communities don’t take kindly to that. Even if the content is good. Not only that, but they don’t know you from Adam and they likely have a number of views and policies, several of which you probably violated.

The Other Approach

Now consider the other approach. You spend time in that community actively taking part. You comment on other people’s posts, you helpfully answer questions and you make friends with several of the members.

Then when you post your article, people see it is written by you. They know you and they trust you and so they click it. And because many people in the community will feel obligated to you and indebted to you for helping them out, they’ll be far more likely to share what you’ve posted in other places.

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You now have the force of a whole community behind you. These people are practically guaranteed fans and backers and because you understand this audience so well, you can keep writing content you know is going to be a massive hit with them.

So, the bottom line is this: if you want to grow your audience then you should absolutely spend time in the community making yourself known. This can be transformative in the eventual success of what you release and it’s something that very few creators have used to the fullest of their capability.

And then you can find more communities and repeat the process!

Want to Grow Your Audience? Invest Some Money!

Think about the type of brands that you follow online and the sites you’ve subscribed to. What do they all have in common?

Chances are high that all of them have great production values and a high-quality presentation. They probably have beautiful logos, modern websites that are mobile friendly and active social media channels.

And when you land on a site that doesn’t have these things – that looks like a kid built it in the 90s – you will be instantly put off from following.

So, what does that mean? To grow your audience, you need to invest money. And not necessarily in marketing or other ‘obvious’ methods for increasing an audience. I’m talking about investing in designers, artists and writers.

Imagine Your New Site

Many people who start online businesses don’t have huge budgets to spend on design and other factors. They might also wonder if it’s really necessary for building their audience.

Well the first thing to recognize is that yes, spending that money on good design is 100% necessary. What’s more, is that it probably isn’t quite as expensive as you think it will be. Instead of struggling to make your own logo which will likely look grainy and which will put people off of your website, instead head over to 99Designs and get one made for you for a decent amount of money. It might cost you a hundred or two hundred dollars but the result will be something that informs your audience what you’re all about and that demonstrates your brand has the resources and skill to build something great.

Imagine these same higher production values for your website, for your writing and for every other aspect of your business. Suddenly your site comes alive with youthful energy and it starts to look like the top competitors in your niche.

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Why This Really Matters

This matters because if your site looks amateurish, people will assume your information, your products or your services are amateurish too. As such, they’ll be less likely to sign up and less likely to invest time and money into engaging with your brand.

A good place to start is with a PayPal loan. This is a flexible and simple loan for small businesses that places no pressure on rapid repayments. It’s a good way to give your business a little nudge in the right direction with zero risk.

Dramatically Increase Your Twitter Following with These 5 Tips

Unless you are a celebrity like Katy Perry or Barack Obama, you’re going to have to work hard to build your initial following on Twitter. Rather than making slow-and-steady progress, you need to treat your Twitter account as a priority for a couple of months and create lots of content. Studies have shown that the more you tweet, the quicker you can build your followers. To help you dramatically increase your twitter following, here are five methods you can try.

Utilize Your LinkedIn and Email Connections

Studies have shown that you are more likely to be followed by someone that you already know. One easy way to do this is by finding your LinkedIn connections on Twitter and following them. While Twitter doesn’t have a way to do this, you can export your contacts into a .CSV file and upload them to your email account contacts. From there you can import your email contact into Twitter.

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Schedule Your Tweets

There are several free and low-cost tools that you can use to schedule your tweets. Using tools like Hootsuite, save you time and ensure that you are tweeting on a regular basis. When you post content on a regular basis, you tend to see more engagement and have more followers.

Tweet Inspirational Quotes

Quotes tend to see more significant engagement on Twitter because people enjoy reading them and sharing them with their friends and followers. You can use a free app like Forismatic, to receive a wide variety of inspiring quotes that you can post to Twitter instantly. Along with increasing engagement, this will also save you time.

Join a Twitter Chat

Groups within various industries get together on Twitter every week to talk about multiple topics. When you join these chats and engage with others in your industry, you are given the opportunity to meet new people in your industry, play the role of an industry expert, and gain valuable information.

Respond to People

Consider following users who engage in the same posts that you do. When you comment on, favorite, or retweet a post on Twitter, it will show other users that you are interested in the same type of content, making them more inclined to follow you.

Using Twitter for your small business will help to bring in new customers. Users are more likely to buy from brands that they follow on Twitter, making it a powerful tool to help grow your business. Utilize these tips to increase your followers and grow your business.

5 Guaranteed Ways to Get More Fans on Facebook

Today, an estimated 40 million small businesses are utilizing Facebook to promote their business and connect with their customers. Trying to attract new "likes" to your page can be a challenge, but one that is well worth the effort. One study found that the average value of a single Facebook fan is $174. While this number varies depending on your business and industry, capturing the loyalty of your target audience is essential. Here are five guaranteed ways to attract more visitors and garner more fans on Facebook.

1. Images

A regular part of your Facebook content strategy should revolve around images. Posting captivating and relevant pictures to your Facebook page is an excellent way for you to increase engagement with your audience. As your audience shares the photos that you post, you'll begin to see a boost in your reach, leading to more exposure and fans.

2. Produce Great Content

One of the quickest ways to lose fans is by posting less than stellar content. The most common reason people will, unlike a brand page, is because the business continues to post uninteresting content. Keep more of the fans that you've already gained by creating engaging content that adds value and meets the needs of your audience.

3. Hold a Contest

People love to win stuff. Holding a contest on your business Facebook page is still a great way to persuade people to like your page. It is essential to spread the word about the contest on your website as well as sending the information about it to your email list. If the contest is inventive enough, you'll be able to spread your reach even further and gain more fans. Just make sure that you make "liking" your page a requirement for your contest. 

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4. Buy Them

Facebook has some of the most targeted advertising at your disposal. You can use Facebook advertisements to drive more people to your page with the hopes of converting them into fans. With this method, it is crucial that you have a compelling call to action on your page to turn these new fans into customers.

5. Cross Promote

A part of your overall social media strategy should include cross-promoting your content across multiple social media platforms. Drive some of your Twitter or YouTube followers over to your Facebook page by providing them with high-quality content and quality engagement on your Facebook fan page.

Just like with all your marketing efforts, it is going to take some time to build your fan base on Facebook. By creating great content and engaging with your audience you’ll turn your Facebook Fan page into a thriving community.

How to Build Your Brand on Twitter

As of 2017, Twitter had more than 328 million active monthly users on its site. This makes Twitter a potentially powerful business marketing tool if you know how to use it. Leveraging the popular 280-character social media site to drive more traffic to your business doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are the top tips for successfully marketing on Twitter and building your brand.

Optimize Your Twitter Bio

To get the most out of Twitter, you need to make sure that your company voice and identity are branded and optimized. This means that your bio needs to tell people who you are and include a link to your landing page or website. It is also essential that you keep a consistent tone with all of your Tweets so that people can clearly understand who you are and what your business does.

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Interact with Your Industry Influencers

As you begin to post to Twitter, find out who the experts and influencers are in your industry and interact with them regularly. You can use Twitter search or similar tools to find like-minded customers and influencers by searching the keywords that are related to your industry. Once you discover the right people, follow them and interact with them on a daily basis.

Tweet Regularly

One sign of an active and healthy profile is regular tweeting. If you are only tweeting once a week, or once a month people are going to forget about you and your business. To stay on the top of your audience’s mind on a consistent basis, you need to send out daily postings. The information you tweet needs to be useful and relevant that your followers will read, click on, and retweet.

Offer Discounts to Twitter Followers

Run Twitter contests to get your followers engaged with your business. You can give a specific number of people who retweet your posts special discounts off your products or services or hold a random drawing based on the people that upload pictures of them using your product or visiting your store. 

Integrate it With Your Other Marketing Efforts

Twitter will become much more useful for your business if you integrate it with your other marketing activities. By engaging your audience in more than one marketing effort, you are increasing your reach and followers.

Like all the other social media platforms, the more effort you put into your marketing efforts, the higher the chances of you finding success. These simple tips can help you maximize your marketing efforts on Twitter to build your brand and increase your followers.

Best Ways to Boost Facebook Engagement

Facebook continues to be one of the most popular and influential social media platforms in the world with more than one billion active users. As a business, you can no longer continue to leave Facebook out of your online marketing strategy. If you want to grow your business, you have to have a presence on Facebook. However, to be successful, and build your Facebook fan base, you have to be engaged with your audience. Here are five of the best ways that you can boost Facebook engagement and increase your fan base.

Ask Questions

A great way to spark dialogue with your audience is to ask them questions. It is by far one of the easiest ways and best methods to boost audience engagement on your Facebook fan page. There are various types of questions that you can ask to get your fans talking.

Get the Timing Right

When it comes to uploading content to your Facebook page, timing is crucial. The last thing that you want to do is update your wall when everyone is working or asleep. Numerous studies have proven that the best way to engage with your audience is to post at 9 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm. These are the times that your audience is most likely to check for updates. If you don't think you can remember to post at these times, you can always utilize a free scheduling tool to ensure you get the timing right.

Include Call to Actions

Placing a call to action on your page instills psychological nudges that can help you drive your audience to respond the way you want. Something that many businesses miss when they update their Facebook page is a call to action. People tend to respond better when they are told what to respond to.

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Utilize Facebook Ads

Due to Facebook's newest algorithm, only a small fraction of your audience will get to see the wall posts on your Facebook page. If you want to boost the engagement of your audience, you can promote it through page post story ads, which will help your posts reach more people.

Posting Frequency

The frequency that you post has been shown to have a significant effect on Facebook engagement. According to recent studies, businesses that post one or two times per day have 40 percent higher engagement rate than those who post more than three times per day.

What works for some businesses may not work for others when it comes to boosting audience engagement. However, these tips have proven to help increase engagement when used correctly.

Top 5 ways to gain more social media followers

If you own a small business, you are probably well aware of how important social media can be for increasing your bottom line. However, getting started on social media can be incredibly daunting. With all the different options and ways to gain followers, one can quickly become overwhelmed. Here are the top five ways your business can gain more social media followers and increase your bottom line.

1. Create Strong Profiles and Pages

The best way to start growing your audience on any of the social media platforms is to create strong profiles and pages for your accounts. You need to include branded cover photos as well as profile photos, and detailed descriptions of your business.

2. Share Quality Content

As you begin your journey to gain more social media followers, you need to create and share high-quality, value-added content that your target audience will enjoy. This can include blog content, videos, podcasts, infographics, presentations, etc. This content can be created by you or by others.

3. Add Links

Not only do you want to be sure to include links to all your social media profiles on your business website, but you want to include your site link in all your social media profiles. It will also help to add links to your top social accounts in your email signature. Adding these links will help you to expand your reach and broaden your exposure.

4. Use Friend-Finding Features

Most of the social media networks provide ways for their users to connect with other people they know. As you first start to use social media to build your brand, you want to ask people you know to follow your account. By having them like and follow you on different platforms, you gain more exposure to a broader audience base.

5. Cross-Promote Your Social Accounts

If you already have a large audience on one of your social media accounts, why not use that to your advantage. Ask followers to connect with you on your other accounts. This can be as simple as sending out a tweet to your Twitter followers asking them if they are on Instagram, and if they are, asking them to follow you there as well.

Growing your social media followers is easy to do but will take some time. The more effort you put into creating valuable content for your target audience the more followers you’ll gain.

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6 Practical Ways to Build Your Self Confidence

Not even the most significant leaders can escape periods where they lack self-confidence. Your self-confidence isn't a static quality but rather a mindset that, when the going gets rough, takes some effort to maintain. It is something that must be learned, practiced, and mastered just like all your other skills. When you can master it, your life will change for the better. Here are six ways you can build your self-confidence.

Act the Part

The one thing that can instantly demonstrate self-assuredness, or scream insecurity, is your body language. You always want to present yourself in ways that say that you are ready to master any situation. Looking confident and acting the part will allow you to feel more in control and people will be much more confident with you as well.

Dress the Part

When you look better, you tend to feel better. Choosing clothing that fits well and suits your industry and lifestyle and that makes you feel good will automatically increase your self-esteem. You have to look like the part you want to play.

 These six tips will help you boost your self-confidence. With some patience and perseverance, you are just steps away from becoming a more confident you.

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Speak Assertively

Great speakers speak confidently, in a steady and rhythmic tone, rather than the flow being interrupted by the “ums” and “ahs.” To build your confidence, adopt an assertive way of speaking that indicates your self-confidence. Avoid high-pitched, nervous chatter and giggles in your speech.

Think and Act Positively

Positive energy will always lead to positive outcomes, so create a mindset that sets your mind to the can-do side of situations. Also, avoid the negative self-talk that can make you feel less confident. Always look for ways to smile, laugh, and surround yourself with positive people.

Take Action

There is more to being confident than merely dressing and acting the part. You have to take action. Inaction will breed doubt and fear while taking action will breed confidence and courage. When you practice being self-confident, you will soon find that it has become second nature.

Be Prepared

The more prepared you are for any given situation, the more confident you’ll feel about your competency and expertise. Being prepared will help you to avoid getting tripped up by life’s unexpected challenges. Learn everything you can about your industry, your goals, and what drives you to success.

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem Today

Self-esteem is terrific but can be an extremely delicate thing. When your self-esteem is high, you feel more resilient and are less vulnerable to anxiety. Unfortunately, it can be a challenge to improve our self-esteem, especially if you’ve experienced setbacks in the past. Here are five simple ways to help improve your self-esteem and deal with life’s unexpected blows.

1. Use Positive Affirmations

The idea behind positive affirmations is that you fill your mind with positive thoughts until you begin to believe them. It is a popular way to build self-esteem because it is simple, and anyone can do it. Unfortunately, if not done in the right way, it can lead to even lower self-esteem. Consider changing the affirmation “I’m going to be successful” to something more manageable like, “I will continue until I succeed.”

2. Identify What You’re Good At

Your self-esteem will grow when you demonstrate real abilities and achievements in areas of your life that matter to you. You need to figure your what your core skills and talents are and find opportunities that will emphasize those skills.

3. Learn to Accept Compliments

When we feel bad about ourselves, it can be hard for anywhere else to drag us out. During these times, we tend to be more resistant to compliments. Rather than shrugging off compliments as lies, you should try to set the goal of tolerating compliments when you receive them. This is important to do, even if it feels uncomfortable because it will be worth it in the long run.

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4. Stop Criticizing Yourself

We are more likely to kick ourselves when we are down. When we have low self-esteem, we tend to do even more damage to it by being self-critical. When you start to tell yourself all the things that you are doing wrong and criticizing yourself for who you are, think twice about what you are saying. By taking a few minutes to recognize the self-criticism, you will give yourself the ability to start building yourself up instead.

5. Remind Yourself of Your Real Worth

Reminding yourself of your real worth is the best way to revive low self-esteem when your confidence sustains a blow. If you fail to get a promotion at work, write down everything that makes you a valuable employee, such as being reliable. Write a short paragraph or two about why each quality is essential and why others will appreciate it.

Building your self-esteem isn’t going to be an easy task, and it requires a lot of hard work, but the return you get will be invaluable if you do it correctly.

4 Factors That Can Affect Your Self Esteem

Self-esteem plays a significant role in your life. Your self-esteem has a profound impact on the choices you make in your life. It determines what you consider yourself to be capable and worthy of doing. When you have low self-esteem, you are at a higher risk of not fulfilling your real potential in life. Numerous factors can influence your self-esteem. These four factors can either build up your self-esteem or pull it down.

Your Childhood

Your childhood is one of the leading contributing factors to your self-esteem. During your childhood, as your personality and everything else is developing, everyone you encounter has the potential to influence who you become, this includes your self-esteem. For example, children that grow up in unstable households tend to have lower self-confidence and self-esteem and often end up carrying that burden with them throughout their entire lives.

The Media

Our complete obsession with the media, whether its social media, television or print ads, contributes to the widespread self-esteem issues that our society faces. The instant access to social media is especially damaging to young minds with the constant pressure to look and act like public figures, celebrities, and their peers.

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Friends and Family

The people that you spend time around have a considerable influence on your self-esteem. Your friends can help you build your self-confidence, your self-image, and self-respect, or they can bring it down. Unfortunately, there are those in our lives that will purposely try to harm our self-esteem to build themselves up.

Your family can also positively or negatively affect your self-esteem. Feelings of inadequacy when it comes to providing for your family can contribute to low self-esteem while working together as a family and building one another up, can contribute to a healthy self-esteem.

Work Environment

The majority of your time is spent at school or at work. The environment tends to influence every aspect of your life, including your self-esteem. If you have a stressful and overly demanding position, it can often contribute to low self-esteem. Working in an encouraging and productive environment can have a positive influence on your self-esteem and can help you grow stronger.

Many factors can influence your self-esteem. Every part of your life can affect it, but the person that has the most control of your self-esteem is you. Start giving yourself good messages about who you are and stop beating yourself up in order to improve your self-esteem.

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