Make Sure You Have a Monetization Plan

Make Sure You Have a Monetization Plan
Monetization means to make money from your efforts. This is the goal of the majority of online senior marketers. But far too many of them think about the money they’re going to make after they’re done setting everything up.
They don’t realize that the time to bring in cash is from the moment you decide to start a business. It requires you to think strategically with every decision and action step you implement.
There are many who go through the motions of conducting marketing every day, and fail to monetize their efforts. They might publish a blog post and forget to include an affiliate link, or send out an email and not monetize it with something of value for their readers.
The Irony of Learning How to Make Money and Forgetting to Monetize
It’s exciting to be your own boss and have a business. If you’re new to being an entrepreneur, one of your biggest fears may have to do with the fear of failure. Because of this, maybe you work practically non-stop to find ways to avoid failure.
With that in mind, you spend a lot of time on the learning aspect of setting up and running the business. You spend time learning how to blog. You learn about which content is best and how to present it.
You learn about uploading images and creating eye-catching headlines and subheadings. You study material on how to make videos. When it’s time to make the videos, you buy a background screen or software so that you look professional.
You invest in a good microphone or headset. You practice the material that you’re going to share in your video. Networking is something that you think is a good way to avoid failure.
So you spend a lot of time making sure you make the right connections. You’ve created a list of people that you can turn to if need be for advice, for future joint ventures and more.
You’ve worked hard to create your products and you’re proud of the efforts that you’ve put in. While all of these are good things, they’re lacking one important aspect. If you do all of these things, but fail to monetize anything, you won’t have an income.
This is the step that causes some people to falter. They’ve worked so hard, so they can’t understand why they’re not making any money. That’s because the efforts that you do along the way of building your business must include ones that pay more often than not...