Chapter 8: Best Online Jobs - Must Have Solutions

Chapter 8: Best Online Jobs

You may be reading this book because you have been forced by circumstances to start working from home. But there’s also a chance that you’re reading it in a prospective fashion: that you want to start working from home. Hopefully, you’ve seen that with the right mindset, this can be a hugely positive influence on your lifestyle!

Or maybe you’ve been recently forced to work from home and you’re now thinking about the other types of work you could do. Why not transition to a workplace that is better suited to this new working style?

The great news is that this is now more possible than ever: as more organizations start hiring online, and countless apps and services seek streamline the process.

In short: it’s now easier than ever to maintain a productive online workflow, and the number of online jobs is rapidly increasing.

Top Online Jobs

Before we begin listing the top online jobs, it’s worth noting that the top online jobs broadly fall into one of three categories:

  • Employment
  • Gig economy
  • Passive income

In other words, you can either find a company to work for but send your work in remotely, or you can sell your skills to online clients on a freelance basis.

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