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How to Change Your Attitude in Five Steps

It is not easy to change your mindset, but you can make anything happen with a positive attitude. In other words, having the right mindset allows you to achieve anything you want because you are no longer allowing things or negativity to cloud it.

In contrast, a negative attitude is contagious to those around you. It eats away at your happiness and your will to live or do the things you need to be successful.

Here are five steps to changing your attitude for the better.

Step One: Identify the Problem

First, ask yourself why you are feeling defeatist. What is causing you to have a poor attitude? Is it your environment? The work you are doing or the people you are around? Whatever it may be, there is likely something you can do to solve it once you identify it.

Step Two: Think about What You Can Do to Solve the Problem

Now that you know the problem, find ways to solve it. For example, if you know those around you are causing your poor attitude, take a break and leave the room.

Step Three: Reverse or Stop Your Thoughts

Take a moment to recognize the thoughts you are having. If they are negative, identify what aspects of them are true. They are likely far from the truth or not relevant to your situation. Once you recognize the facts, flip the thought to the opposite.

For example, let’s say you think you are a burden to others. First, take the time to figure out why you believe this and then tell yourself, "I am not a burden because..." This technique can be used for just about any negative thoughts you have.

Step Four: Change Your Environment

It is not always possible to change your perspective on life. However, it is possible to change your perspective on people and things by changing your environment. You can do this in many ways too. Start with small changes such as switching up the type of music you listen to or the television shows. These small changes can lead to much bigger changes in your perspective on life and the world.

Step Five: Be Grateful and Take Action Towards What Matters Most to You

The last and most crucial step is to be grateful for the good things in life and take action towards them. Getting caught up in the negative is easy but it's essential to focus on the good. This means that you should not just sit around waiting for something to happen. Instead, go out there and make it happen.

Be sure to follow these five steps now if you want to change your attitude. A positive attitude is needed to achieve your goals and live a life full of purpose and understanding. You have the power to change as long as you want it and do the work to get there.

Five Habits to Boost Efficiency at Work

Five Habits to Boost Efficiency at Work

Being efficient is about getting more work done in less time, with fewer mistakes and increased quality. Increasing your efficiency and productivity at work or in business is crucial in order to grow your revenue and wealth over time.

Unless you can pay others to use their time, time is one of the truly limited resources. You can never get time back, so use it wisely and efficiently. It is simple; efficiency allows you to get more quality work done while saving valuable time – time that can be used to increase your revenue or achieve more business goals.

Here are five habits to follow to boost your efficiency at work:

Work with Sunlight

Sunlight is an important resource for creating vitamin D that can boost energy to get through your work. Not only that, but it also changes up your environment, improving your focus and determination.

Always Set Strict Deadlines

Research shows that goals without deadlines are goals that get delayed or pushed to the side. It also states that the more time you allow yourself to finish something, the more time you will take.

In other words, setting strict and timely deadlines can help you get your work done faster and more efficiently. However, be sure to set realistic ones and account for a few obstacles to get in your way. You don’t want to stretch out tasks too long, just like you don’t want to give yourself too little time to do things.

Work in Batches

Your brain can only stay focused for so long. This means that working in batches instead of a standard eight-hour workday is best, if possible.

You can also use this strategy to organize your work in similar clusters. For example, instead of using the time to research and write one project, create ninety-minute sessions to manage your projects and then a separate session on writing. This way, you can keep your focus on one task at hand and limit the back and forth of different tasks as much as possible.

Limit Distractions and Turn Off Notifications

It can take twenty-three minutes to regain your focus every time you give in to a distraction or notification on your phone. This means that anytime you get interrupted you can expect to take up more time to get the work done than before – showing you just how important creating a distraction-free work environment is. If you never did the work to prevent distractions, you likely don’t even know how long it takes you to really get your work done.  

Declutter and Organize

Save time and free yourself from stress by creating systems that keep you organized and clutter-free. Making it easier it is to get to your desk or an important work file, for example, can make all the difference as you are no longer wasting your time trying to find important information or feeling frustrated.

Don’t let poor habits at work prevent you from working efficiently and productively. These five simple habits will give you the boost you need to get more done at work or in life. Remember, saving time in your life gives you more time to do the things you want to do. Efficiency is about working smarter, not harder or for longer.

Five Powerful Characteristics of Highly Persistent People

Five Powerful Characteristics of Highly Persistent People

Persistence is the trait that keeps you going despite the work, challenges, or things that can continually knock you down. It’s the trait that allows you to achieve big goals, as many can’t be achieved without failure or difficulty. It's fighting through perfectionism, riding procrastination, and improving weaknesses continually to fulfill your biggest desires.

Successful people are highly persistent, and if you ask them, persistence is often the trait they say got them where they are now. In other words, without persistence, they likely wouldn’t be as happy and successful.

Here are five powerful characteristics of highly persistent people and tips on how to possess them too:


Staying true to oneself and ignoring the opinions of those around them is the main driving force of persistence. Persistent people continue to do what is needed to be done because they know what they want. Persistent folks ignore what is expected of them and chase after what helps them reach their goals and makes them happy instead. Don’t live someone else’s life. Be you. 


Change is inevitable and persistent people understand this more than others. They have a quick ability to recognize when they need to change in order to stay on the course. Instead of ignoring a plan that doesn’t work, they continue to improve it until it does.


Persistent people understand that time management is a valuable skill to utilize, and they fully understand how to get done everything they want to do in the day. Therefore, they will do what they need to in order to stick to their plan.


Persistent people know what they want and will do the work required to get there. But, if you're going to be persistent, you need to strive to be a doer in all areas of your life that make you feel fulfilled, inspired, and happy.


A strong trait that keeps persistent people going is their confidence and trust in getting something done. Even if they know they may not be great, they will try anyway to get what they want.

Overall, success and happiness require persistence. If you want to be more persistent and achieve more goals, possessing these characteristics is a must. These traits give you the tools and resources you need to keep going no matter what obstacles block or delay your path to success.

Four Communication Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Four Communication Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Possessing proper communication habits are essential to become a successful entrepreneur or achieve any goals in life. Many activities or experiences require communication with others in order to be successful.

If you can’t properly transfer or receive important information, it will only delay your success while affecting those around you. In other words, good communication habits are vital if you want to live a more successful life and strengthen your relationships with others.

Here are the four communication habits of a successful entrepreneur:

They Listen First

Listening is the first skill you need to focus on if you need to improve your communication habits. Developing your listening skills is by far one of the most important steps to establishing proper communication. If you don’t actively listen to what others say, you will not keep the conversation flowing correctly.

They Wait Their Turn

Improving your listening skills means you will better understand when you can participate in the conversation. Interrupting others or not knowing when you can speak up prevents you from taking advantage of important business opportunities to become a successful entrepreneur. It is important to note that if you are thinking about what you should say next, you are not really listening. So don’t worry about what you want to say until you have heard their full thoughts.

They Focus on Body Language

Communication is more than just listening or speaking yourself. It also includes non-verbal communication in the form of body language. A person's body language is key to understanding what people you are communicating with truly feel, and it ensures you understand and honor their emotions. For example, when someone’s body language shows you that they are uncomfortable, you know to end the conversation. 

Understanding body language is a powerful trait to possess as an entrepreneur in order to inspire and persuade the many types of people you will meet.  Also, be aware of your own body language as you don’t want to give off negative or overpowering signals to those you are speaking with. This includes providing feedback as the others are talking through eye contact or head nods. This shows that you are engaged and truly listening instead of thinking about what you want to stay next.

They Stay on Point

Lastly, it is important as a good communicator always to keep the conversation clear, focused, and on point. In other words, don’t go through many different topics or steer others away from what they want to share. Redirecting the conversation is often due to the lack of proper listening skills and tells the speaker you don’t care to participate in the discussion fully.

Don’t let poor communication habits prevent you from achieving success. Professional and personal relationships require you to apply proper communication techniques. Remember to listen first, watch for body language, keep it positive and always wait your turn. The more your practice and learn appropriate communication habits, the more successful you will be.

Four Steps to Boosting Your Creativity

Four Steps to Boosting Your Creativity

Did you know you can actually practice your creativity, just like any other skill? Believe it or not, you can still become a creative person even if you are not “born with it.” In fact, it is best to ditch that common misconception as it is only hindering you from unlocking your true abilities and creativity. Creativity is for anyone and everyone as long as you work on it and want to achieve it.

Here are four steps to follow to boost and unlock your creativity:

Step One: Add It to Your Daily To-Do List or Schedule

Many people believe that creativity will just come to them; however, the best way to increase your creativity is to practice it just like any other skill. This requires blocking out specific times in your schedule every week or adding creative activities to your daily to-do lists to ensure you take the time to focus on them. Just think about it; if you waited around until your brain decided you were better at playing a certain instrument, you’d likely be waiting forever.

Boosting your creativity is no different. It must be worked on continually with focus and mindfulness in order to improve. Be sure to make clear and separate time for inspiration, brainstorming, and creation. This way, you can put more concentration and focus on each step of your creative process, further improving your creativity as you gain more knowledge and experience.

Step Two: Clear Distractions and Declutter

When you schedule the time to brainstorm, find inspiration, or create, clear out the distractions first and ensure the space you need to use is organized for success. Distractions and clutter can create a mental fog that is hard to notice right away. This will make you feel like your creativity is gone, when really you just need to reorganize or find a better place to boost your creativity.

Step Three: Get Active and Experiment

Creativity is not perfect. There is no clear road to success. But, that is what makes creativity so beautiful and inspiring. This means you need to get moving and take risks. You can discover more ideas and gain the knowledge you need to create beyond your imagination through risk taking.

Step Four: Rest and Try Again

Don’t keep pushing and forcing creativity to come. Instead, always add in breaks throughout the process to unwind and think about other things. Even taking a few days to sleep on it can give your brain the rest it needs to rejuvenate and start with a clear mind.

If you are struggling to find your creativity, then give these steps a try. Remember, creativity is a personal perspective that will change depending on who you ask, and you won’t please everyone. So, lower your expectations, don’t strive for perfection, keep asking questions, and enjoy the process to boost and further improve your creativity.

Four Things That Can Sabotage Your Likability

Four Things That Can Sabotage Your Likability

Did you know being likable increases your chances of living a more successful life? It will not make you instantly successful, and it doesn’t mean those who are successful are all nice and easy-going people. In fact, many rude people still make it in this world, but that doesn’t mean they got there easily or without consequences.

Likability makes it easier to communicate, relate and inspire those around you – characteristics that all work together to increase your success as a business owner. Even if you don’t own a business, likability makes it easier to build personal and professional relationships that only provide increased value to all areas of your life. 

Here are four things that can sabotage your likability, and how to avoid them:

You Gossip

While obvious, this is an important habit that many are guilty of no matter how nice they are or try to be. It is a toxic and sometimes contagious habit that can be prevented by active awareness, understanding, and care for others. In the end, the only person you have a right to talk about is yourself. Even if the comments have truth to them, the popular phrase, “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say it,” is still true and valuable to this day.

You Constantly Complain

Having a difficult time here and there and seeking help is not the same as constantly complaining. Constantly complaining is when you find the negativity in every situation and share your frustration. This habit only creates a negative atmosphere that lowers people's energy and happiness.

You Claim Victimhood

Constant complaining usually pairs with claiming victimhood -- the act of never taking accountability for your actions and blaming others for your mistakes. Yet, no one lives without errors, and recognizing your actions or inactions is the first step to personal and professional growth.

You Micromanage

No one likes someone who takes over and expects things to be done exactly their way. Likable people understand healthy boundaries and that they will not always have the answer. They know that other people have value to provide too.

If you want to be more likable, take the time to recognize these four behaviors that may be hindering your success, and implement strategies to control or avoid them. What you give out the most to the world is what you will receive. In other words, if you give negativity, don’t expect anything else in return but negativity. The more you work to avoid these negative behaviors, the more likable you will become, making it easier to achieve your goals.

How Procrastination Will Hinder Your Success

How Procrastination Will Hinder Your Success

Procrastination is the simple and common concept of delaying important tasks or things. It is ignoring responsibilities such as important work assignments or paying important bills until it is too late to ignore them any longer. Unfortunately, it often results in negative consequences that make life harder than it ultimately needs to be. So, let’s be frank; if you are a procrastinator, you are hindering your chances of success.

Here is how the bad habit of procrastinating hinders the chance of living a successful life:

It Damages Your Reputation

If you procrastinate, those around you have likely changed their schedule or provided other resources to accommodate this. But, even if you don’t notice the effects directly, skipping a meal with a friend or putting off important household chores are just two examples that can start to affect your reputation, trust, and credibility.

It Affects Your Health

Procrastination equals stress and the more you foster it, the unhealthier you will become over time. In addition, stress is known to increase inflammation that can cause fatigue, mental health problems, and irritability – thus, further preventing you from taking action towards your goals.

It Destroys Your Confidence and Self-Esteem

The more you delay an action, the more you begin to believe you can’t do it – especially as you have less time to get it done. The closer the deadline gets, the less confident you become, making it even harder to finish your work and further affecting your ability to perform and get the job done efficiently.

It Wastes Time and Delays Opportunities

When you procrastinate, you take up valuable time and resources that can be better used in other areas of your life. The stress and anxiety caused by delaying your work also prevent you from noticing your surroundings, causing you to miss new and more exciting opportunities. However, since you still have work to do, you are unlikely to have the time to take advantage of it anyways.

As you can see, procrastination is not a tool that should be used on a daily basis. It does not provide the boost of mental focus or motivation you may think it does. Instead, it damages your reputation, increases your stress, decreases your confidence, and prevents you from seeing or taking advantage of important opportunities that can lead you to a happier and more successful life.

Making Tweaks to Your Business That Help You Overcome Obstacles

Every busy entrepreneur is going to encounter obstacles. Some are going to be small while others may feel insurmountable. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t be overcome.

By making some changes, you’ll be able to press forward and find success. Before you can fix what needs repairing, you have to identify the problem areas. This requires brutal truth and honesty about what’s holding you back, even if it’s your own mindset.

Once you’ve pinpointed what’s wrong, you’ll be able to implement a plan of action to heal those areas and bring them up to speed in how they should perform and deliver for you.

Confidence Building Tasks to Help You Succeed

A lack of confidence can stall a business because when you don’t feel like you can do something, it can have a paralyzing effect. However, there are some things you can do to overcome fear and gain confidence.

Fear is something that many entrepreneurs battle. It’s because they’re afraid of what might happen. They’re afraid of looking foolish, of failing, or of having to give up on their dreams.

They’re afraid of disappointing themselves or other people if the business fails. Use fear as a positive resource to help you build confidence. Look at it as stretching yourself instead of something that you react to negatively.

There are different ways that you can do this. One is by gaining small wins. It might be that you haven’t reached the point where’ve you built a large mailing list yet. But you have created your newsletter template.

That’s a small win. It could be that you haven’t completed a project yet, but you do have several key pieces of it done. That’s another small win. Each of these small steps moves you away from fear and toward confidence because you can see the tasks that you’ve accomplished that are working to build your business....

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Managing Things You Can’t Change in Your Personal Life

Learning how to manage your emotions and the things you can’t control takes a lot of time and practice. But it is rewarding in the end. You’ll learn how to establish a healthier sense of control over your actions.

Life is about moving forward and doing everything you can to be the best version of yourself. It’s important to make sure that you are taking that time to work on your own personal growth.

Acceptance is a big part of managing your life, and letting go is something you’ll have to do. You will have to teach yourself to prioritize your problems, and laugh off the things that are just out of reach. This will only make you stronger, and it will open your eyes to the experiences and problems other people face.

Detach from Things That Aren't Your Problem

Life is all about picking your battles. Some problems are too big for you to tackle all on your own. And some of those problems are probably not your own, just ones that people close to you have dumped on you in order to lessen their own burden.

What you must learn is that other peoples’ problems are not your responsibility. The only way people can learn is when they work on themselves and try to become better people.

You can’t fix other people. Although you may want to do everything you can to save them and build them up, it may not always be possible. Some people don’t want to change, and some people make their problems bigger than they actually are.

No matter what, it isn’t up to you to change others and turn them into the best versions of themselves. If you take on too much, you may start to feel suffocated and overwhelmed.

Detaching from those problems will help you in the long run. It will help to ease some of the stress of life and allow you to focus on yourself. If you spend all of your time fixing everyone else and taking on problems that you aren’t supposed to take on, you’ll end up losing that time and a part of yourself....

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Rectifying the Things You Can Fix in Your Personal Life

Everyone has their own personal problems in life that pop up when you least expect them. Whether it has to do with your mental health or just your progress in general, it’s okay to have problems that you may not feel ready to face.

Some people just live with the problems around them, and refrain from working towards a plan that will fix what is wrong. The challenges you face don’t have to be as difficult or overwhelming as you make them out to be in your mind.

You can take every problem and work to solve it in smaller steps and changes. Creating different plans to work on your personal growth will make a big impact on your mental health and career path.

Getting the Financial Pressure Off of You

When you’re on the path of financial recovery, there are plenty of methods to try that will help you plan how to rein in your spending and start paying off debt. Some may take longer to plan and work on than others, but each has the goal of easing the stress of financial pressure.

Pay off the debt with the highest interest rate. With this method, you are focusing all of your energy and effort towards knocking out the debt where you’re paying the most in interest.

Since it’s the one thing that will end up costing the most over time, it’s efficient to pay it off first. That way, your debt doesn’t pile up on you while you slowly pay off pieces of each one.

Consider the snowball method. The snowball method means that you work to pay off the smallest of your debts, and work your way up to the largest one. That way you will be making progress and ridding yourself of debts one by one....

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