5 Tips to Get Self-Motivated When You Really Don’t Want to Do Something

5 Tips to Get Self-Motivated When You Really Don’t Want to Do Something
- You’re always playing hide-and-seek with self-motivation. It’s a game that you hate playing when you’re the loser, but you love playing it when you’re the winner. You know it’s somewhere in there (you generated that motivation all on your own, remember?), but when you really don’t want to do something, it flees from your sight before you can even process it. The next time you’re faced with something that you’re dreading, try out one (or all) of these tips to get that self-motivation back up.
- Reframe the Way You Look at it
If you view it as hard work or something you utterly despise doing, you’ll hate every second of doing it. What if, instead, you look at this task as a step along the path of your big-picture goals?
- Make Sure it Matters
You’re sewing a blanket of big dreams, and you get wrapped up in a thread of something that doesn’t matter anymore…What do you do? You take a step back and look at everything from a birds-eye view. If you’re focusing time and energy on a task that doesn’t matter anymore (even if it did at one point), you should put it on the backburner. If it matters down the road, come back around to it.