The Pros Of Working From Home – Chapter 4

Keeping in mind the current global circumstances, whether willingly or unwillingly, a lot of workers and employees have been forced to work from home. Working from home may not be everyone’s cup of tea; but it may be a good decision for many. We have here listed some pros of working from home, and if you go through them, maybe you will rethink your contempt towards it.
Working from home is not just sitting in a comfortable environment and working according to your own rules. It also helps massively in strengthening your focus, concentration, self-reliance, motivation and confidence. With no one else breathing down your neck constantly, you are the only one keeping yourself in check, and how you manage your time and get work done when you need to is an important life skill to have.
Your Own Schedule:
You can make your schedule according to your work ethic. If you can’t work continuously for hours, you can give yourself refreshment breaks in the middle to keep your energy levels up. You will need to make still sure that all your work is being done, but you can have more flexibility.
Keeping a certain amount of 'office hours' is still essential, but you can divide them; however, you like and set it according to your most productive hours, be it morning or night. You can work with a schedule you're comfortable with.
Comfortable Environment:
Probably, for many of you, your office's cramped cubicle, glaring white lights and broken coffee machine is not the ideal environment to work in. One of the pros of working fromhome is to be able to create a comfortable working environment for you. You can choose a spot you like, maybe by a large window or somewhere on the patio. You can choose your comfortable chair, and can even set up the noise levels and the temperature to however you like it to be! No more nosy co-workers and boss intruding in your space.
Dress however you like:
While staying productive, it is recommended to at least change out of pyjamas even if you're working just from home, but it is not needed to wear a crisp ironed dress shirt or khakis anymore! You can wear regular day clothes that you find the most comfortable as there's going to be no threat of anyone seeing you in it while you work. Just make sure if you're attending a meeting on video conference, you're dressed appropriately, at least from the waist up even if you're wearing no pants under!
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