Before You Do Anything Else – Start Networking

One step that you can do at anytime when you are on social media is networking with people who are either vendors or affiliates on the Warrior Plus platform. Some people may decide to only do that on the weekends, but others will go ahead and do a little networking while they are on Facebook during the week if they have a few extra minutes.
The importance of networking is to not only help you recruit affiliates and even customers as a vendor, but also allow you to get approval and perks as an affiliate if you are networking with vendors.
When networking with others, you're not only going to ensure that you get approved because they feel comfortable in knowing you, but you'll also have the potential to gain perks such as increased commissions, a spot on their download page, or even advanced access to their product before a launch all because they now consider you a friend.
Facebook is primarily the number one place marketers are engaged in discussions publicly, in groups and in private messages. But it's not the only place. There are other conversations that are done through emails, WhatsApp, and elsewhere.
Knowing who to network with is important period and sometimes, it will benefit you to simply lurk and read what people are saying. If you become friends with fellow consumers and colleagues in this industry, you will quickly learn who has a stellar reputation and who does not.
The last thing you want to do as an affiliate is begin promoting someone who may be able to launch products that receive a lot of hype, but who consumers are not happy with, because you don't want to have your commissions turn into refunds.
Likewise, as a vendor, you really don't want to be recruiting affiliates to promote from you if they don't have a good reputation because their initial commissions might turn into chargebacks and refunds or complaints because they are engaging in spammy behavior.
So how do you connect with people and how often should you be reaching out? This depends on how you plan to go about communicating with them. If you are simply watching and commenting on post that they put on their profile, you obviously don't want to look like a stalker by going back five years and liking every one of their posts.
But if they post something new, it's okay for you to like it and comment on it if it is relevant and you have something to say. You want them to get used to seeing your name and knowing that you are not someone hiding behind the scenes who is ready to try to take advantage of consumers.
If you are interacting with someone via private messages, you have to be a little more discreet and careful about how often you are intruding into their space. If you start spamming them repeatedly throughout the day, they will simply block you.
You have to develop that friendship initially in order for them to want to communicate with you that often. Don't make everything so strict and business oriented. Friendships with your Internet marketing colleagues are important.
Try not to engage in any drama that is circulating in the industry or marketplace. There will always be feuds among marketers, whether they are vendors or affiliates. If you see this happening in groups or behind the scenes, simply stay out of it and absorb the information so that you can make a determination about if and how it should affect your business.
If you are a vendor and you have identified some people who look like good affiliate prospects, start by engaging with their public content, and then you might reach out with an initial introduction that simply tells them you are developing a product and you think it might be a good fit for their audience.
Start the discussion, but don't browbeat them with repeated messages asking if they're going to be onboard for your launch. Likewise, if you are an affiliate, you can reach out to people and let them know what kind of promotions you want to do, and that you'd really love to add their product to your lineup.
You want to become familiar to them first, before you start reaching out directly. If they are not on Facebook, then you can reach out through email, but again, because you are going directly into their inbox, you want to be careful about how often you are showing up with a request