5 Fixes For The Scatterbrain

5 Fixes For The Scatterbrain
Do you remember where you put your keys? How about that thing you went into the kitchen to get—do you remember what that was?
If you’re having one of those days (or weeks!), know that you’re not alone. Millions of people suffer from scatterbrain syndrome. It’s when you have a bajillion things to do. You’re running here and there, trying to get everything done. But your brain just doesn’t want to cooperate. It keeps wandering off to random thoughts and irrelevant ideas.
Today, we’re trying to teach our brains to focus. So, we rounded up the best five scatter brain fixes recommended by medical experts. Do them each day and you're guaranteed an increase in productivity. Soon, you’ll be marking things off your to-do list like the focused, driven person you are.
Let’s not waste any time and start learning how you can boost your attention span and concentration.
1.Make Lists
Ask any successful entrepreneur, and they’ll tell you one of the best techniques they use to eliminate scatterbrain is making lists. When you write down everything you’re supposed to get done for that day, it helps you look at things more objectively.
You can shift things around, re-calibrate, and come up with a solid to-do list for your day.
There are two ways to make a list. You can use a good old-fashioned pen and paper. Or you can use technology so you can have your list on you at all times. There are plenty of excellent note-taking apps on both Android and the Apple store.
Here’s how to write up a perfect to-do list:
•Set your timer for 10 minutes.
•Write down all the things you have to get done during the day.
•When the timer goes off, stop writing and take a look at your list.
•Start putting things into categories and give each item a due date.
•Start with the highest priority and get to work.
2.Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is when you focus on your breathing and your thoughts. This form of meditation has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its many benefits.
One of its most profound benefits is that it improves memory and focus. The best part? All you need is just five minutes out of your day.
You can practice mindfulness with your eyes closed and welcome any thoughts that enter your mind. Another way is to do it with your eyes open. This way, you can really hone in on the things around you by using all of your senses.
It could be the way a table is designed, the faint hum of a coffee machine, the way the chair feels beneath your hand. The point is to use these few minutes to be present in the moment. Take notice of the little things that don’t ordinarily register with you as you’re going about your day.
If you’ve never tried mindfulness meditation before, here’s a quick rundown of how it’s done:
•Find a quiet spot with minimal distractions.
•Sit on a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor and your back straight.
•Take a few seconds to focus on your breathing.
•If you choose to close your eyes, allow your thoughts to wander.
•If you open your eyes, use your senses to take in every detail of your surroundings.
3.Exercise Regularly
Increased focus and regular exercise go hand-in-hand. So, if you want to fix your scatterbrain, lift weights, swim, jog—the list is endless.
Pick a physical activity you enjoy doing and go for it!
The best part is if you’re not in the mood for a high-intensity workout, you can just go for a walk. Better yet, you can try any of the 7-minute workouts prepared by training experts. They’re packed with all the benefits of a long workout but in a shorter time frame.
According to Dr. John Ratey, author of “Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain,” exercise is like a miracle drug for the brain. It increases focus for up to three hours after your workout!
Additionally, it boosts blood flow and enhances neuron growth. These not only make you concentrate better, but they also ward off cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s.
4.Stay Organized
While some people claim they find order in chaos, researchers claim that the opposite is true. Studies show that when your desk is cluttered, your brain’s ability to process information declines. Rather than focusing on work, your brain is distracted by the mountains of clutter around you.
Learning how to keep your desk organized takes practice. First, start with a blank desk.
Then, think of an efficient layout. This layout should allow you to get the most work done, while still maintaining a sense of order and harmony.
Once you’ve gotten into the habit of having things neat and organized, you’ll notice your scatterbrain tendencies have become less.
Not only will your brain focus better, but having an organized desk brings inner calm. In turn, inner calm means less stress; reduced stress leads to better focus.
5.Take Breaks
Sometimes, a wandering mind doesn’t mean you’re a hopeless scatterbrain. It just means your cognitive functions are tired and need to rest for a while.
The longer you ignore the message, the harder it’ll be to get anything done. Consequently, the more time you’ll waste doing nothing.
So, the next time you can’t concentrate on the task you’re supposed to be doing, take a break. Go for a walk, text a friend, watch a cute cat video.
Just make sure it’s not anything work-related. This way, after 10 or 15 minutes, you’ll get back to work feeling recharged and ready to focus.
One technique that’s proved promising is the Pomodoro Technique. It’s where you work for 25 minutes straight, then take a five-minute break.