Whip Up a High-Converting Daily Email with the Help of AI - Must Have Solutions

Whip Up a High-Converting Daily Email with the Help of AI

The next step you're going to do in your day is often send out an email autoresponder. Whether you are addressing a single subscriber list or segmenting your messages for different audiences, AI can do this quickly and easily for you.

Step 1: Tell AI what the purpose of your email is and any other defining criteria. Your prompt might be something like this: “I want to send an email to promote a new course that teaches seniors how to start their own online business on a budget. I’m going to be giving you preliminary information before having you write the email. The course is in eBook format. Think about the slants and pressing points that will need to be made in order for the email to convert for this audience.”

Step 2: Give AI the main details for your email. Your prompt might be something like this: “The eBook is on launch discount pricing for 72 hours where they get 50% off and also get 2 bonus reports (one that shows them how to set up a WordPress blog and the other that shares 50 high-performing niches for seniors. The eBook course is called [name].”

Step 3: Have AI create your email draft. You can prompt it like this: “Create the draft for an engaging promotional email for [course title] that approaches the benefits of the course based on the target audience’s main pressing pain points. Include details of the promotion and a strong call to action.”

Step 4: Review the email and ask AI for any tweaks that you want, such as an alternate CTA, different length or tone, or the addition of any personalization. Once it’s complete, if you need the same email tweaked for a slightly different segment, prompt AI like this: “I want to send this same basic message, but for a different audience where the buyers are not newbies, but can benefit from the savings. Tweak the message to work for those readers.”

The first two tasks took under 60 seconds when this was tested and the output was fantastic – with the email hitting on things that this audience wants – affordability and senior discount, easy to follow, flexible learning, and support.

All you have to do is read through to ensure accuracy, copy and paste it into your autoresponder system – and your nurturing and communication with your subscribers is complete so you can move on to new tasks.


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