How To Commit To Your Exercise Plan - Must Have Solutions

How To Commit To Your Exercise Plan


Have you decided to start exercising as part of a healthy lifestyle plan, or to lose weight and tone your body? Good for you! Exercise certainly has a lot of benefits, and even as little as 30 minutes a day can make a world of difference to your health. However, you may be struggling to get up and actually get moving on a daily basis, because of the fact that you are used to a sedentary lifestyle. Here are some tips to help you commit to your exercise plan and make working out a habit in the long run.

1) Make exercise a part of your schedule. This means actually scheduling workout time in your schedule. If you decide that you are going to work out at 6 p.m today after work, then go ahead and write that down. Do this everyday.

2) Be prepared for the workout session. If you plan to head to the gym right after work, then be sure that you bring along the right attire and necessities such as towels, soap if you are planning to take a shower, and so on, so that you don’t have to run home to get these things and have an excuse to not follow through with your plan.

3) Follow through with your exercise plan at any cost. Don’t make excuses as to why you shouldn’t exercise today; instead, make excuses as to why you should. Keep your goal, whatever it is, in mind at all times, especially when you feel lazy.

4) Use other techniques of motivation to keep your exercise fire burning. For example, if you want to be a few dress sizes smaller, then hang a dress of the size you want to be in somewhere in your bedroom in clear view. This will motivate you the moment you wake up to keep to your exercise goals for the day. If being healthy is your goal, then do some reading about the health risks of staying at your current weight, and maybe even write these on a post it note to remind you why you should exercise.

5) If you are a busy person, you have to learn to prioritize your exercise sessions over other activities. Instead of spending an hour drinking with your colleagues after work, be sure to use that hour to work out instead. If you really don’t have much time, remember that a workout does not have to be one long session. It can be four or five workouts of 10 minutes each, thrown in throughout the day. Each session can consist of activities as simple as walking up and down the flight of stairs at your office, walking to a restaurant that is more of a distance away during your lunch break, and so on.

By implementing the tips above, you will be on the right track towards committing to your exercise plan. Good luck and stay moving!


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