4 Reasons Why You Should Start To Enjoy Exercise - Must Have Solutions

4 Reasons Why You Should Start To Enjoy Exercise


Let’s face it, many of us groan at the mere thought of exercise. It’s not really surprising, as exercise is work, and lots of people these days have become accustomed to sitting down all day behind a desk, or in front of the TV. However, exercise is crucial to our overall health. By understanding the benefits, you can help motivate yourself to get moving again. These benefits include:

1) It helps you lose weight. This is an obvious one, but many people still overlook exercise when they want to lose weight. While it’s true that dieting brings more results compared to exercise according to studies, exercise is proven to help keep the weight off. Those who successfully maintain their weight after a weight loss journey usually reported exercising on a regular basis. Let’s not forget that exercise can do what dieting can’t: tone your body to help you achieve a better looking physique.

2) It helps you sleep better. Regular exercise releases hormones that calm the body and aid good sleep at night. This is proven by several studies examining the effect of exercise on sleep. However, exercise should be done earlier in the day and not right before bedtime, as exercising before sleeping might have the reverse effect of keeping you awake instead.

3) It makes you fitter. Nobody likes to be panting after climbing up a flight of stairs. By starting slow and then gradually increasing your exercise intensity, you’ll get fitter with time. You’ll probably see the difference even within a few days of exercising. Being fitter helps make you feel more active, energetic and it can improve your mental focus as well. Not to mention it keeps you going longer in the bedroom!

4) It keeps away an array of diseases. Frequently exercising is proven to help keep various cardiovascular diseases at bay, as well as strengthen your immune system significantly. Not only that, exercise keeps away depression and diabetes, and improves brain function as well.

Reading through the reasons above, it’s clear to see why you should not skip exercise just because you are too busy or lazy. All it takes to reap the benefits above is 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, which you can do in one go or in three sessions of 10 minutes each. It’s even better if you also do some resistance training and flexibility training a few times a week as well. So go ahead and schedule a jog today. It will do wonders for your health once it becomes a habit.


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