7-Part AI Content Training System - Part #5: AI Info Products, Upsell Funnels and Copy - Must Have Solutions

7-Part AI Content Training System – Part #5: AI Info Products, Upsell Funnels and Copy

Welcome to part 5 of the 7-part AI Content Training System! Having targeted traffic and a high-converting list means nothing if you don’t have anything to sell to them. Promoting as an affiliate is easy.

AI can weave those promotions for affiliate products into any email or blog post that you’d like it to focus on. But one way to enhance your bottom line is to sell information products of your own.


You won’t believe how easy it is to use AI to create products for your entire funnel, craft sales copy and even generate a convenient joint venture (JV) page to entice affiliates to get onboard.

Different Ways You Can Use AI to Create Info Product Funnels

Remember how you learned how to get AI to create pillar blog posts and lead magnets? Well the info product creation process is not much different. You’ll still be having AI brainstorm for you (or with you), outline the creation and write the content.

But with info product launches there are a few adjustments to be made. Length is one of them. In order to justify paying for a product, consumers need to know there’s enough value in it and a short-form report won’t do.

You may need to adjust your prompts to ensure AI covers each sub-heading in your chapters thoroughly. At any time if you get back a section where something feels inadequate, simply prompt the following: “Expand on this…”

In some AI tools, you can highlight a section or sentence and choose the option to make it longer right in the tool itself without even having to prompt again. Another way to expand is to have AI create examples to share with your reader.

We’ve done that in this course to some degree, simply because examples help you understand how things work. But it can also be beneficial if you need it for length and volume of the product.

Info products aren’t always text-based, either. AI can map out a multi-part video script and storyboard for you to use for your lessons. Then you can take those to a video AI tool and have it create it for you using animation, a faceless image or clip approach, or AI-generated human talking heads....

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