7-Part AI Content Training System - Part #4: Effective AI Email Autoresponders - Must Have Solutions

7-Part AI Content Training System – Part #4: Effective AI Email Autoresponders

Welcome to part 4 of the 7-part AI Content Training System! By now, you’re well on your way to having a formidable content marketing plan. You know how to use AI to gather trends, for research of topics, organization and optimization.

Now that you know how to leverage AI to get people to your blog with valuable content, and ultimately get them on your list with an enticing lead magnet, you have to know how to cater to the needs of those subscribers for the coming weeks, months and years.

AI can help you craft an ongoing email series that continually shares tips and advice, promotes products and fosters loyalty from your list. You can tell AI how often you want to email out each week, asking it to craft a strategy that combines educational material with emails that generate revenue for you.

AI to Get Emails Opened By Recipients

Getting your emails into inboxes isn’t hard, as long as you abide by proper rules associated with SPAM laws and etiquette consumers expect you to adhere to. If you end up with a low Sender Score, it will be more difficult for your emails to get through.

Instead, they’ll be sent straight to spam boxes, which means your messages will rarely be seen – even if the subscriber intentionally signed up for it. Assuming all is going well for you in terms of making it to the inbox, the next step is to get the emails opened.

Your email is one message in a sea of others, and if the recipient is limited in time and attention, they have to pick and choose carefully. AI can ensure that your message is one that gets through.

You can write your own email subject lines and ask AI to revise and improve them – or have AI do it from scratch on your behalf. For example, let’s say you wrote a subject line that read: Staying Mindful in Social Eating Situations.

You might prompt AI like this: “I have the following subject line for an informative email and I need it to be hyped up to ensure people open the email. Give me a different option.”

AI might come back with a question that evokes curiosity like this: “What’s the Key to Staying Mindful at Social Gatherings?” If the recipient struggles with this issue, it’ll make them more apt to click on the email...

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