7-Part AI Content Training System - Part #3: AI Lead Magnets and Opt In Pages - Must Have Solutions

7-Part AI Content Training System – Part #3: AI Lead Magnets and Opt In Pages

Welcome to part 3 of the 7-part AI Content Training System! At this time, you have the bones of AI use well down. Many of the same concepts you use in the blog training will be applicable elsewhere, so we don’t want to duplicate those.

These lessons can be shorter so you can apply what you learn more quickly without having to go over the same concepts again and again. For example, you can use the same application for trend research, outlining and content that you did for blogs for your lead magnets.

This works well if you’re using it for short reports. But we’re going to add a few things into the mix that work well for lead magnets and then go over your opt in landing page construction with AI.

Lead Magnet Format Ideas

When it comes to the freebie offer you present to people to hopefully get them on your list, it doesn’t always have to be a short report. AI can help you come up with all kinds of ideas for a lead magnet offer.

You can present the issue to AI and ask for help like this: “I need a list with a variety of ideas for different types of lead magnets I can offer prospective subscribers for my mindful eating business. Make it varied and unique.”

AI will come back with ideas such as:

  • A comprehensive guide with tips and resources
  • A 7-Day Mindful Meal Planning Challenge with daily prompts and templates for meal planning
  • An interactive quiz to help identify emotional eating triggers
  • Printable cards with prompts for mindful tasting exercises
  • A short audio series with focused mindful meditations
  • A printable list for grocery shopping for healthy foods
  • A list of daily journal prompts to deepen eating awareness

If you see one you like, ask AI to: “Create the interactive quiz that helps identify emotional eating triggers.” Go over the results and add or detract from it as you wish until it represents what you hoped to see.

AI can help you create an email series that can be offered as a free gift. People don’t always need an immediate download. You can ask AI to: “Create a 10-day mindful eating series that provides tips via email that new subscribers can use to get started.”

You can do the same for a video series if you want to have AI craft a series of scripts you can record to drip-feed to your new subscribers day after day after they get on your list.

>>>>Click Here to Grab the Free e-Book and Read On


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