7-Part AI Content Training System - Part #2: Blog Marketing with AI for Top Performance - Must Have Solutions

7-Part AI Content Training System – Part #2: Blog Marketing with AI for Top Performance

Welcome to part 2 of the 7-part AI Content Training System! By now you will have chosen one or more artificial intelligence tools to work with and it’s time to put them to the test.

As an online entrepreneur, you’re likely using a WordPress blog as your home on the ‘net. This is the perfect place to set up valuable content to showcase your expertise, to build a list, and convert visitors into buyers of products you create or promote.

AI can work wonders for your blog content. Let’s not forget it can also assist you in other ways with blogging, such as recommending design and navigation concepts, enhancing search engine optimization (both onsite and off) and more.

But for now, we’re just going to focus on content marketing. Part of that is having it help you craft content that ranks, but not just for traditional SEO. Now, many search engines use GPT search, so you need to rank for that as well.

However, your blog content has to appease readers ultimately, or it won’t help you achieve your conversion goals.

AI for Uncovering Trending Topics for Your Blog

When using AI for blog content help, you want to start with asking AI to help you uncover trending topics. Evergreen concepts are also nice, and you can have it create a list of both for you, depending on which direction you’re heading that day.

In fact, you might start with a staple of evergreen concepts you can choose from at any time then have AI give you the top trending topics for that week. For that purpose, you want to use a tool with access to real time data.

You can ask a simple prompt such as: “What are the top trending topics in weight loss right now? Give me a list of the top 5.” AI will deliver the answers:

  • GLP-1 Medications like Ozempic
  • Balanced and Flexible Diets that Aren’t Restrictive
  • Protein-Packed Whole Foods
  • Fiber-Rich Foods
  • Mindful Eating and Holistic Approaches

Based on what it gives you, you can then have AI give you the top 5 questions consumers are asking about a trending topic, why it’s trending, who (the demographic) it’s trending with, and so on.

You can prompt something like this: “For the mindful eating practices, what are the top 5 questions consumers want to know about that topic. Also, why is it trending and who is the biggest demographic audience for that topic?”

AI delivers the answers showing that consumers want to know things like whether or not mindful eating can help with weight loss, what mindful eating means and how it differs from other approaches, and what mindful eating exercises they should start with.

It’s growing because more people want a holistic wellness approach rather than a reliance on extreme fad diets. And Millennials and Gen X women in urban areas are the biggest consumers – especially those who have struggled with dieting in the past.

Pillar Post AI Construction for Top Notch Content

Armed with this information from AI, you can then move on and have AI help you construct a pillar blog post that resonates with that target audience. For example, using the information above, we might prompt AI like this: “For this audience, especially those who have struggled with dieting in the past, outline a comprehensive pillar blog post that addresses mindful eating exercises they should start with.”

When AI delivers the results, you need to go over them. In fact, one good rule of thumb is to first create your own outline using your knowledge and expertise. Then fill in the gaps with AI’s help.

You don’t have to give AI your outline, unless you want to. You can just see what it creates. But if you want to, you can prompt AI like this: “I’m creating a blog post on exercises people can start with for mindful eating. Give me ideas of what else to include that I may have missed.”

Once you get the results back, you’ll want to review them and eliminate whatever you don’t want. It could also spur more ideas in you for good content you wish to be added to the post.

If you have your own outline, you can also prompt AI like this: “Based on the topics I want to include in this blog post, organize the content for the most logical order for the topics to unfold.”....

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