7-Part AI Content Training System - Must Have Solutions

7-Part AI Content Training System

Part #1: Picking, Training and Prompting AI Tools for Content Development

Welcome to the 7-part AI Content Training System! Your goal is to learn how to wield the power of artificial intelligence in order to make content marketing faster, easier and more effective.

This systematic training is going to take you through the entire process, showing you how to work with AI for a variety of content options that include blog posts, email autoresponders, lead magnets, copywriting, social media and more.

By the end of this training, you should have a firm grasp on how to open up any of your favorite AI tools and work with it as your assistant to put you on the path to publishing excellence.

To begin, we’re going to start with getting familiar with the various AI tools you have at your disposal, and show you how to train them for what you want and prompt them for what you need.

Then, each lesson after this one will cover a specific form of content marketing, followed by a tutorial on using AI to improve content performance through the use of analysis and predictive measures. Let’s get started!

Choosing AI Tools That Work Best for You

One thing you need to know is that you’re not stuck with any one AI tool. In fact, many online entrepreneurs often work with multiple tools at once, giving them a broad spectrum of ideas and polished work.

This is especially helpful during the brainstorming and research phase, because the tools can all deliver unique and very different options for you to choose from. Some of the most popular AI tools for content development include:

  • ChatGPT
  • Gemini
  • Claude
  • Perplexity

These are usually used for text-based content, but then you can also create images on some of them that use DALL-E. Others for images include Midjourney, Ideogram, etc. Then you have video AI tools as well as audio options.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we’re going to stick to text platforms. You can then take your content and repurpose it or add multimedia elements to it using other forms of artificial intelligence if you want.

All of these options have free use unless you want to upgrade to have more options. When you do upgrade, you might find that you not only get better content and ideas, but more use of the tool without limitations.

Everyone reading this report has their own specific needs and goals for their niche content. You want to sign up for a free account on each AI tool and play around with it to see how it does in addressing your niche topic.

Perplexity is actually an AI search tool, but it does have the ability to create content for you, too. Still, it might be the tool you like for research, while Gemini is the brainstorm beast and Claude and ChatGPT do a great job of writing and editing.

Train AI to Be a Stand-In for You

You may or may not be well-versed in terms of generating polished content, even if you have all the time in the world. But you still know what kind of voice you want to have representing your business and brand.

Or, you might be someone who does a great job creating content, but the sheer volume of it needed to compete online is overwhelming. Either way, you can train AI to be the voice you prefer.

AI tools can be trained with your own writing or with someone else’s. For example, if you have a swipe file of preferred copywriting on sales pages you’ve seen, you can attach that to an AI prompt and tell it to learn and mimic that style.

Or perhaps you have a specific casual, friendly way you create emails for your list. Share some of those to teach AI how it should write when it’s crafting email autoresponders for you.

You can also train AI on ideology that you want it to use. With many niche topics, it’s presented from a certain perspective. You might be someone who wants to emphasize the benefits of multiple streams of income – or someone who doubles down on the fact that people should focus on one thing and do it well.

You have to teach and train AI (or at the very least prompt it) so it knows what to do for you when you submit a request. You can attach items, copy and paste it into your prompt area, or just add a few instructions to your prompts, like we’ll see shortly.

Training can also be done with custom GPTs. If you have a paid version of ChatGPT, you can create and train a specialized custom GPT that is dedicated to your niche or content purpose that always creates the kind of content you want.

An example of this might be a self help custom GPT, one that specializes in marketing excellence, or a fitness topic GPT. You might also create GPTs that are tailored for short-form content, sales copy, or casual emails.

Prompting AI for General Purposes

In each subsequent lesson, you’re going to see very specific prompt examples to create certain types of content. But let’s talk about general prompting. You have to strike the right balance between being specific with what you need and limiting the freedom of creativity for AI.

As you work with these tools, you’ll begin to recognize patterns that it has that immediately let people know you’re using artificial intelligence. For example, AI tends to use phrases like “In the realm of…” often at the beginning of a sentence.

So you might instruct it to not use pre-text in sentences. Another thing it has a propensity to do is use lists rather than paragraphs. You have to instruct your AI tool to use paragraphs if the tool you’re using delivers nothing but lists and bulletpoints.

Length is another common instruction you’ll need to specify in your prompt. If you just tell AI to write an article, it might give you 350 words when you were hoping for 1,500. Even when specifying, it can come up short, so you might want to overshoot your requirement so you get the length you need.

Style is important. You might have a certain tone or voice you want given to the content. A survival pieces, for example, might have a serious and somber tone. A fitness piece might be more motivational.

You can tell AI if you want professional, casual or academic content, too. Test the tools you’re using to see what type of content they deliver. For example, when prompted to show me the difference between these three tones, here’s what ChatGPT shows you:

  • Casual: Starting an online business is a great way to make money from home and turn your passion into profit.
  • Professional: Launching an online business offers a flexible opportunity to monetize your skills and expertise while reaching a global audience.
  • Academic: Establishing an online business provides a framework for leveraging digital platforms to engage in commerce, potentially facilitating scalable and location-independent economic activities.

All of them can get the job done, but how you project your expertise will determine whether people feel confident following your advice. Next, we’re going to learn how to use AI for blog content marketing purposes.

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